<br /> . '. T' . . ":z�- ;; `y' ' . � . _. __ . .:i r-..`4`.Z"-l����Y1�-i+ <�_'i%z �t- — _ .—.—
<br /> . . .l � � ' __ '
<br /> . ' ' :"._- .. � ' - '
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<br /> v� _ _ _
<br /> ..-�; ��:�. � " _�.�� . . .C':;r.r.'•{. - .r _ ._ _.. . . . . '. ' -
<br /> . . :4'�. . � . _ . �
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<br /> _'� -
<br /> _� .I�.��F"" - . .. 1�� . - _ _ ' . • � . . . _ _ " ' _ _. _-_____ _—' —____' —""—'_'_"
<br /> • •�. - . . ._ � • . -. .. : . , ; _ . . . . .
<br /> • - � - � � �- �- � � � ����92—i�a �
<br /> . � . : �
<br /> �; , i�1V�B�s pnrswnt w tt� terms and provt�flns of thc odgtnal Inaenw�e �na a
<br /> - . So�rit�l LideAtu[e dateA August l. I972(beneinaRer t+efem�l to�s tha"Sxpp�te�aual
<br /> -��. laddtutre dattd ANa�st 1, 1972'9.tbe CamP�uY�c�eaLad.a t�aw sert�s of bonds.ta be�tsaed
<br /> � - - --untler ti�e�giasl-I�tt�enture, aad t�f�tcnmv� as�i�t�t;Mottga►ge Bonds, 6�b.S�rles dne _ _
<br /> __-
<br /> ----
<br /> - ---- -
<br /> :_ � 20Q2.of which Bonds�of t1�se 896 Sexiea tiien ace is�ue��ad outsunc�ng,as af tbe d�te of _ � —
<br /> th�s Supptemenal Ind�nturc. S6,OOD�00 PrjnciPd amonnt �nd for�rLich d�e CompanY
<br />:..,.,<s� . reoeived.acch�,dve of�ocruod interest,tbe agg�+agatc sum-of Sb�00,00Q:�nd - - . - -
<br />�.�;,...., - -•;� - _
<br /> �c� � � WH�ttB�s pnrswnt a the terms snd�p�c+ovtsions af the Original Indentm�e�nd i �
<br />.��c=.p,�_ .. s'�r . .
<br />�. .. ��;�; SapPlementai fridenwre:dated JWy l, 1973 (hereinaftsr refen�ed w �s tbe °Srrpple�fraetal .::,
<br />:�� �r-��',� Iada,tWr�datad 1rrt�l',:,�Q�3"),the Company ct+eated a new s�ries of 6oMs.to De iasuod ::.:;,: .-
<br /> ' � � m�der t�e �a�nmia.and to be kaown is Fitst Matgatge Bond�';�;-_�4 dn� ,��`:': -.
<br /> �j �S�'. °�Y��
<br />-�3' ~�.tT�•�M�-�i'• . ���.._' , �. \`'` '
<br />-� ```�� f.�;°�'., . 2a03,Of aibi�Cir��tf��Yre 8-l/+��b Sea'ies tbCie 7ue iSSned BritY�i��mo�a�.aS f���te of `.
<br /> .�`�_::` ` , `:�;w� - this Sapplea�!ec���: S15 0�0 OOU-Pnacit►al amotmt;�ic�f�tr v��e;;�Q;i�apaaY �
<br /> r�, . ;,�,s..: ;;:�-, ,��� .:...:.. ' ' �. �„�s
<br /> �::° _ �. .
<br /> - .. �;: �+eceived.excla�e�:�iaterest,tbe aggceLmte sum of 514.86��-�-;';`�:� r
<br /> .;=�. :,.��-..; . . . ,�,,,.. .. ...- ,.�,r,_.�r<i
<br />. :� - �c;t :;.��iEii:' - '� ?.ti;v . . 'r��, :i�;1'.'.i;.':;�
<br /> '_ 5 �\ .,�
<br /> ��:•�' ��'� `` ,' ,`��;'�-:� � WHEREAS pursuatr#��to tbe terms and provisions of tbe Orig'ii���s���nd a
<br /> .. �.� s�� `-:r,, �. � z ,,- .
<br /> ��:-;.�� �as � � ` � Supplementat��indeamt�e Qatesi May 1. 1975{liereinaftes nefemed to as t� .3��;p�tat --
<br /> ;�< �� E �.° '�� ` .;,,. , Ti��rtura darrd 1Kay.1.1�75").the Compaay creued a new secies of bon�,��Sasuod -
<br />.p���i` ��� -};�fi y. �i' - ���Ij��;�II(�Qi[P, aad tv be icnown-a�;lFust Mortgage Baids;��t��S�ries doe •
<br />� � . i. ���< �` 19��;��.���ia1�����e i l�Series there wer+�fseretofo�issued 5��,�If1U,00Q F��P�
<br /> - _� __ :, ,.�;. _amoi�.���q�:vi�,c�ti�ve been redeemed and are no toflger au�st�ading;aad�, �.,��.� _ . .
<br /> . � :,r,ly�� .r1 . � .� . `> ti
<br /> � : - , ~,.,d��y�� ,;. 9�K�it�AS pursua�t'.so ;he terms atzd provisions of the Orig"p��ia�aad a
<br /> .�:�._� �., , : ���
<br />,� - __ �,� . Sugrp„�menial,I3it�er�tnre���June,l, 1977(hereinafter referred to�`s��.�`�sr��untal - ..�:��y
<br /> . _: `}�,'�, �, Indenture dat��i+ne l,"19�"j;€i�C4mpany created a ae�r;�sc�s�.�'l�rrC�„'�.�.�ue¢ _ _
<br /> • : .:r�::;�t, � under ti�O�.I�dear.�x:�+�:ir�:�•knawn as Fiist M .: ._���.��`�:�uc --
<br /> � ��� �
<br /> • :;,.
<br />. . � .. ,-�%" %{;��x�� � 20t?7,of whic`��:n�ds a�chz��b 5eries there are issaeG.acf�.av��x�,����,b�ate of ;!�',:� �r,j -
<br />. . . .;Y'•'.`4fik� . W�S .��sPP1e�a,ti��,���aiit�i�;5i2,000.000 principal amaund���fc����the Comgany ._;'F.. •-'�-��if"__—
<br /> r °<< i,��= ,��},�'�«; � rieceived.exefim��i��a�� ��►�ror��3 interest,the aggreSate sum of��i�:�'�'"so��a�ri� '� �
<br /> F _��,'w".:f, `�-`f` Q� . . ... . - - ' k{'. �
<br /> , y�i�r�`��tlS'I f.?f�j• � .:' :: . .' ., _
<br /> . i�1 �� .
<br /> � � �7{v.> ri`t...z.!`c::_: ,. T. . ..• . .
<br /> f --- �NHERE.�S..pwsts�nE�to the t�rms �nd �►mvicions of the Origi� Indentnre and_a -__. _ ��. _ '
<br /> �:;;- ` �'�Y��,�`-�,,,�1,fy:_ ,
<br /> { : ;'.f:;., �,.• �d��,;,�:�, Supplemental Indentur��dar�d July l. 1978 (hereinafter refened ta as��dti� "Sappleinental ��--- ���
<br /> r-'�" �'`�;`��s:�,,`.;a�s��;��� In denture d a te d July l:T r�T B"),t h e C o m p a n y c r e a t c d a n e w s e r i e s o f�b��s,w b e i s s u e d '41 ,. • -
<br /> °����5t}y4`�<''� `'``'" under the Ori�tnal lndenture,and to�known as�rst Mortgage Bonds.����,�Eries due = � =-
<br /> :�,��:�k�f"fi.,� :.f<<�„ . � .. .,�-
<br />�`° ""���t` `�i � �� � , . 2(fU8,of which Birr.�ds of the 9-5/8���s there are issued and outstandiagFa���i9�date of � =
<br /> ";�y `1,r`',i '�r�.,, - . ;
<br /> °�:,�'+f�r�;r�:r,�,�����F�s, this Supgiem�m��:.��.3�e►tlenture. $7.4���� princi�al amount and for wka�;l5s �w�pany ; �.;;
<br /> ��,,:` `��: ;,;{�,����� received, excE+r�e�i::a���c:�d ihv�w��'t�'�.�°�.�ge��ate sum af S7d�3��n m�u:�: of said. . �_ . .``����'�"-,�'.
<br /> �� - ' {��� -
<br /> . � �r , �«� , . i = .
<br /> . , `.rlf F � ':°`' issued and�t�u��.���o�t��-�e�Ek�ni��i�ave been called faL��q�a�by the . a. , t� r,
<br />� ,;t�.:���� :. � Company o���r��?��;r,II�#;,�992��Cila�... ' • .�. ' , �;���k fk(; ,��I�
<br /> 42`: 1 � i�
<br /> � ',y.�s�::' , . ,. � , ��, , : ;". ` �`f��
<br /> '�;�.� '.:.•.; ,. . :'�_:�, S� ;.,. . ,:F,, ..;., r �,� �� ,
<br />�,��''r. , , WHERL�� p�rr�a�,f� �y`�,�zc�*���:Ba�cG;pra��i.�cons of�aYr�� �Txig����entare and a . , a;,{`;;,t°
<br /> „�y f - � .`�'��ti s. � . ��p�I�menq�S 'anden�+�a�::�� .�Dc��el?�:�Il���14�7� (herei�s�t�� �€�d to as the �`'.
<br /> '� `•`�� �'���' �:�:;f�k,;:<;;�� __ '•5upplemerri'i�;t cc�dentu�r�.�sr�,��D��m�eir•r 1;��'f8").the Camp�y ss�:,,;`;�t�,a�;�ries of - - -
<br /> - `±J���]'I�l�t„ :, ., ,4S�fE .� � _.. . , ., ,.
<br />. . ;.:;.�k�';'�:9��,L1�1`�t'ir�t�i�,,4)': << ; bands.ta be�cs�d undes:�i�:�,z���aE:�rutemur�,and ta be kn��wn as First�R+taMg�Bonds. .
<br /> ����<,�t,ye,r,•�s:r,,�;r��:;r:�n.:�� 9.SS�r Series dae 199$;,��L �whii�tSt �onds of the 9.R5�/ Series th�re are issued and
<br /> ' a,f�:� �.,,,,;y,,y'�,y,.7,:,t • ��,��.
<br /> f'�.7��$,. �
<br /> . ; a,j,,�1;�;�.,E,�:.,:::• � , . .
<br /> ti�. �"�:t i \.�'
<br /> �}� y�.,;,<' , }, .. � . . . .
<br />` :��it;i3:yil, •�'. ' . '. . .w- ' '` .-� - ;�R! ' .
<br /> ,;+����Kty�. , . : . . , ~ . �.��(.
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<br /> �{i. T, :� . 1.f�,t�'.9 .- , `.r`,i���,. - �. �� . , . ,r! �.{i�•"'•
<br /> 9?.+; ` . .i: , ;h:;�i..Y� j.. , ` ,. '`, };�, `• S ;, , i'E��1";
<br /> .�,' ', !'ti`i 1`-` � �. i � �.; '�,� ..' ' ' � „ ,?�s�sr
<br />-�1, r i� :l�:��Sit= � r 7r �.� � . .J ,_` . "�{r`t: �� t�le��F^-� •,i_ . . .� � li..�{! �l'}:�i}.'�`r;�.v.�7,i.{. .. � . tS�I�a. .
<br /> �}�, ,� 4,.,_. . !�; 4r�ct � (i ��, 3�.;,.. ��. �E z '+•;��
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<br /> ) r4�� . if V� ,f� . i i�.i 7-�[� rs..;�.i', i�� ,. . I.�•.' ��.ti�;;:j: .
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<br /> .- . . . . ... • .. . 'c''!'.ia5'r . . �.i.�,. � . �'�c�ti'. .
<br /> � � • '��5�'"' �", t�:
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