<br /> .. .� : -- - - . . _ .. . .__ - �. _
<br /> i � (
<br /> . �� DEED OIF TRUSY ��,q'.����� Pp��3 ; . . __
<br /> � 02-10-1997 (�ontinu�d) -
<br /> Lvan No 408773 �--� --� �
<br /> �_ �—�-.— �
<br /> I Lendef• The wqrd'tend0�'means UNITED NEBRASKA BANK,its 5uccsssors nnd ess�pns. ,. r:
<br /> i 627 35!rom Tnu!or to L�ndu, v''
<br /> j r�ot�. rno wora^��ote^me�na the Hote datrd Feuruary 10,�a��,In the princl�al amoun4 of s12, . �
<br /> topothe�with�II ronewais. extonslons, modilications,relinunclnpe,and subslilutlone H th�Not�. Th� mNurity dat�of thls OMd ol Tnn1 k
<br /> I Fsbruary 2b�2002. now or hen+dlor
<br /> � P�t�Property. Tt�e wads'Psrsonal Proporty'mean ell equlpmeni, fixtures,end otMr uticps of pM�eo�►t�l propMly
<br /> own:d by Tru:,tor,nnd no�v or hereatter ettached a nHized to the Real Property;topnther wlih e)I accusstom,parts,�nd tdditionf to,aN
<br /> rplaC�rtMnb of, and aM substftuilons (or,flny of SuCh property;and iog�iher wilti aB proct:d3 (ii�ludlnp t��lthoul Ilm�t�tion nN Insurencs
<br /> proce�da a�d rotunds of premlums)hom any sale or ofhar disposlllon ot lhu Property. .
<br /> , p�pp�tty. Ths word"Properhr means collecUvely Ih9 Resl Property and Iha Personaf Froperty. .
<br /> ReM Pr�eRy. Tha We+ds'f�eul Property'mean the property,Interests end rlyhts descrlbed abow In llw'GonwytnC��nd C3ranP s�ctfon. _
<br /> ReNted Documenta Tha words"Relaled Oocuments" mean end Includo withoul Ilmitatlon all prombsoryr notos, cndlt �prNrt�nts, loen
<br /> gyreemenis,enwronmental epreements,puarnntles,seCUriry agreemants,mortgages,deeds ot Irust,�nd�II athar Imhumenb,�p�oomonb�nd �
<br /> Uocuments,whether now or herealler existlng,exccutad in connection with the Indebtedness. .
<br /> Rents. The wad'Rents'means all present and future oents,revenues,Income,Issues,royalties,profEb,and oth�r b�r�efs d�iwd hom lM . , _
<br /> PtOperty.
<br /> T�taOS• Thg wprd'TroStse'means UNITED NEBRASKA BANK and flny substitule or sucCesso►hus�ees• : '-
<br /> Tru�tor. The word"Truslw"means any and all persons and entlties executtnp this Oaed of Trust,Includlnp wlthout Iimftatlon aN Tntstas named •-u�ri,��'"�,
<br /> above. �
<br /> °� �NJ'�HE FOLLOWINO TERNiS: :: •�`;;._`�_
<br /> � PAYIAENT AND PERFOFiMANCH. Except as otherwise provided In thls Doed ot 7rust,Trusta shall pay lo lendtr atl amounls t�ourW bY�fib O�W � .', ��4
<br /> of Trust as tt�ey become due,and shau sMctly end In a timely manner perform all of Trustors obllqallons under the Note,tb".s Deed ol Tnnt,xnd ttM
<br /> Relaled Documenls. �Y� - �„r-.
<br /> POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF'ftiE FROPEFiTY. Trustor ngrees�hat Trustor'3 posr>essfon and uso ot the Pro(SeeLy S�tEil D�4owrned by ��`�
<br /> � ''�•� the fdlowlnq provfslons: �ry �� � ��=
<br /> ��`� ppsseasbn M�d Use. Until the occurtence ol an Event of Default,Trustor may (a}romnin In possesston and c�nUd o41hs Rr uso� ��
<br /> ,. • operate or maoafle t�ie Aroperty,and (c)collect any Renis from the Properly.
<br /> Outy to MalnWn. Trustor ehall melntaln the Properly In tenantable condillon and promptty pertorm ell '�.rq4ecarner►YS,�nd n'►unta�ancs r .•
<br /> ;:.`{�. neas,sary to praserve Ib value. ..
<br /> .:'���)�� ��e��.�.�,. 7ry�,�wmc-ha�rdous waste°'heznrdous substence,""dtsposa�"'Yelo�s+'anA'th�e�l�n�s rWasi,'as us�d In this ••. -
<br /> pMd ol Tnal,6hi11 have the seme monnings as sel forth In the Comprehensive Environmentii�uofic'+i's6�:�r��'�=�•=n����A�°�
<br /> :,`,; -:�t� �,
<br /> 1ggp,a�artwnded,42 U.S.C. Seclion 9501,et seq.("CERCLA),the Supertund Amendments and ReaulhorlLttlon A�1 af 1998,Pub•L No.
<br /> �n
<br /> gg_,�gg�g�,"�,the Hazardous Mater�als Transportatlon Act,a9 U.S.C.Sectlon 1901,et seq.,ths Resoures Cor�rv�►tlon�nd FteCOVwy AC1' ;,* . '
<br /> 42 U.S.C.Sectlon 6901,el seq.,w other appl�able stale a Federal laws,rules,or regulstlons adoptsd pursuant fo�ny o�tM fonpoinp. TM �t
<br /> (errt►s"he�rdous waste"flnd"herardous substanCe'shall elso Inc�ude,without Ilmitatton,petroleum and petraburt►by-Woducls a any hactlot� � .
<br /> ll�eof end asbestos. Trustor represents and warrants lo Lender that: (a)Durtng the perfod of Trustor't ownersh�p uf th�ProP�N�t��
<br /> beat�no use�per�eratlon,menufacture,sloreg0,treatment,disposal,release or threalened releese of ltny^Ntardous Wuw o►s�s��by��ry 7�
<br /> t petson on,under,about or hom lhe Propeny; (b)Trustqr has no knowledge ot,or reason to bNieve tha9 E�n has been�e.`oaP!as prevl0ushr �+!
<br /> dlsclosed to and acicnowFed9ed by Lender�n writing, (i)eny use,generation,manufacture,storeqe,heatmsnt,disposal,rsleal�.or thret►hn�d a
<br /> � refeass of my hezardous waste or substence on,under,obout a hom lhe PrOpe�y by any prlor owrlets a��a th�a�Q0)i� � , ,
<br /> �►� actuai a threater�ed Iilipatlon or cisims of eny kind by eny person reiating to such mariera;and (u)Ezo�P prsM� ,
<br /> 4;, �qcnow{sdped by Lendor In wdting, O neither Trustor nor eny tenant,contrflctor,�penl or othir aulhOdx�d us�of����y���' _
<br /> ' � 1' genartle,manutacture,stae,treat,dispose o�,or release any herardous waste a aubstancs on,und�r,�bout or kom tM Rr��� (�!�ho� ��
<br /> • � � Ruch octivHy shaN be conduated In compiinnce wflh all eppuceble federel,state,and local laws.ro0��s��°��M��
<br /> vm
<br /> MmftaUon those kws,re8u►a8ons,end ordinences descdbed above. Trustor authorizes Lender anm th�nb to�rY�r uPon tM Proptriy to ,�
<br /> �' �.
<br /> «. mtke suCh Inspecflorts and tests,at Trustor's expense,es Lender may deem eppropriaU to dstormirw compNanoa o�tM Propetb�h thl� _ r
<br /> seCtlon of lhe Deed of Trust. Any Inspectbns a tesls mede by Lender shell be for L6nders purposss on1Y and ehaM n�t be cantPiMd to aslN —�:y�..,�-_
<br /> E •�-,--
<br /> '�•' nny naponslbfNty or MnbNHY on ihe pad ot Lender ta 7�uslor or to eny other person. The reQresentttlom nnd w�rrtn3Ms conWn�d Mni^an ! �._--�.
<br /> basad on Trustors due dilpence In invostigating ihe Property tor hazardous waste and haurdous substtnc�s.Ttustor MrMiy(a)nlw�s and c.i_�.___
<br /> Wvyy�ny}utu�dalms egainst Lender(or indemnity or Contdbution in the evenl Trustor becomes M�bM fOr dMnup or otlM►ootb undM anY _----.
<br /> � such kws,and (b)eyrees to Indemnity and hdd harmless Lender e�atnst any and�il CWrta,loss�a.M�bWtl�s� d�maG�s� f����� -..-_—__---
<br /> expenses wh�h Lender may directty or Indirec►ty sustain or�uftor resuitinp hom a breach of tMs Wcflon ot tt�DMd ol` Tns! or as a
<br /> to Truslars own�rshlp or '�,_=_=_-.
<br /> consequer►�o!any use,BenereBOn,manufacturo,storage, dispasa6 raleaso or threatened re{esse OcCU��W P� _;�,
<br /> �:� tntersst In Ihe PropertY�whether or not the seme was or should have beon known to Trustor• TtN ProvFslo�s of�MS s�CflOn a����T�' 7�_�
<br /> Indudirtp ttie obli�ation to Indemnify,shall survive Ihe payment ot the Indebtedness and tt►e SatBtacdon and t�COnwYano�o���M��thb = --
<br /> _ paad ot Trust and shail nol be eHected by Lender's acqulsitlon of any Interest In the Prope+ty,whslhK by for�osur�or�Mtwk���«to tM ���
<br /> , �� Nuls�nc�,Waqe. Trusta shail not cnuse,conduct ur permlt eny nul,ance nor commit,permit,or suMa anY strlpP^Ont to tny oth�r parlY lhs ��'-�� ��'����'�
<br /> prppqrty or any porUon of the Properiy. Without Iimiting the generaliP/of ihe foregolny,Trusla wi1 not remow,or pn +.„ �' ,,���-
<br /> us
<br /> �f ht to remove,any dmber,minerels(including oil and gas),soll,gravsl or rock produCts without tlw prla writt�n corLSYet of LendK• ;.".'.,-,�Z.�:J�4t ';''
<br /> �
<br /> - p . . . .
<br /> RsnloYd o!Improvements. Trustor shall not demolish or remove any Improvements from the Re¢I PropeAy wHhou1�hs Prlor wrftlM Con�n� �`S� ,,",�'
<br /> � p}�dor. As�condition to lhe romoval of any Improvemenls, Lender may requlre Tnntor ta maka�rnnpertwnts s�tishctory to l.wid�r lo �:�; .;
<br /> replOrA suCh Improvemenis with Improvemonts of at least equal va�ue• ; __
<br /> �., �Q�r+�q�pM�o Enter, Lender and tts agenls und represente4tves may eNer upon the Real PropodY at dl rnasonabW tlm�s to attand to _ .,:.,Y.
<br /> � Lenders Intevests end to Inspect the Property tor purposes of Trus9or's compiiance wfth the terms�nd conditions M this Deed of Trust. ./':.. �,�
<br /> Cpmpfience with Governmentel Requirements. Trusior shatl promptry comply wlth flll laws,ordinnnces,snd rpukNOns,now or ho�oatter�n " ,;.�;•"
<br /> ' effeot,of aA gover�menlal euthorities applicable lo tho uso or oCCUpency of ihe Property. TrUStor miy COntKt In p0od hith any EUCh(Aw,
<br /> j prdfrwnca,or repuie�on end withhold compllance during any proceeding,Inciuding appropriate eppeRM,�,so�ap as Trusta has noWNd LendK
<br /> � In writlnp prior to ddrq so antl so Iong ns,In Lender's so�e opinlon,Lenders Interests in tho PropsrlY oro not j�opardnd• LendM'm7�Y roquk�
<br /> Trusta to post adequate security or e suroty bond,reasonabiy satisfattory to Lender,t0 protect Lsnder'o Int�rest.
<br /> Duty to F�otect. Trustor agrees neither to abandon nor leave unatlended the Propertyr. Trus'tor shnll do ali other acb,In addiUon to those acts
<br /> sot torfh above In th�s section,whfch trom Ihe chnracter nnd use of the Property ere reasonaby neext�a►Y to prot�ct and pr�s�rw tho propMty. .
<br /> - � __ __• p�lE pH gAt.E_I�ISENT BY LENDER. Lender mey,at Ils optlon,deciare Immedl�ate���ppa��������t����y�
<br /> . _ upon the sale a transter�WIthOUt Ih0 L8f102r5 pnor wnnan cvnaa�n,v�n�..�.a..��..........�..__ . _�_ . . -'- ------ -__
<br /> �p�junW�y�,�wt�her b outrtght snnlo doed8l stalPimen tsale conhact o dI conUeCth co 1►ect fa ck�ed.le�se��hdd R ere61 wtth�t�prealMU�
<br /> - Ihree(3)yeira,�ease-oPOon contract,or by sale, ess�gnment, or Irnnsfer ot eny beneficlat interest In or to any knd trc�at hddinq tHM to tha Rad
<br /> ' Prope�ty,or by any other method of conveyanco of Real Property Interest. If eny Trustor fs a Corporatlon,peitn�ship or AmNed HabkttY compa►�r�
<br /> Iransfer eiso Includes eny chenge In ownershlp of more tP�en twenty-five percent(2696)of the votlnp stodc,pnrtnershlp IntArests or Nmited N�bWry
<br /> Compeny Interests,as the case may be,o�Trustor. However,this option Sheil nol be exerclsed by Lender M such exorClse!s prohfbN�d by hdw1�
<br /> - Iaw a by Nebraske Iaw.
<br /> ' TAItES AND LIENS. The following provisions relatinfl lo the Iaxes end Ilens on Ihe Property ero e parl o}thls Doed of TNSt.
<br /> peymeM. Trustor shatl pay whQn duo(and In nll events pr�or to delinquoncy)oll luxes,speclal Icuces,assossments,Charpes pnctudnp water
<br />- and sewer), fines and ImpoSilions�ev�ed ngeins�or on account o}the Property,and sha9 pny when dw ell clalms for woAc don�on or ta
<br /> seMCeS rend0red or me�erinl lurnfshed lo the Prope�lY. Trustor Shall malnteln tho Property tree ot eN NeM h�Ntq prlorfiy Ovst ar�4WI t0 lhs
<br /> � inte�est of Lender under this Deod ol Trust,except for Ihe��en of texes and assessments nol due,exCept!or the e�dstlnp Indebt�dMSS roMr»a1
<br /> lo below,and oxcopt ns otherw�so provided In this Deed of Trust.
<br /> I
<br /> , ; � _ _ - -- _
<br />