� � � �
<br /> D EED RECO RD NC). 7 2
<br /> 39510— ouv,_,.rintin __o�_,ma a. . � . � � . ... � �� � �
<br /> in strai�ht lines from the Oenter line of Lincoln 8treet '�est to tha Ce�ter line of Adame Street
<br /> extend�d for an eatension of Oklahoma Avenue �lest. � �'
<br /> Together with all and singular the hereditaments thexeu�to belonging.
<br /> TO HAVE AND T� A�LD the above d�ecribed pr�mises unto the said City.o� Grand Islaad, aMd ite suc-
<br />� oesaore and assigns; sa that neither of the eaid grantors, or any person in their name and taehalP -
<br /> Bhall or will hereafter claim or d�mand any right or title to the said premises or_ any part ther
<br /> of, but� they and every one of them shall bp these present� be �acluded and �orever barred. �
<br /> IM WITNESS WHEREOF, the said partiee of the first part havs hereunto �et hands and seals the day
<br /> a.nd yrear above written. - �.
<br /> John H.Windolp�
<br /> 9i�ned,sealed and de3.ivered in preeence of HeleA �Pindolph
<br /> B.J.Cunninghgm :
<br /> 3TATE OF I4EBRA8KA On this 24th da.y of March 1930, b�foxe me, the undere�.gned B.J.t�ursr�ingham�
<br /> ss.
<br /> FiALL COUNTY a Notarq Public duly commiesioned and qualif ied for and r esiding iA said
<br /> County, pereonal].�► ca�ne Jc�hn H.1�indolph and Helsn YFindolph, hueband and wife, to me kncwn ta be e
<br /> identical pereons �hose names are affixed to the foregoing inetru��nt as grantors and acknowledg d
<br /> the same to be their voluntary act and deed. . ,
<br /> - Witness my hand and Notarial Seal the day and �ear last abvve written.
<br /> _ _ . Ben�. J.Gunninghana
<br /> {SEAL� IJotary Public
<br />�'� My comnaieaion expires the 5 day of dug. 1934. :
<br /> Filed for record this 4 da.y of June, 1930, at 2:15 0'clook P.3d. �
<br /> eg ster of�"ed�s
<br /> a-o-o-o-aaaa-ao-acj-ao-o--o-aaa-o-aQ-o-o-o-o-aaaaao-o-o-ao-ao-o-a-a-o--cj--ao-aa-o--
<br /> �,UIT CLAIM DEED e:w�
<br />'� THTS INDENTURE, �a.de th3.s l�th day of� February, in the year one thausand nin� hundred aad thirty
<br /> . .
<br />� bet�e�n Herman A.Bartlin� and Laura Bartling each in their own right a.nd as husband and wife, �f �
<br /> the County of Los Ang,�lee and Stat� of California, of the firet part, and The City of t�rand Ts1 d
<br /> of the second part, 1�ITNE3SETH, that the said partiea of the firat part, in consideration 0f the
<br /> sum of One and no/100 DOLLARS, to them duly paid, th� rec�ipt Rhereaf ie hereby aoknowledged hae .
<br /> remised,released and quit-cla,im, and by th�se pxesents do, for themselves, their heire, eaecutor
<br /> and administratoxs, remise,release and forever quit-claim and convey unto the $aid par�y �f the
<br /> eecond part, and to its euccessors and assigns forever, all their rfght,title,interest,e��at�
<br /> claim and demand, both at law and in equitq, of, in and to e,ll that Paxt of Northea�st Quar�er of ' :�
<br /> the Northeast Quarter of Section Twentq-oae (21) Towxsship Eleven (11) , North, Ran�e Hine t9) !��s
<br /> of the 6th P.t�. and part of Lot Fifteen (1�) of the Caunty S�.tb-divis3oA of ps.rt of tb.e 8�rith 8s1 �
<br /> of the Southea�t Quarter of 3ection 91x��en (16) Toarnship E�even (11) ldorth, Range l�ine (9) �9eet
<br /> of the 6th P.M. ,more particu2arly deecri.bed as follows: -�o�r�mencing �,t a point Fortg (4EJ} �eet
<br /> � west .of the Northwesterly corner of Bloag Nine (9) in �fieb��s Addition to the City �f �#rand Yela d,
<br /> N�braska; running thena� �e�terly on the Boutherly line of John Qtreet, if eat�nded, �'orty (4�}
<br /> f eet; thence turning a. right an�le and running in a southeasterl� direction and on the w�ssterly .
<br /> line of Cleburne Street, if eatend�d, Tvro hundred �ighty (2�0) fe�t; thenee turning a right angl
<br /> and running in a northeasterly direction a�d on the aorth line of Anna 9�reet, for a distance of
<br /> �
<br /> Fartq (40} feet; thence turning a right angle and runnin� in �a noxthwesterly direction asd paral �l
<br /> with the Westerly line of 81oak Nine {9) , in Wies�e's Add.ition, for a distance of 3hro hundred eig tp
<br /> (2�p} feet to the place of b�ginnir�. Also, commencing at a point Three htuidred forty-fou� (34�
<br /> feet, w�st of the Northw�sterly corner of Black �in� (9) , in �►iebe's Addition t� the City �f �
<br /> arand Islaad, Nebraska; running thence ��esterly on the eoutherly line of John Street, if eame �a
<br /> eatended.�ighty (�0� f�et; thence turni� a right angle a.nd runriing in a southeaster2y direation .
<br /> and an the wes�erlq line of �ddy Stre�t, if same was �xtended, for a distanoe of Trvo hundr�d eig ty
<br /> d
<br />