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� � <br /> 90 <br /> �]ElE� ��C ��.� �T�. �4 <br /> ___----_______ ___-- --___ _ __ _ ___ _ _________ _ _- -----.----__________ ----_________ _------____________ _________.----------_____---- <br /> TXE AUG USTINE C0.-7G24 <br /> V9itness r�y h�,nd and Notarial Sea,l at Linccln, in saia caunty, the day �,nd year last above �rit�en� <br /> Cecile Snapp <br /> , (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My U�on�ission exr�ires the 3rd; c?�.y of May, 1935• <br /> Filed for record this lOth day of May, z933, at 1.�:00 0� c�ock A.M. ' <br /> , ,. <br /> �,���G��«�-,� <br /> Re�ister of Deeds � <br /> ao-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-c�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--�-c-o-o-a-o-o-o-c;�-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-acj-o--t�-a <br /> WARRAT�TY DEED. <br /> RNOI� ALL MEN BY THESE PR�'SENTS: <br /> THAT �.C.Baker and Dalyce Baker, husbancl and vcife, �nd J.E.Kutscher and �Iadelon Kutscher, husbanc� <br /> and v�ife, �f the County of H�,ll and State of Neb�aska, =or and in consideration of the aum of <br /> $29.50 T�venty-Nine Do11�.rs and Fifty Cents D�;�LLARS, in h�nd p�id do hereby gran�,, sell, <br /> . <br /> convey and o�nfirm unto Jesse Parker of the Gounty of ---- �z�d St�,te of Nebraska, the following <br /> described real esta�ce situ�.tea in Grand I�l�.nd, in Hall County, �nd. State of Nebraska, tc�-wit: <br /> Rlorth one-i�alf of Lot (5) Five in Block (20) T�enty of Scarff+ s Addition to �est La.aPn, a plot <br /> of land 26 f eet in �ridth and no� less than 17�- f eet long. <br /> . <br /> This conveyance is subject to the followin� reservations at�d restrictions � <br /> (1) Th�.t there shall never be erected or maintained u�on any lo-� covered by -��iis contract a - <br /> residence cost3ng less th�.n fifteen hundred dollars or shall such a building 1�e �onstructed or <br /> maintained other than for a one or t��ro family residence. <br /> (2) The construction of Garages and out buildin�s shall not be prohibited by this res�Griction but <br /> such Garages a�d out buildin�;s sha12 never h:e oceuaied for resid�nce property pr3.or to the con- <br /> struction of the residence above described. <br /> (3) None of the above described lots shall ever be used for buisness, traae,mechan.ical, mani�,f�,c- <br /> turin� or m�rchantile puryaoses. <br /> (4) No r�sidence shall ever be exected or main�Gained on any of the of the described lots within � <br /> f'or�;y feet of the front Iine of said lot or lots. <br /> (5) No lot or lots as above described �hall ever be sold, leased or occupied by any person except�! <br /> of the r�hite race. <br /> (6) No sign for advertisin� pur�os�s shall b� erected or �laced thereon. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD t��e premises above described, �ogether v�i�ch �.11 the Ten�ments, Hereditaments ' <br /> and a��urten�,nces thereunto l�elonoing unto the said Jesse Parker and to hi� or her heirs and ; <br /> assigns forever. <br /> And �ae do hereby covenant v�ith the said Grantees and with our heirs and assigns, th�,t we ---- <br /> l�,�rfully seized of said �remi�es; that they axe free from eneu.mbrance, th�,t �e h�,ve good right � ` <br /> and lawf�.7. ��.thority to sell the same; and we do hereby covenant to �rarrant and deferid the title ' <br /> to said premises against the la��vful claims of a1Z persons w�iomsoever. <br /> And the said hereby relinquishes all in and to the;! <br /> �.bove described pre�mises. <br /> . <br /> i ned hi 6th d of� <br /> 9 t s a A ril A.D. 1 . <br /> . , <br /> g Y I� 933 , . J. 0 Baker <br /> Dalyce Baker <br /> In presence of J.E.Kutscher <br /> Clair Grimes. �dadelon Ku.tscher <br />, STATE OF DTEBR. � On this 6th day of April A.D. 1933, before me, the undersigned, a Nota.ry . <br /> ss • <br /> Holt County � Pub3ic, dlaly commissioned and qualified for �,nd residing in s�.id Coun�y, k <br /> personally came �'. C.Baker �.nd D�,lyce Ba���er, husbanc� anci ro�ife, to me knot�n to be the iaentical <br /> er an �vr:o n�n f 'x d h f or in 'n ru <br /> s s s e ea f�. e to t E e o z st ment <br /> �, as ra,ntors and acknovvle d h <br /> P � � � t e e�.me <br /> g � <br /> to be their voluntar ac� and �eed. <br /> Y <br /> Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year last above writ�en. . <br /> Clair Grimeg <br /> (SEAL) Notary Public <br /> My corr.niission expires the 26 day of Jan. 1935. <br /> STAT�� OF NEBR. ) On thi� 6th day of April, A.D. 1933, be�'ere me, the und.ersi�ned Clair <br /> ss. <br /> HOLT COUNTY � Grinles, a Notasy I'ublie du3y eo�!r�issioned �,nd qu�.lified �or a.nd residzn� ;�n <br /> J <br /> s . ____.. . . _ . � 9 � . <br />