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<br /> ��c�� ��c����1 ��o ��9 ���� ���a��
<br /> c� c� �
<br /> FROM U-�P ����P Ii� ��.u�FY',�I2FY,
<br /> Howard �d.Augustine and wife
<br /> �tt11 t���tn��, ��.
<br /> I hereby ceriify that this instrument was entered on Numerical Index,
<br /> TO and ,filed for record ihis ],$� day o Septembe 190�
<br /> . at 11 o'clocl� AM. ,ati�( �
<br /> Phil H.P�Z@T Regisfer of Deeds.
<br /> I Deputy.
<br /> J _ Fees, $ 1.],Q
<br /> ��t�r�r ,��� ��erc b�� #��e��e �x��e�r�t�,�:
<br /> THAT Ho�►a,rd M.Augustine and Dorothy Auguetine, husband and wife
<br /> - of ��.�1 Couniy, and Siate of Nebraska
<br /> f f Eighteen Hundred and 00/140 DOLLARS,
<br /> in consideration o the sum o � � •. — — — — — — — — — — — — —
<br /> in hand paid by Ph11 H.Pf Z8T
<br /> of $gll, County, and State of Nebraska do hereby grant, bar�ain, sell, convey,
<br /> and confirm unfo fhe said Phil H.Piser
<br /> the following described premises, situated in the County of Hall, and State of Nebrasl�a, to-w�t:
<br /> The �asterSq Twenty-t�o {22) feet of Lot Seven t7� and the 1lesterly Thirty (3C1) fee� of Lot
<br /> E�ght (�) in Bloek 8eventeen (17) ln Oharles Wasmer'e Addition to the City of q�rand Isl�d,
<br /> Nebraska, �nd partly in �Charle$ �asm�r�e Third Addition to t�rand Island,8ebraeka, being a
<br /> reotangular traet of ground with a southerly fronta�e of i�1Ety-tv�o` (52) teet on Charlee Street
<br /> in ��ai�d city and a depth of one-hundred tYiirty-two (132) feet.
<br /> Togefher with all fhe tenements, hereditamenis, and ap�urtenances io the same belonging, and all the Estaie, Right, Title, Interest, Claim, or
<br /> Demand whatsoever; including Dower, Curiesy and Homesiead Rights, of fhe said Howard �.Auguatine and Dorothy 1lugustine
<br /> of, in, or fo fhe same, or any �arf ihereof.
<br /> TO HAV� AND TO HOLD the abooe described premrses, with the ap�urtenances, unio the said Phil H.Pizer
<br /> and to h i e
<br /> heirs and assigns foreuer. And yog hereby covenant with the said Phil H.Pi�er
<br /> that 1►C hold said premises by good and
<br /> �erfect title; that W@ ha ve good right and lawful auihority to sell and conoey the same; tha[ they are free and clear of
<br /> all liens and incambrances whatsoever.
<br /> And pe covenanf to warrant and defend the said�remises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoeuer.
<br /> SIGNED fhis 16th day of A1�g118tr A. D. 19 30
<br /> � Howard M.Augustine
<br /> Paul C.Hueton � Dorothy Augustine
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �,��
<br /> ��P ��FC� I�� ���tk�t��2�t� 1 ss. _
<br /> HRll Couniy, � On this S17Cth , day o} 8eptember �1-B. 19 3�
<br /> before me> P81i�. G'.Hueton , . a NOti8T3► P11b'1�,Q. within and for said
<br /> Howa,rd M.A ustine � Doroth A stlne (Husband and Rife)
<br /> Couni , ersonal! came ,13$ y Li�u
<br /> y 1� �J ,
<br /> to rne per,sa�ll�-,IZnown io be the idenfical �rerson g whose nam� 8Te� a,�xed io the aboue instrument as granfor 8 and severally
<br /> achnowledged the execufion of the same fo be their voluniary act and deed for the �ur/�oses therein expressed.
<br /> ,�jtt �{titp]� ��(p��D�, 1 haue hereunto subscribed my name and a,�xed my o,�cial seal, at Girand Island,l�ebraeka
<br /> on the date last above written.
<br /> (g�l,L) � Paul 0.Huston
<br /> Nofary Public.
<br /> My commission ex�ires JU11g 2],� 193rj• '
<br />