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.. ;I:r <br /> . ' �_•� '. <br /> . . � ' . . - . .,_. . - <br /> I _.. ._....._....""_'._�._.. .. . <br /> tg7-��.��.o�� _ �.. . ' � :. <br /> 1 (d) Grnntor hae tho riglit antl is duly authorizotl to oxocuto and perionn its Oblipations under this Dood ot Trust and thoso eclions do nat and <br /> ahall not confllot with the provislons of any etatute, rogulatlon,ordlnanco,rulo of low,contract or othar agroomont whicli mey bo binding on <br /> j prentar at any tlmo; _ <br /> � (e) No actlon or proceeding la or ahall bo pending or threate�ed which might meterinily aNect the Proporty;and <br /> (f) (3rantor hae not vlolated and ahall not vlolote uny statute,reguiatlon,ordlnance, rule of law,contract or othor agreemant(including,but not � <br /> I ilmited to,those governing Hnzardoua Materluls)which might mstorlally nfteCt the Property or Lender's rights or Int9rest In tho Property pursuant [: <br /> to thls Deod ot Trust. <br /> � 3. PRIOR DEEDS bF TRtlST. Grantor roprosents and warrante that there ere no prior deeda of truat aHecting any purt ot the Proparty except as set <br /> I forth on Schedule B attached to thia Daed ot Tru�t,ti•+hlch(irnntar agraas to pay nnd perform In n timely mannor. If thure sro any prlor deeds of truat . <br /> then Orantor agreas to pay all amounta owed,and pertorm all obllgatlone requlred,under auCh deeds of trust and tho Indebtadness secured Ihereby <br /> and further agrees that a delault under any prior deed ot trust shsll be a detault under thls Deed of Tnist and ahall entitlo Lender to all rights and <br /> remeAlea contalned heroln or In the Obllgations to whlch Lender wouid be entitled In the event of any other default. <br /> ' 4. TRANSFERS OF THH PROPEq7Y OR BENHFICIAL INTERESTS IN(iRANTORS OR BORROWERS. In the event ot a sale,conveyance,lease, <br /> contract for deed or trensfer to any peraon of all ar any part of the reel property described In Schedule A,or any interast thereln,or of all or any <br /> beneticlsl Intereat in Eorrawer or Orantor(if Bcxrower or Grantor le not a natural porson or persons but is a corporatlon,limited Ilability company, <br /> � partnership,trust,or other legal entity),lsnder may,at Its option declare tho outstanding princlpal balance of the Obllgetlons pluo acarued intereat <br /> � thereon Irnmedlately duo and payable. At Lender's request,Orant�r or Borrower,as the case may be,ehall furnlsh a comp�ote statemont aotting torth <br /> ali of its atockhaldere,members,or partners,as approprlate,and the�xtent of their respective ownership Interests. <br /> 5. AS5IGNMHNT OF RENTS. In conslderation of the Obligatlons,which are aecured by thls Oeed ot Trust,Cirantor absolutely assigns to Lender ali <br /> � (3rantor's estate,right,title,Interest,clnim and dAmand now owned or hereefter acqulred in ail existing and tuture leases of the Property (Includlng <br /> I extenalons,renewals and subleaseal,all agroements for uee and occupancy ot the Property(all such leasea and egroementa whether written or oral, <br /> sre hereafter refarred to as tho"Leases'►,and ali guarantiea of lessees'periormance under the Leases,together with the Immedlete and contlnuing <br /> 1 right to colleot and recelve all of the rents,Income,receipts,revenues,Issues,profite and otner Income ot any nature now or hereafter due (Including '��, <br /> 1 any Income of any nature coming due during any redemptlon perlod)under the Leases or from or arising out of the Property induding minlrnum ; _''� <br /> I rents,addltional rents, percentage renta,parking or common area malntenance contributlona,tax and Inauranco contrlbutiona,deficlency rents, , . <br /> 1 Ilquidated damageo following detault In any Lease, ali procaeds payable under any poiloy of inaurance covedng loss of renta resulting from r::��`� <br /> 1 untenantabllity causod by destructlon or damuge to the Proparty,all proceeds payable ae a reault of a lossoo'�exercise of an option to purchase the :__- <br /> Property,all proceeds derived from the terminatlon or reJeotion of any Lease In a bankruptoy or othar Insolvency proceeding,and ail proceede from <br /> any rlghts and claims of any kind which firantor may have agalnst any leasee under the Lea3es or any occupanta of the Property(all of the above ara `! <br /> 111 heroafter collectivoly roforred to as the'Rente"). This assignmont Is subJect to the right,power and authority given to the Lender to coliect and epply ��.��,� — <br /> , I the Rents. This assignment ia recorded In accordance with appllcable atate law;the Ilen created by thls assignmont is Intended to be speclilc, . .� __��_ <br /> I perfected,and choate upon tho recording of thla Deed of Trust,sll as provided by appllCable atate law as amended from time to tlme. A�long as :.�� �.�:�-�—�� <br /> thoro Is no default under the Obligations or thls Deed of Trust,Lundor granta Grantor a revooable ilcense to coilect aIi Renta from the Leases whan . :r _ <br /> � due and to use nuch proceeds in GrantoPs business operations. However,Lender may at any time require�rantor to deposlt ail Renta Into an _ <br /> ��` � account malntalned by Grantor or Lender at Lender's Institutlon. Upon default In the payment of,or in the periormance ot,any ot the Obllgatlona, '�•••:�.� Y�• �Y_ <br /> ' � Lender may at its optlon take possess lon o f t he Prape r t y a n d h a v e,h o l d,m a n a g e,l e a s e e n d o p e r a t e t h e P r o p e rt y on terms and for a period of Hma ' `��---�_. <br /> � that I.ender deems proper. Lender may proceed to colleot and recelve all Rente trom the property,and Lender shall have full power to rn¢ke �, <br /> • ,L � altemHona,renovations,repairs or replacements to the Property as Lender may deem proper. Lender may appiy all Rents In Lender's sole discretlon '. <br /> �r` to payment of iha Obllgations or to the payment of the cost of such alterations,renovationa,repaire and replacements and any exPensea inGdent to <br /> taking and retalning possseaslon of the Property periodicaliy and the management and operetian of the Property. Lendor may keep the Pr.,perty <br /> _ � properly Insurod and may dlecharge any taxea,chargea,clalms,ssaeosments and other Ilens which may accrue. The expense and cost of these <br /> � aM���4 n,p�r,p naie�frnm tine Rents recelved,and eny unpald amounts ahall ba added to the principal of the Obllgationa. Theso amounts,together __ . 1 r�� <br /> ' with other costs,ahali become part of the Obllgatione secured by thls Deed ot Trust. � � <br /> 8. LEASES AND OTHER AGREEMENTS. �rantor ahall not taKe or fall to take any ection whlch may cause or permlt the terminatfon or tho ' �,. <br /> wfthhotding of any payment In connectlon wtth any Lease or othar agraement("AgreemenY)pertalning to the Property. In additlon,Grantor,without fA',.. <br /> Londer's prlor written Conaent,ahall not: (a)colleot any monles payable under any F�greement more than one month In advance; (b)modify any ''��t _'i'• <br /> .� Aereement; (o)assign or allow a Ilen,securl4y interest or other encumbrance to be placed upon Orentor's righta,title and Interest In and to any ,� <br /> Agrsement or the amounte payable thorounder;or(d)terminate or cancei any Agreement except for the nonpayment of any sum or other materlal ,;.:,��;= •, <br /> breach by the other party thereto. M Orsntor recelvas st sny time any written communicatlon esserting a default by�rantor under nn Agreemant or ��'-;•;., ",� <br /> ' purparting ta terminate or cancel any Agreement, �rantor shall promptly fonvard a copy of such communlcntlon (and any subsequant k_.:•,� j� <br /> _ communleatians relating thereto)to Lsndor. All such Agreemonts and tiie amounta due to Orantor thereunder are hereby asslgned to Lendar sa ,�.�_'��, <br /> additlonal aecurity for the Obllgatlone. ' <br /> - bu not LmRed o,�le eas,BCenDeees eoRer menta au hot,tles end�nauea ce companles)to pay lsnder�anytindebtedneas�rhobllgatlon owing o '�' � ' <br /> ' (3rantor wHh respect to the Property (cumulatively'Indebtedness")whether or not a detault exista undor thlo Deed of Truat. Grantor shall dlligently ...� . . � <br /> � possessl n�o anytlnstrumenta o�othert�em ttances with drespeat to the Indebtedness foUawitng the�giving of auch not ficartlon�opif healnstrrments or �' <br /> �; other remlttancea constitute tho prepayment ot any Indebtednesa or the payment ot any Insurance or condemnatton proceeda,Grantor shnll hold a��;_ <br />° such instruments and other remittancea In truat tor Lender epart from Ita other property,endorse the Instrumenta and other remlttancea to Lender, t � <br /> � �� and Immediatoly provida lander with possesslon of the Instrumenta and other remlttancea. Lender shail be entltled,but not roqulred,to collect(by rc�_ - <br /> 7� legal proceedinpe ar otherwlse),axtend the time for payment,compromlae,exchange or release any obil8or or coliatoral,or otherwise set�e any of �:R�== <br /> •i the Indebtedness whether or not an event of detauit exiets under this Agreement. Lender shali not be Ilablo to Ornntor tor any nctlon,error,mistnke, ��;._-;- <br /> � omisslon or delay pertaininp to the actions described In thle parapraph or any damages resulting therefrom. Notwithetanding the foregoinp,nothlne ��;�,'� <br /> '" ,�;<, herein shali cause Lender to be cleemed a mortgagee�in•possesston. ��°'"-°"�' <br /> .,�.� 8. USE ANO MAINTENANCE OF PROPERTY. Orantor shall take all aatlons and make any repairs needed to maintaln the Property In good ,__-_,- <br /> • ,�;�.� condltlon. Grantor shall not commft or permk c►ny waste to be committed with reapect to tho Properry. Qranior shail use the Property solety in =�„�,.-_ <br /> compIiancs with appllcablo law and Inaurance pollcles. Grantar shall not make any alteratfone,addltlons or Improvementa to the Propariy without '�.,uµ� <br /> " •� . LendePs prlor written consent. Without Iimiting the foregoing,all aiteraUons,addlUona and Improvementa made to the Property shall be subject to -�,��.��.- <br /> the beneflclal intereat balonging to Lender,shnll not he removed without Lander's prlor written consent,and ehall be made at Grantor's sole expense. <br /> � 3 ' 9. LOSS OR DAMAGE. �rantor shall bear the antiro riak of any losa,theft,deatruation or damage(cumulatively'Loss or Dumage")to t.� PropArty or ;;�^�riLL.T=`��'" <br /> _ � � any portlon theroof from any cause whatsoever. In the event of any Loss or Damage,(irnMOr shall,at tho optlon of Lender,repair the affecied .,�-,��, <br /> -- . ± Property to Ita prevloua condltion or pay or cause to be pald to Lender tha docreaso In the falr market vaiue o}the aHected Properly. <br /> ..;�,:�•:�>;:� <br /> �• 10. INSURI0.NCE. The Property wili be kept Insured for Ita tuil Insurabie vaiue(replecement cost)agalnot ell hazards Including loss or damage . �,,,,;:,. :�.,;.: <br /> caused by flood,earthquake,tornedo and flre,thefl or other casualty to the oxtent required by Lender. Grantor may obtaln Insuranco on the P►apertyr .. ��•4� <br /> irom such companies as are acceptable to Lander In its soie dlscretlon. The Inaurance pollcles shall requlre tha Inaurance Company to provide : • �•r't��� <br /> Lender with at least — days'written notice before auch pollcles are altered or canceiled In amy m�nner. The inaurance poucles ahall . . , <br /> name Lender as e loes payee And provlde that no act or omisslon of Orantor or any other person ahali aNeCt the right of Lender to be paId tho - , <br /> � • Insurance proceeds pertalning to tho loas or dumage of the Property. In the event Orantor falls to acqulre or malntaln insurance,Lender(after ��,� , <br /> provlding notica as may be required by la�v)may In Its dlscretlon procuro approprlate insurance coverape upon the property and the Insurance cost <br /> shall be an advance payable and bearing Intereat as descrlbod In Paragraph 23 and securod hereby. Grantor shali furnlsh Lender with evide�co ot <br /> � ' inaurance Indicating the requlred coverage. Lender may nct as attorneyIn•taot ior Grentor In making and settiing clelms under In3uranca pallcies. <br /> � cancelling any policy or endorslnp Grantor's name on any draft or negotiable Instrument drawn by any Inaurer. All auoh Insuranco pollclo�shall bo <br /> : Immedlately acstgned,pledged nnd dellvered to Lender as turther secudty for the Obilgatlons. In the event of loas.Grontor shall Immedlately give <br /> Lender written notice and Lender is authorizad to make proof of loss. Each Insurance compnny Is dlrected to make paymenta dlrectiy to Lender <br /> Instead of to Londer and Orantor. Lender shall have the right,at Ita sole option,to apply auch monles toward the Obilgationa or toward the coat of <br /> rebuilding and roatoring the Property. My amounts may at Lender's option be applled In the Inverso order of the due dates thereof. <br /> 11. ZONINQ AND PRIVATE COYHNANTS. Cirantor shail not Inlilate or consent to any chanpe In the:oning provlslone or private covenants aHoodnp <br /> tho uso of tho Property wltliout Lender's prlor written consent. B t3rantor's use of the Property la or becomes a nonconforming uso under any zoning <br /> --.-_---_. <br /> nrovi3lon.Grantor ahall not cause or pormit such use to be dlscontlnued or abandoned without the prlor wrltten consent of Lende er. Grantor wili • <br /> . -------°--"--'�- --_--._ <br /> � Immedlaroly provide Lender with written notice of any praposetl changes to tne zoning provisions vr privaio wvo��a���v a���.�•y••��•��r�-•�r - <br /> I 12. CONDEMNATION. Orantor ohnll immedlutely provide Londor with written notice of any aa2ual or threatened condemnatfon or ominent domnln , <br /> proceeding portelning to tho Proporty. All monios payabie to Grentor from such condomnation or tnklng nro heroby nssigned to Lender and shali be <br /> applled first to tho paymont ol Lender'a attorneys' feea, legel oxpenses and other costa (Includlng appralsal fcees) in connectfon with the <br /> I condemnatlon or eminant domain proceedinga nnd tlien,tst tho optlon of Lender,to the payment of the Obligations or the restoration or repair ot the <br /> � Property. <br /> 13. LENDHR'S RIdHT TO GQMMENCE OR DEFENO LEGAL ACTtONB. Grantor ehall Immedlately provide Lender with writton notice of any ectual <br /> I or threatened action,ault,or other praroeding aHecting the Froperty. Qrantor hereby appointa Lender as Ita ottomey-Imiact to commence,intervene <br /> ; in,and defend such aatfona,sulta,or other legel proceedinga nnd to comptomise or serile any olalm or controversy pertalning thereto. Lender shall <br />-- � not be Ilablo to Grantor for any action, error, misteke, omlaslon or deiay pertelning to the actiona descriGed In this paregrnph or any damages <br /> � resulting therofrom. Nothing contained herain will prevent Londer from taking the actione described fn thla paragraph!n ita own nnme. <br /> 14. INDEMNIFICATION. Lo�der shall not assumo or bo rosponaible tor the porlormence of eny o}(3rnntor's obllgations with respect to the Property <br /> - under nny ciroum�tances. G�anror shail Immedlately provido Londer wfth wririen notice of entl Indomnffy and hold Londer nnd 119 sheroholders, <br />— directore.officers,employeea and agents harmiess trom all clalma,damagea,Ilabllitlea(Including nttorneys'fees and legal oxpenses),causes o1 1 <br /> aCtlon,actiona, sulta and other logal proceedinga(cumulatively"Claima")pertalnlna to the Property(Includfng,but not IfmlteC to,thoae involving I <br /> Hazardoua Matetfals). C3rentor,upon the request of Lender,shall hlre legal counsel to defend Lender hom euch C�alma,and pay the attomeys'fees, <br /> legal expenses and other Coats InCUrred In conrtoction therewith. In the niternntivo.Lender ehall bo ontitlod to omploy Ite own legal ccunsel to detond � <br /> such Claims nt Grpntor's cost. Grantor's obllgation to Indomnify Londer undor thls paragraph shall survivo tho torminpt�on, reloase or foreClosuro of • <br /> � thls Deed of Trust. f . <br /> _ I <br /> ' LPNE67 tB � FormAt�on Tochno'og�oa.�^c 10;2iB61 10001 837�9189 N�go�p1� � <br />_ � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . <br />