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<br /> � �
<br /> ��c��1 ������1 ��o ��9 ���� ��t����.
<br /> d1�qQ—Klnnn Prin6inv(',p,�jp3� ._-- ..: _.— ._:-. .. v.__�_—__'.�.�. �
<br /> FROM v-�� ����P 11� �P���',�iIZFY,
<br /> Waltex D.Hoyll and wif e �M�� �l��lt��, ���
<br /> I hereby certify tha! this instrument was entered on Nurrerical Ir,dex,
<br /> TO and filed for record this 15t,}1 day o 9eptemb 19 �Q
<br /> . �f 3:15 o°�ro�h p.lvr. .
<br /> Hasry Dodson and Qarrie DOdBOA� Register of Dee s.
<br /> Husband and wife. D��uty.
<br /> � Fees, � 1.10
<br /> �!C�t�a�r .�.�� ��e�t b�� ��r���e �x���r�t��:
<br /> THAT Walter D.Boyll and Flora H.Boyll,husband and wife
<br /> of H8,11 County, and Stafe o,f Nebraska
<br /> in consideration of the sum of j�'�,�'��►—�Wp Hundred and 40/100 _ DOLLARS,
<br /> in hand �raid by Harry Dodson and Carrie Dodson,husband and �vife as Joint Tenante and not as tenant
<br /> in oommon
<br /> of Ha.milton County, and State of _ Ne�'3T8.S�C8 do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey,
<br /> and �onfirm unto th� said Harry Dod$on and Carrie Dodson, huabarid and wif e as Joint tenants and not as
<br /> tenants in common
<br /> the following described �remises, situated in the County of Hall, and Stafe of Nebrasha, to-wif:
<br /> Lc>t Four (�) in Roea and Ashton Park bein� a subdivision of a part of Lote Fourteen l�) and
<br /> �i�;hteea (1�) of the County 9ubdiviaion of the �Pest Half of the 8outhwest Quarter (�P S1P�}
<br /> arid a part of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (� 81l�) of 3ection Fifteen (15 ,Townshi
<br /> �leven (11) North Range Nine (9) �est of the Siath P.I�.Hall Countq,Nebraaka.
<br /> It being the intention of all partiee hexeto, that in the event of the death of either of
<br /> said �;rantees, the entire fee simple title to the real eatate deseribed herein shall vest
<br /> in the surving grantee
<br /> Together wifh all the tenemenis, hereditamenis, and appurtenances to ihe same belonging, and all the Estate,, Right, Title, Interest, Claim, or
<br /> Demand whatsoever; including Dower, Curiesy and Homesfead Rights, of the said Walt er D.BO��.�. and Flora 8.�Gy�.�.
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> TO HAI�E AND TO HOLD the above described�rremises, with lhe ap�urfenances, unio the said Harry Dodson and Carrie �C18 A
<br /> _ and fo th81T
<br /> heirs and assigns forever. And W@ hereby covenant with the sard Harry Dodeon and Carrie DOC�.80A
<br /> ihat 1A�@ hold said �remises by good and
<br /> perfect title; that We haVe good righi and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; fhat they are free and clear of
<br /> all liens and incumbrances whatsoeoer.
<br /> And W8 covenanf to warranf and defend the said �remises againsi the lawful claims of all�ersons whomsoever.
<br /> SIGNED this �jp�',b, day of AL1gL18t A. D. 19 �j0
<br /> Paul C.Huaton � Walter D.Boyll
<br /> � �'lora B.Boyll -
<br /> I
<br /> )
<br /> v�
<br /> �i�P �+��t#ae uf �1'rbr�tt�k�t, � ss.
<br /> j;gl], Couniy, � On this 7j�t�1 day of ALigLiBt A. D. 19 �j�
<br /> before me, the titlde]C81gYled , a 140ta,T31 Pttb1.�C . within and for said
<br /> County, �ersonally came W81te]C D.BOyll alld FlOrB B.BOyll�husbarid 8�1d W�Y@
<br /> fo me �� l�nown fo be the identical �erson g whose name g gr@ a,�xed to the abooe instrument as grantor $ and ��
<br /> achnowledged fhe execufion of the same to be their volunfary act and deed for the �ur�oses therein ex�ressed.
<br /> .�tt �i#lt�f,�.9� ��PxPII�,- 1 have hereunto subscribed my name and a,�xed my o,�cial seal, at Qrand Island,�ebraeka,
<br /> on the date last aboae written.
<br /> . _ (SEAL� Pel,til �;Ha y p�nlic.
<br /> My commission ex�ires June 21� 1935• " '
<br />