<br /> ���E� �.�CO�� 1�T�. �4
<br /> -_____-__ --- __ ___ __- __ _ . ____ _--_ - .____._� --_�:_�______________----------_- ---_ _-----�--_�_ i---__-
<br /> ' of the Farmers State Ba:nk, �food River, Nebraska, and Nettie A.Rounds, v�ife of E.T.Rounds, Emma ��
<br /> Luebs: wife of John Luebs, and �ora S.Sherrerd, wife of �.A.Sherxerd, to me kno�sn to be the iden-��. '
<br /> tical persons whose names �re affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantors, and severallp ack-;
<br /> ' no�vled�ed the same to be their voluntary aet and deed.
<br /> Witness my hand .and Notarial 3ea1 the day and year la�t abone written.
<br /> � D.D.48ane �
<br /> (SEAL) Notary Publie ,;
<br /> �dy t74mmi,s�.i�sn �xpires the ��'day of Jany 1936.
<br /> Filed for record this 7th da.y of July, �933, at 9:00 o�clock A.M. �•G�����-�-�,� -
<br /> �' Register og Dee a
<br /> 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�J-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-fl-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�
<br /> QUIT CLAI3� D�ED
<br /> THAT 1�chie L.Bradstreet and Helen Bradstreet, Husband and Wife, of the County of Hall and State qf
<br /> BTebraska for the consideration of One Dollar and other consideration, hereby Quit Claim and convey'r
<br /> unto Union Loan and 3avings 1�ssQCiation af the County of Lancaster and State of Nebraska, all of !
<br /> �
<br /> our ri$ht, title and interest of whatsoever nature, in a.nd to the following described Real Estate�
<br /> situated in the Countq of Ha1 1 and State of Nebraska, to-�it:
<br /> Lot Eight (�) , in Block Nine (9) of W�.11ich�s Addition to the Cit�r of Grand Island,Nebraska, as ��
<br /> surveyed, platted and recorded.
<br /> $ubjeet to eneumbrance of record. �
<br /> ' IIQ �'ITNESS 9�iEREOF, we hane hereunto set our hands this 17th day of �ay, 1933.
<br /> �Pi.tness: Archie L.Bradstreet
<br /> C.T.Flower Helen Bradstreet '
<br /> '� 3TATE OF NEBRASKA ) 0� this 17th day of May A.D. 1933� before me, the underaigned, a Notary �;
<br /> ss
<br /> , HALL COUidTY � Public in and for said county, personally eame Archie L.Bradstreet and
<br /> Helen Bradetreet, Husband and V�ife, vaho are personally k�ovan to me to be the identical per�on�
<br /> whose narr,es --- affixed to the above instrument as grantors and they severally acknowledged the
<br /> euecution of said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. �
<br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, the date aforesaid.
<br /> C.T.Flower
<br /> ��� (3EAL) Notarq Public �
<br /> �Y Commissiou .Expires September 9th, 1937. �
<br /> Filed for record this lOth day of July, 1933, at 1�:30 o�clock A.�. ���
<br /> Reg�st er of Dee s
<br /> o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c--ao-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-a-o-ao-o-o-o-ao-o-a-o-o-o '''`
<br /> THAT Mrs. Agnes Ba}�er and R.P.Baker, _ her husband, of the County of Chelan and 3tate of 9Pashington
<br /> for the consideration of One and No/100 DOLLARS, herebv Quit Cla.im and convey unto Dt�s. Anna B.
<br /> Stickler of the Coun�y of Lincoln and State of Nebraska, all of_our right, title and interest of 4
<br /> , whatsoever nature, in and to the following described Real Estate, situated in the County of Hall ':
<br /> and State of Nebraska, to-�rit;
<br /> , 1�n undivided �ne-half interest in Lots Seven (7) and Eight (�) in Bloek Thirty (30) , and Lot Four ';i
<br /> (4) in Block Forty (40) of Packer and Barr�s Scoond Addition to the City of Grand Island, i€ebrask�,.
<br /> I�T WITNESS �HERHOF, we have hereunto set our hands this 2�th day of Februarq 1933.
<br /> V�itness: Mrs. Agnea Haker
<br /> R.E.Beatty Mr. R.P.Baker
<br /> H.D.Thomas.
<br /> � 3TATE OF VPASHII�GTOI� ) On this 20th da,y of February A.D. 1933, before me, the undersigned, a
<br /> �i 88
<br /> CHELAN COUNTY 3 Notary Public in and for said coun�y, person�,lly came Mrs. Agnes Baker �
<br /> ;'. and R.P.Baker, her husband, who are personally known to me to be the identical persons whose na.me�
<br /> ;i
<br /> �;
<br /> are affixed to the above instrument as grantors and they severally acknowledged �he execution of
<br /> �'' said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. :
<br /> ':�
<br /> Witness my.hand and Notarial 3ea1 �he date a.foresaid. R.E.Beatty !
<br /> My f�ommission Expires �darch 22, 1�3 . (SEAL) No ary blic y
<br /> �i Filed for record this l�th day of July� 1�33, at �-:30 o� clock P.M. ��-�� � ��
<br />� it _ Re�i�t ex of eeda ii
<br />