<br /> �]E�E� �.�E C �]�� 1�T�. ��
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<br /> ----______._._._------------.-- --- ----_�------
<br /> _______ _ ___.
<br /> � � THEAUGUSTINECO.-7F)ZQ` �
<br /> ' assigns; so that neither I the sa,id grantor, or any person in my n�.me and behalf , shall or will ��
<br /> hexeafter claim or demand any right or title to the said premises or any part thereof, bu� they a�d
<br /> every one of them shall by these presents be excluded and forever b�.rred.
<br /> IN �ITNESS �fHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hexeunto set his hand and seal the d.ay
<br /> and y�ar above written.
<br /> R�.R.9Pilliams
<br /> �
<br /> Signed, sealed and delivered in pre�ence of
<br /> B.J. Cunningham
<br /> i
<br /> ' STATE OF NEBRASKA ) c�n this 9th day of September, A.D. 19�2, before me, the undersigned
<br /> ss.
<br /> HALL COUNTY � B.J.Cunningha.m, a Notary Public duly commissioned and quali�'ied for and �'
<br /> residing in said County, personally came I�.R.Williams , husband of �he grantee , herein to me kno���n '
<br /> ta be the identical person v�hose name is af_Fixed to the foregoing instrument as gra,ntor and ack- �
<br /> nowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed..
<br /> �'itness my hand and Notarial Seal the day a,nd year last above �ritten.
<br /> (SEAL) B.J.Cunningham
<br /> My commission expires the 5th day of August ; 5, 1935. Notary Public
<br /> Filed for record this 13th day of January, 1�33, at 9:40 otclock A.M. ���� '
<br /> �
<br /> Regi ster of Dee s ;,,i
<br /> o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o--o-o-o-o-o-c-e-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-c-o-o-o-o-o-=�
<br /> That Whereas, in an action in the District Court of the Eleventh Judicial District of Ne'braska,
<br /> ;
<br /> avithin and for H�.1I County, ��herein The Pruden�ial Insurance Company of America, a cor�oration,
<br /> r,ras Plaintiff, and Nils Christensen and �artha Christensen, were Defend�,nts, it was by said Court;
<br /> at tne October Term thereof , A. D. �1.93z, to-�vit, on �he llth day of January A.D. ,1932, considered
<br /> adjudged, and decreed that in default of the payment to the C1erk of the District Court of -the
<br /> '�
<br /> costs of sa.id action, and to The Prudential Insurance Gompany of �nerica,, a cor�oration, the sum :'
<br /> of �2533.�9 �rith interES� thereon from January Ilth, 1932 at the rate of 10 per cent �cithi.n tti�ent�r
<br /> days from the da�e of such judgment and decree, that the equi-ty of redemption of eaeh and all of � .
<br /> said defendan�cs in and to tne lands and tenements hereinafter deseribed be foreclosed and �orevFr`t .
<br /> barred, �,�.d that tne Shexi�'f of said Hall Coun�;y e�.use the lands and tenements hexeinafter des-
<br /> ' cribed to be advertised, and �ol�l accordin� to law; and v�hereas the said defendants having made
<br /> defa�ult therein, Da,niel Sanders, as Sheriff of said County, under �,nd by virtue of the order of �
<br /> ' said Court to him directed, did, on the 16th day of November, A.D. 1932, at the nor�h door of the!�
<br /> court house in the ci�y of Grand Island, in said County of Hall, (the same beir�g the pl�,ce �aherei�h
<br /> the �istrict Court was last held in s�.id County) , having first given due and legal notice of the ! � :
<br /> time and place of said sale, for not less than thirty da.ys prior thereto, in the Grand Island, '
<br /> Dai1y Independent, a legal newspaper printed and in general circul�tion in said County of Hall, !i
<br />,
<br /> � sell the said premises at public auction to `The Prudential Insu-ra.nce Company, of America, a cor- �
<br /> , poration, (it being the highest and best bidder therefor) for the s�.rn of T�vo thousand five hun- 'i
<br /> _ ;
<br /> ;�
<br /> dred and 00/100 DOLLARS, which sale �as afterwaxds at the October Term oi said Court, A.D. ,1932, �
<br /> examined and confirmed, and the said Daniel Sanders, as Sheriff of said Coun�y, v�as ordered to ;+ � _ �'�"�
<br /> execute a deed af said premises to the said The Prudential Insurance Company, of Ameriea, a cor ;
<br /> ;�
<br /> ;, poration, ,;
<br /> NOW, TH�l �'FORE, I, the said Daniel Sanders, as Sheriff of Hall County, Nebraska, in pursuance of �; -
<br /> ��
<br /> ? the order of said Court, as aforesaid, in consideration of the premises, and by vir�ue of the
<br /> 'i
<br /> ;
<br /> powers in me vested by law, do hereby give, grant, and convey unto the said The Prudential.. In- '�'
<br /> surance Comp�.ny, of Amexica, a corporation, its successors and assigns , the premises sold as afori;e- . •
<br /> sai d, �o-�vit: All of
<br /> �ar�. of Lot 1 of the Coun�ty Sub-Division of the 329E� Seetion Six�een, Townahip Eleven, North, ;
<br /> Ran e Nine, West of the 6th P.M. , more particularly described as follo�gs, to-tvit: Beginning at '
<br /> g
<br /> the S'� corner of said Lot 1, runnin� thence nor�hv�esterly on the westerly boundaxy line of said i
<br /> Lot l, a dis wance of ��.� feet, �heilce turning a riglzt ang7.e and running northeasterly on a line ;;
<br /> para11e1 with the southerly boundary line oi said Lot 1 to a point on the �Pest boundary line of �`
<br /> , Locust Street, �hence South on the i�esterly boundary line of Locust Street to a point ori the ;;
<br /> ;i
<br /> i� ��
<br />