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3S5 <br /> ��E]E� R�C ��� �T�. 7� <br /> ----------- rxe�ucusnxeco.-7624 -Y---- -_�---- -------------- - <br /> i� <br /> Ir�ARRANTY DEED <br /> � F'orm lOg _ � <br /> �!Department of Dommeroe � <br /> ;Radio Division <br />' ';( 1�ARRANTY DEI�D T� T�iE UNIT�D STATES. <br /> , _ <br />, ; � <br /> ��THIs I�DENTURE, _made the F?} day of April, 3a the year of our Lord ninet�en hundred and thirty�►fo <br /> '! h TAT <br /> �,b�tween A.F.B�techler aad Charles W.Amidcjn, Joint Trustees, of the first part, and t e U�ITEJ� S <br /> iI <br /> 'OF AM�ftICA, party of the second part, Witnesseth,, that the parties of :the first part, for an <br /> I <br /> `I in coneideration of the sum of SIX HUNDRED, lawful money of the Uaited 8tates, to them ia <br /> ;�hand paid bq the said party of the seQOnd part, at or before the ensealing and deliverp of these <br /> !Ipreeents, the receipt �hereof is hersby acknowledged, and the said party of the sevond part for- <br /> ;� ever released and discharged from the same, by these preseAts, have granted, bargained, aold, <br /> ;i <br /> `� aliened, remised, released, conveyed, and confirmed, and by these presenta do grant, baxgain, sel <br />, �� <br /> ;� alien, remise, release, oonvey, and oonfirm, unto the said party of the seoond pazt, and ta their <br /> � assi�ns forever, a1I that tract, pieoe, or parcel of land situate� lying, and being ia �LL �OU�'t , <br /> : $T�T� 4�' I�EBRAS�A, and bounded and deseribed as follows; The south ten (10) acres of the �orth- <br /> ;' west qua.rter of the south�est qua�ter of 8ection Fifteen (15) , in Township �leven (11) l�orth of <br /> i <br /> iiRan�e Ten (l0) �est of _the 8iath Prineipal Meridian. _ <br /> ; <br /> !lTogether with��all and aingular the tenementa, hereditaments, and appurtenanceg thereunto belong- <br /> i� <br /> �iing, or in snyv►ise appertaining, and �he reversion and revereions, remainder �nd remainders, rent <br /> �! <br /> ; issues, and profits thereo�; AND AL�O all the estate, right, title,interest property, possessi.on, <br /> '� <br /> claim and demand v►hatsoever, aa well in law as in equity, of the s aid parties of the first part, <br /> i <br /> of, in,_ a�d to the_ same, and eeery part and parQel thereof, with the appurtenances: TO HAVE AND T <br /> ,I HOLD the above granted, baxgained,srnd desaribed premisee, with the appurteaanoes, unto the said <br /> '� partq of the seaond part arid their assigns, to their -oa�n proper use, benefit, and behoof s forever I <br /> . I, <br /> �� AND THE 9AID A.F.Bueehler and Charles �.Amidon, Joint ��rustees, their heirs, ezecutors, and admin <br /> �� <br /> ij i strators , do covenant, grant, and agree to and with the said party_of the s econd pa.rt, and tbeir <br /> i� <br /> i, assi�ns, that the �id A.�'.Buechler and Charles i�.Amidon, Joint Trustees, at the t ime of the seal- <br /> ;� <br /> ;� ing and delivery of these pre�ents were la�fullp seized in themselves, of a good, abaolute, and <br /> ;; indefeasible estate of inheritance, in fee simple, of and in all and eingular the above-granted <br /> I� <br /> �� and described premiaes, with the a,ppurtenances and have good right, full power, and lar►ft�1 author <br /> ' <br /> i� ity: to grant, b�rgai�, sell, and aon�ey the same, in m�ynner aforesaid; And that the said party <br /> , ;� of the second part, and their assi�ns, ehall, and may at all times hereafter,, peaoably and quietl <br /> � 'I <br /> % �� have, hold, use, occupq, possess, and en�oq the above-granted premises, and every part and parcel <br /> �� thereof, with the appurtenances, �ithout any let, suit, trouble, molestation, eviction, or distur <br /> ; ance of the said part of the first part, or their as�i�ne, or of any other person or persone l�w- <br /> il <br /> �, fully cl�iming or to �laim the same. And that the same now are free, clear, disoharg�d, and un- <br /> !� enciumbered of and from a11 Pormer and other gra.nts, titles, charges, estates, judgments, tauee, <br /> 3, <br /> ;f assessments, and encumbrancee, of what nature or kind soe�er. :_ <br /> j� AND ALS(? that the said partiss of 't�ie first part, and the3r, and all a,nd everp pereon or <br /> R �I <br /> jI persons whomsoever, lawfullp or equitably deriving any estate, right, title, or interest, of, in, <br /> ;' or to the hereinbefore-granted premises, by, from, under, or in truat for them, sh�.11 aud will, <br /> li at any time or tf.mes hereafter, upon the reaeonable request, and at the proper coet and charges <br /> �'; in the law, of the said party of the seeond part, or their assigns, ma,ke, do, and eaeoute, or ca e <br /> ,, <br /> ; to be made, done, and execsuted, �all and every such further and other lawful and reasonable acts, <br /> ;i conveyances, and e,esurances 1n the law, for the better and more effectuallq vesting end confirmi <br /> ij the premises hereby �ra.nted or so intended to be, in and to the said party of the second part <br /> i� <br /> � ;� and their aseigns forever , as by the eaid partq of the seeond party, or their assigne, or the3r <br /> � . <br /> �( eounsel lea,rned in the law, shall be reaeonably advised or required; , <br /> '` And the said A.F.Bv.echler and Charles W.Amidon, Joint Trustees, their h�irs, the above-described <br /> i <br /> 'j <br /> . i <br /> � <br />