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<br /> �
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<br /> TXEAUGUSTINECO 7624 ____�_.._�_._�-_.�.._.��._.._-�-.--.----_..___.__--.---._____.--.� �-�__�.___�..-_.;��... � -.��.-
<br /> said Caurt to rim directed, did, on the 3rd da,y of Februar,y, A-D. 1933� at the north door of the ''
<br /> court house in the ci'�y of Grand Isl�.n�, in sai� Coun'�y of Hall, (the same bein.� the place v�herei�
<br /> the Di�trict Court was last held in saicl County) , having first given due and legal notice of the
<br /> time and place Oi Sa,ld sale, for not less than thirty days prior thereto , in Lhe Grand Island
<br /> Daily Independent, a legal nev�spaper printed and in �ener�,l circulation ir} said Coun�y of Hall, ;
<br /> sell the said premises �.t public auction to Lloyd �?.Hov�e, Guardian for Orren Howe, (he being �the
<br /> highest and best bidder therefor) for the sum of Two thousand eight hundred and 00/100 DOLLARS,
<br /> which sale e�as afterw�.rds at the Februr:Vry Term of said Court, A.D. ,�.933, examined and confirmed, y
<br /> and the said Daniel Sanders, as Sheriff of said County, v�as ordered to execute a deed of said .
<br /> premises to the said. Lloyd N.Howe, Guardian for Orren Ho�ve,
<br /> NO�d, THEREFORE, I, the said Daniel Sanders , as Sherif�' of Hall County, Nebraska, in pursuance of �
<br /> �
<br /> the order of said Court, as aforesaid, in consideration of the premises, and by virtue of the
<br /> w r m vested b 1 �r do hereb ive, rant, and conve un�o the eaid Llo d B�.Hot�e, Gua.rdia� ?
<br /> o e s in e a Y Y
<br /> �
<br /> p Y Y g g
<br /> for Orren Howe, his heixs, �.nd assigns, the premises sold as aforesaid, to-v�it: All of
<br /> A r ectangular strip of land measurin� 610.65 f e�t North and South off the South ei�e of the South�
<br /> east Quaxter of the Northeast Quarter (SE� of NE4) of Section Nineteen (19} in Township Ten (10) �
<br /> North of Range Eleven (11) t�est of the Sixth P.M. excepting the Union Pacific Railway Company�s
<br /> right of v�ay ex�ending in a southv�esterly airection through said tr�,ct, and containing, exclusive
<br /> of said right of u�a�, 13. 6 acres, and som� time other�rise described as the south 610.6 feet of
<br /> uT
<br /> the Southeast Quarter (SE�) of the Northeas�G Qua.rter (NE�) of said Section Nineteen (19�
<br /> with a.11 �nd singul�.r �he ap�urtances thereunto belongin�, to have and to hold unto him the said
<br /> Lloyd �.Howe, Guardian for Orren Ho�rre, and his heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHE_REOF, I have, as such Sheriff of �Iall County, Nebraska, l7ereunto set my hand this
<br /> lst d� of March, A. D. ,1933.
<br /> Daniel Sanders
<br /> Egecu�.ed and Delivered in Pre�ence of �v°3•00 I.R.Stamps Sheriff of Hall County.
<br /> Margaret Vick Cancelled ,
<br /> THE STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On this lst day of March�, A.D. ,1;�33, before me Clinton E.John, a
<br /> as.
<br /> HALL COUNTY - 3 Clerk of the District Court duly Elected and qualified f or said �
<br /> County, personally a�pear�d Daniel Sanders , Sheriff of said Count;y, to me kno��n �o be the identic�,l
<br /> person described in a.nd �no executed the fore�oing instrur�ent as grantor, and ackno�rlEdged said ` ,
<br /> i:
<br /> instrument to be his voluntary act and deed as such Sheriff. � �
<br /> ,
<br /> IN WTTNESS ti'�HEREOF, I nu,ve hereun-to set my hand and Official seal at Grand Island, in said County�
<br /> b
<br /> ; the day and year las� above v�ritten. Clinton E.John .
<br /> (SEAL) C7.erk of the District Court. �
<br /> ' Filed for record this 23 day of Ma,rch, 1933, at 11:15 otclock A.M. '
<br /> O�r�� C/�
<br />; � � eglster of De ds '; ,� � �
<br /> '! 0-0-0-0-C--0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-0-0-C-Q-0-0-0-0-0-C�-�-0-C-0-�-0--0-0-Q-0-C-0-0-C,-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0,� �
<br /> ' REFEREE� S DEED
<br /> �
<br /> KN�;�' ALL 1.�.EN I3Y `�'H��E PR�'S�'NTS: Th�.t, where�.s, in wn action oi p�.r-tition oendin� in the Distxict ; ,
<br /> ` Court of Hall County, Nebr�.s'�a, �RJher�-:in Fxank P.Knox, and Harry Grirrlmin�er, Executor of the estatie
<br /> �' of Viola Knox, are plaintiffs , ?nd Cha,rles Thomas Knox, Ida Knax, Dell Knox,Ora Jelesa Ladd,
<br /> iV�il.liam Munroe, Bess Munroe, John Munroe, Mae J�unxoe, Frank Munroe, Loretta Munroe, Evere�t Ells-;
<br /> �orth Knox, �ella Munroe t�isdom; Thornas S�isdorn, Fannie Munroe; Fry, H��rry Fry, l�artha �unroe "�illi�.ms,
<br /> John Wil7.�ams, Hazel �t��ie�e, Geor�e udiese, Norma Munrae, Philip T�unroe, �. minor, and C1eo Munroe, �. '
<br /> minor , ��esley Knox, Ella Knox, Ellis Lee Knox, Laura Knox, Tilden Knox, Verna Knox, Forest G.Kno�', �
<br /> `: and Eva Knox, are defendan�s, for the partition of the premisES nereinafter described, the under-;
<br /> ' signed Referees, duly a�c���ointed by said Court to make p�rti�ion of said re��,l estate, made t�eir
<br /> re�ort in �rriting, duly signed, set-�in� forth that partition of sai� re�.l e state co�.ld not be mad�e
<br /> ; withou-t great -r�rejudice to the oe�n�ers thereof, v�hich re�ort v�as duly examinEd by the Court, and
<br /> ' said Court b ein�; satisfied therewith, confirmed the same, and thereupon made an order directing i
<br /> .
<br /> �;he undersigned Refexees to sell s�.id �remises far cash. , Y
<br /> ' And i�. pursuance of s�,id orcler, the undersigned Ref erees caused a notice to be published in the
<br /> .
<br /> ` Grand Isl�,nd Daily In�ependent, a, daily news�aper �rin�ed and in �eneral eirculatian in Hall
<br /> �
<br /> ii --_____ i� �
<br />