�. 7� �
<br /> DEED RECORD N0. 72 !
<br /> _ _�_:_ ..
<br /> �
<br /> _:-__ _ _ _�_ _..
<br /> 3951 — Opp r;ntank _o.�___.ma a
<br /> TH� 8�'`Y���::.0�' 1��BRASKA, �
<br /> ee. On tMie l�th deq a� AuEuat, A. D. , i930, befmre me Cflint�a E. J�l�n
<br /> Aali Oa�nt�. q�aa.lified f�r ssi
<br /> a Clerk �t' the Dietrie�t Court dul� '�le�ated and
<br /> Cerwntq, pereanally appeared C. J. Palmer, 9heri�i of eaid Qa►�nty, ta me kaorr�t t• be the ideR�ti�al
<br /> persori deserlbed in and wh0 exeauted the f�reioir�i instrm�ne�t as `rantor, and asknowled�ed aaid
<br /> instrume�t ta be hi� voluntsrp act and deed �e su�h 9heriil.
<br /> IA '�f'iT��93 �IHEREQ�", I haee her�nt� eet �y hand and �tfia►fal eeal at arand IslatAd, in said �e�at , �
<br /> the day and pear last a'bc�ve wrltten.
<br /> �3�CAL� Oli�ta� �C. ���
<br /> Clerk •f the Dimtri�� a��rt.
<br /> Filed f�r re�ord �hi� 26 dap mf Au�ust 1930 a� 11: 45 •��losk A, �L,
<br /> Re�iet�r e Dee s -
<br /> �r���W�O��Q�.�Q'�Yf1�O�rQr�v�b�����������O�i1�����y��������Q�����A���������01A1���A��1���Q��Q����������4�Q�O�����������i��•��
<br /> w
<br /> S�H R;�,F!8� ON FORECLO�URE OF MORT�AG�: �
<br /> Know ell Me� bp these Presents:�
<br />, _ . _
<br /> That '�hereas, im aad sstion in the Distrist Qmu�t of the �lehreatl� Jndi�ial Diatriot �Z �ebrseka,
<br /> -
<br /> I wi�hin and !�r .Hall Covnty, Rherain Ida L. Thm�ps�a, �ras Plai�tiff, and Florense t�. Dever, Pa�l J.
<br /> Hart�o��k, Eetelle Harte�uih, I�.dw�et Finan�e O�ampan�, A. � 3���Et and �i, 8. Anderean, Lawrera�e �. Is ber`,
<br /> 'K. A.A�ardon, Skelly 011 Gompanr, �entt�y Oil Q�. , L�te H. �rae, J��n Dae agd �ry I�e, real name
<br /> �
<br /> �nknown, axid all other pereona havi�� or �laind.as t� haoe any interee� in Lat 2 0� Bloek 5 •f
<br /> �Cvane� Additi�n t� the City oi t�r�nd_ Ieland, Nebraska, reel naffies �nYnewn, werb Defendants, it
<br /> wa,e 1�y said Cmurt at the b�e�rsh Term there�i, A. D. , 1930, t�..wit, on the 26th de,y e_* II��-,• A. D, ,�9 .
<br /> �onsldered, ad�r�d�ed, and deareed that in defat�].t �t the pa�me�nt ti the Olark mf the Dietriot
<br /> eourt oi the c�mste_ of esid aation, �tnd to Ida L.�h��ps�n the a�m of �547. 10 with ��ter�st ��:ereo •
<br /> trorn �ay 26,19'�{'3 at the ra,te v� 10 per �ent within t�ent� daqe trc�m the da;�e o! e�eh �ud�ent aa
<br /> de�rae, that the equf,ty 0g redempti�n oi ��� and all ot �ai8 defendante in snd t� the lnnde az�d
<br /> t�nemente hereinnitsr deseribed be �orealoeed and forever barred, and tha�G tY�e 8heriff o� said ,
<br /> „ �
<br /> Hall �0�nty Qa�aee the landa and tes�eme�nts hereinafter deg�ribed t�r be sdvertised, and �01d a�e�r
<br /> in� to law; and rrhereae the $aid defendants h�nis�� �ade defaul� thereir�, p. J. Palmer, ae S�terifi
<br /> of eaid C�►vnt�r," �nder and bq virt�e •f the �rder of �aid Co�rt �o hi� a�ire�ted, did� 0n the 5th
<br /> ,
<br /> day �f A�uet A. D, ,193� at the n�r�h docr of tha CA�art HO�se i� the aity •t t3rand Isla�d, i�► sai
<br /> h h a
<br /> 00�nty of Hall, (tbe aame bein� t e plave w erei� the Di. tri�� C��rt wae 2aa�t held in said Q�►�nt ),
<br /> havini firat �ive� due and le`al noti�e �f the time and plaae ai eaid aale, tAr not lea� thau
<br /> thisty da.y� primr theret�, in the The Qreuid I�land Daily Independer�t� a le�al new�rpaper prin�Eed
<br /> a�d ix� reneral �irculation in said Countq �i Hall, sell the aaid premises st publi� susti�� t•
<br /> I Ida L.Thompe�►m (�he �eini the �►i�heet and beet bidder therefor) ior the s�m �t' Six Hu�adred ��vs� e��d
<br /> 75f 140 Dollars, whish sale �rae aiterw�rds at tMe Mar�h Term oT said Co�rt, w.D. . 1930, eza,mi�ad
<br /> and confirmed, and the eaid C. J. Palmer, ae 3herif! of anid Cv�nty, waa ordered t• eseou�e s deed }
<br /> ot said premi�es t� the said Ida L. Thomps�n NO�, THh'R�FOR�, I, the �said 0. J.Palses, as 8�esiff
<br /> mf Aall Omunty, Nebraska, in puree�n�e •f the order �? �said �m�rt, �te aforeseid, i� om�siderati0
<br /> •f the premiaes, and by virt�►e •f the powers i� me ve�ted by la�, do h�srsby rive, rrs�t, a�►d eeia
<br /> vey �t• the said Ida L. Thompac�a, her heirs an8 asei,�na, the premises soid ea siaresaid,to—wi�:
<br /> pll +o! L�t 2 in Blo�k 5,�ve,a�s pdditio� tm the Citp oi (3ra,nd Island, �ebras�ca, with all end aixi�
<br /> �ler �he appurtan�es theretiarit� belaniins, t� have an8 t� hold �tats her the �aid Ida L. TyompsAffi,
<br /> and her heirs and a:sitna forever.
<br /> IN 112T�$89 'q1HER�01�, I have, as eu�h 3heriff or Hall Cv�mtT, �ebraske�, here�nto set my l�end this
<br /> 14�h day �! At�`�st, A. D. ,1930• .
<br /> ]Gxea�tec� and DeliQtred in Preeenae �f C, J. Palmea�
<br /> 9heriff �f Hall Ga��tr.
<br /> Bertha Hecker '
<br /> r
<br />