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' .. . / . .. ...�..��+_ <br /> . . . � � ..�`w . ! . <br /> , . 4 � <br /> - .. .. •'. .. . �1 ... ..... ..-._ . <br /> . � 9�'— �,d�.�3� ` <br /> � 22. BECURI'fV INTER68T UNDEa TH�E�UN�ORIonn o�tho UCI orm Cormx3 Glal Oodo (ao adoptod�ln�sho tat�o whoro�th�o roal Ca I�hY88'+locayod) ,, <br /> 1 rmxt <br /> ciNpnwm hnd n Ilxturo fll np pu ° <br /> covorinQ(Ixturoa,chettols,nnd articloe oi poraonsl proporty now mvnod on c�roaftor allnchod to or to bo ucod In connor.tlon with iho Propc�rty togothor witn �. <br /> ¢ny and nll roplacomonta thoraal nnd edditlane thoroto(iho'Chnttola').and C3rantor horoby grenta Londar a socurity Intoroat In nuch Chaliola. Tho dobtor Is � <br /> I of eeld on�lsos(Induding eald ilxturee)18 situnlod. Thls w <br /> 1ho Qrnntor doscrl4ad nbovo. Thls Ooed of Trusl wlll be olloetivo ao a Mandng stntomom filod aa e Iixturo illlnp with rosPuct to all Iix�uros Ineludad wit n <br /> enldprornlsaa and Is to be Iilod lor record In theraal astato rocords of oach county whero nny part P� ppr � <br /> I Deod ol Trust shall olao� la�or�olherroproduc lon ofehls Deed of Tru91 or ot any tinencln8 s a om°���Ing to ihis Dood of 7ru�shall ibe sufticlontras a � <br /> 1 oNlce. A carbon�Ph c9► Ph <br /> nu{ta InoxoGOito�nd'dolivt�r sf uch soc�ty a9saaRmeNs I(nahisuchrtogrm�ls d noe In asld Unllorm�Cortrrarcla Codo)neVLonder al�any tir►x►r►naY deem <br /> � nacosaary or proper or req��lred ta�nt of Ciran%rr �rentor herA y euthor zos�Lender�to I le ItinanGng sta ormenta(aalsuch t�r�n 61s dotinod�In cn d unin�m • <br /> slgn eny euch agreomom 9e <br /> Commorclal Coda)with roapoct to ihe Chettole,at any tlmo,withoul tha signaturo of C3rantor. l3rantor wlll,howevor,at any tirta upon reque5l of Lonaer, <br /> slgn cuch financing statomonto. Qrantor will pay ail tiling foos lor tho flllng ol such Ilnan.lnp ctatemenis and f�r tho rullling thoreaf et the timos raqulred,In <br /> InOheovon to eny8dofayulteundorl thls D e ofrTruaL�a I tho r ght et 11e end lo e esl of(3ranlor In an�d to any nnd�all ofn c�nan is i6 horeby assegnodto _ <br /> Lendor,togethor wilh tho benelit of any dc+poslts or paymenis now or hereafter madv ihereol by Orantor or ihe pr�daeessore or successore In titlo of <br /> Orantor In tho Proporly. - <br /> 23. REIMBURSEMENT OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED BY LENDER. lender,at Lender's optiof�n Y eunderihls Dee�d of T st Upon d mand Ci►entor , . _ <br /> oxpensea)to porform any act requlred to be takon by Orernor or to exercJse any rl9ht or remedy de _ <br /> shall immedietely rolmburso Lendor lor all euch emoums expended b�ynLe^�r'ho9e�the ofirei nrtiwrsa�mont�Theso s�ums shall bo Induded�in�tho de0nitlon of -• <br /> Obllgatlons heholn and s�hali W Is cured by he benofidal�Intore t�antod heraln. If ihe Obllgatlons are pa:d aRor the boginning ot publlcatlon of notico of <br /> salo,as horeln provided,or In tho ovent Lender chall,at Ita solu optlon,permil Qrentor to pa enY Part of the Ol�Ilgatlone ahor the beglnnNg ot publlcatlon of <br /> notice ot�ale,as hereln provided,then,arenta shell pay�oTrustee andior tenLender,�nd a reaso able fee ta Ihe Trustee,and hfis Deed oflTrus�l ali bo '.SP.I�"';"`'- <br /> fnduding reasonable attomeys'fees to the attaneys(o h ',;_�^�_�. <br /> ' sacurfty for all�uch expensos end fnes. ._-__-�-�_ <br /> � �,. �.,.--. <br /> 7A. APPUCATION OF PAYM�NTB. The Trustea shall�y the proceods of tho trustee's sale,firet,to the cosis and expenses ot exercislnq the pawer o �,k <br /> sale and of tho sale,Including thupaymem of the Trustee's ees actually Incurted not to oxcsed ihe amount whlch may bo Provlded tor N tho Aeed of Truct, ����,� <br /> I sacond,to payment of iho ohll4yatian sawred hy lhe Deed oi Trus1,lhfrd,to tho payment of Junior deeds of trusL mortgagos or otMer Ilenholdors,and ihe .��. . ` ' <br /> I balflnce.If anY,io thu porson or porsons logaliy entitled thoreto. , p. ' ,r��c �= <br /> { Inis Lender as Its anomoy-in•fact to endureo(3rantor s nema on all Instruments end other documeme - <br /> 2b. POWER OF ATfOANEY. drentor horoby e p p O pe - -. <br /> ' parlalningo�takenlorte�xeculed b�rentaigunde 1 h�Ist lDeed e f Trust��Lendart8tlod�but�no1l�re qusu h act l on o executlon�o f su c h d ocu m e n ts Ehall n t .`.'��f�. , <br /> pe of <br /> roqulred t <br /> re l leve Qrantor from any O b�lpa t lon or c u r e a n y d e t e u B u n d o r t h i s D e e d o f T r u s t. A l l p owere of attomey cbsaibed in ihls Deed of Trusl are cou�led with an ?�, •- � � � <br /> Intorest and aro Irrevocable. , <br /> �'` 28. SUBROQATION OF LENDHR. lsnder shall lw eubrogated to ihe righta of the holder of any prevlous Ilen, sowrity Intorest or onwm�renco <br /> dischnrged with tunds advanced by Lender regerdless of whether these Ilens,sacurlty Inierests or other encumbrences have been reloesed of record. i,. <br /> . t > . <br /> ' 27. COLLECTION C08T8. To the oxtent permiriod by law,Cirantor egrees to pay Lender's roasonable tees and cosls,InGudfng,bu1 not Ilmited to,fees <br /> .,� �7° and wsis of attomeys ancl otner eganio (ir�;v3ir�•rr�ihc::t°ss�ts'•!^"^?raiaanls,derkn and conspultantn),whother or not such anomey or egent Is an <br /> + o�pIoy�u ot Lender.�nh��ot IlrtWiitod to yall leesra�ntl�II etflnc urtedoneppeal,In banlaupt y�aYd for poat ju�dgrtwnt�II�ectlon ac�tions.��:.:����hAr�r not • ' . , <br /> % sulf is brought.Ind g. •`•:;i ��� <br /> . f g ,�`�„ . ' ' <br /> � 2g, PARTIAL RELEA8E. lender may release Ita Interest in aportlon ot iho Properly by executing end rocordlng ona or moro Partlal Detids of <br /> Reconveyanoe wflhout aftectln8lts Interesl ln the remalning portton of the Property. Nothing horeln shell be deomad to obll ate Lender to releasa any of Its <br /> • ' � Intorest In tho Property(except as requlred under Pare�38 cr as maY be othervvlse requlred by law),nor shall Lendor be oWigated to rolaase any part i ',.^ <br /> of the Proporty If C3rentor is In default undor ihls Ooed of rust. The uen and ceairity Interest aeafod by ihe Deed ot Ttust remaln In effect with respact to �', �S i:. <br /> , that portion of the properry,as deflnod In the Deed of Truat,that le nm the subJect of this or any Perilal Deed of Reconveyance ; <br /> C' , �9 ,; <br /> 29. IWODIFICA7lON AND WAIYEH. 7he modiflcatlon��rnw�veof Bo�rrowe�or C3rento s��Obligatlon ede�Iary or ell to an of kefrights or as�pl �.,� <br /> ` contelned In a wdting slgned by Londer. Lendor m3Y Pe 9 <br /> �` paymonts from�rentor or enyone other than�rentot without causing a waiver ot those Obligattons or rights. A walver on one occas on ahall not cons111ute ' <br /> � a wnNer on any other occasfon. Orantor's Obllgatlona under lhis Deed of Trust shall not be aftected if Lender amends,compromises,exchan9es.falls to _ ��, <br /> y exordse.ImPalrs or heBP os any o�n�Q61te�llu�rento I�nsl t�upon s�cyt perfcrtranceROt eny of the Obll9atons shellnnotbebdese�►nod wyalve�ano�L�ender shail �� �— <br /> thltd party or eny of t pertY �,�. <br /> �. have the right at eny time thereafter to insist upon etdct parfortr►anco• ;:,• <br /> �'�• � 30. SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE;'PRUSTEE 11ABtUTY;COMPENBATION. In case of thu death,Inabilfty,refusal to act or ebsenee ol tha Truatee from ihe - -- �--�---`- <br /> r � state where the reai proparty Is located or In case the holdor of tha Obllgatlons shell desire icr eny reason to removeethne�T ull�woe iosueppolnt In writengaa �- <br /> ;� trustoo horeunder end to eppolnt a new trustee In hls piaoe and stead,the holder of the Obllgatbns Is hereby g Po <br /> �:'���,;;-.,. <br /> 6UbS1IlUI0lNbi06}0�08IfJ TN51@0,BIId lh6 N�bStIIUI81NSfB0 6I1811,wheneppoInted,bOCOfT10 811CCBSSO�10 E11I flQh1s Of TN6190 F10f9L1t1E8�Bf�d 1F18 80Ii18 6fial� �,�,:;v_ — <br /> � � baeort�e vested In hlm for the purpcaea and objecta ot thls Deod of Tmst wlth eil the power,dutlea end o�llpatlons hereln conterred on ihe Trustoe. T�vstee �___�� <br /> � chall not bo Ilablo far eny ertor ot judamem or act done by Trustee,or be otherwise responsl6le or accountable under eny dramstences whatsoever. �,.<�,_, <br /> � ;� Tivstee shall not be pars�onelaiyg Ilse�o fn case of entry by It or anyone ecting by vinue of the powors herein granted It upo�nh tha Doed of T►uat for debts �� <br /> �em�ent nrrslgna�SUre eulhorizln9 or suppaning any actlon�aken a�p►o ptoi�sed to be take�n by It hereunder w�belleved bylt In� te feit toyhesgenulno. -_ <br />- - titlod to reimbursemant tar o nses Incurred by il In the perfom�anon ot Its duqes h Teruateerhereunderend relm�bu�e Tru�s�a�e for�d ��� <br /> �� � Truetee shall bo en tlrre to tlmo, compensation due ��'�^��° � <br /> rentor will,from PaY - - <br /> q � of Its servlCes hereunder as shall be rendored. end expense whatsoever incurtad by it In tho porfom�ance of fls dutlea. -_ .,;_�i„ <br /> d �; <br /> sbve end hold B hamieas hom end agelnat eny end ell loss,cost.Ilabilfry,damago ` <br /> All moneys receNed by Truatee shall,untll used or applied as hereln provided,ba held In trust for thepurpases for which thoy were recehred,but need not r �xu,�.,.��,=I <br />� • � be sepregatod In eny manner from eny other monoys(excopt to ihe exlent rAqulred by law)end Truatw�shall be undor no Iladlity for interest on any ��::��r�. ' ���° <br /> • .�>, v„ �v. <br /> :`..�' moneys receivod by I l horoun d er. � , •�-• <br /> ,.,�y.f.,,.�.. .1�,�,��:; <br /> I 31. SUCCESSORS AND ASSlfiNS. Thie Deod of TNSt shell bo binding upon end Inure to the bonofit of Qrantor end Londor snd itielr respac�ive ..;.�y� <br /> rsonel ro sentatives,legatoos end devlaoes. • � :�w•.. <br /> :� succeasore.asslgns.tru6tees,raoeivoro.administretora,pe Pro _ <br /> � .. . , <br /> ~ i t�he partles at tho eddrosses decctlbedlln�thla DeWed ot Tnist�orrs�oi�he armmddnross asihe�p�artins�ma y�deslgnete Indwrfiting fromtlrrre to timo.9Any uch <br /> ' +. notice so given and sent by flrst dass mail,postage propald,shall be daomed glvon tho oerller of three(3)days aRer such notico le sont or when recalved <br /> = by ihe p�rson to whom such notice Is iwing given. <br /> 93. 9E�ER og� Is on of th s Deedrof Trus'vlolateshu law o�Is�unonDtorce�able,the rest of hu D�oed of Trust shail�ntinua o�bo valld and enfor��ab�l°Q state , <br /> Y P� <br /> 34. APPLICABI.@ LAW. 1'his Deed of 7rust shall�e govomed by Ihe laws of the state whore the real property Is located• Unlese eppllcable law providos <br />-' otherwise,Ciremor consents to ihe Wrisdleibn and venuo of any courl selocled by Lunder,In Its sole disaetion,�ocated In that state. <br />- � ,.___ _ .._�_......�..m.,.e�.,,�.,o�f damand for navment,notioe of dishonor and ' � <br />� -- --- - 1 ., <br /> � 36. MISCELLANEOU3. Grantor and Londer agrao tnat time ie oi ino ea�,n�. .a�a����W_-�---.._ - • - - - - <br /> � p�mest exce�t as roquIrcni by Iaw. All reforoncos to Grantor In this Deod of Trust shall Indudo�IIp�rsons slgning below. If ihoro le more tnan ono urunior, <br />- I tho;r Ubllgatfons shall bc�iolnt and sovorel.fiia Doed of Trust reprusents tho completo Intagratod undur6tanding betweon arentor end Landor portalning to <br /> tho tortns end condhions fiereof. <br /> 38. NO THIRO PAfl1Y RICiHTS. No person Is or shall bu a third party benofldary of anypravislon at this Doed of Truat. All provfslons of thla Deed ol <br /> ' Trust In favor at Londer ere fntendad soley for the benafit ot Lendar,and no thlyd pNty shalf ba ontitlod to assumo or expoct that Lendor wlll not walve a <br /> ' consant to tho modi(Icatlon of any provlsion of thla Dcsod of Trust,ln Londors soio disaotion. <br /> x; y ga <br /> � person(egcep e porso�oxprese YTMI asodPRw�ing)�lo�h°�pa�Ymont endo Ile�lit��oftho Oballgetlons�and wfthouttelfocting�id�hte of Londe�wilh <br /> ' reapect to any Property not oxpressly released In writlng,and without impalring In any way iho prlority of thls Doed ot Trust ovor tho interost of an po►son <br /> aoquIred or Iirst ovidonced by racording subsoquont to the rceeording ot thls Dood of Trust,Londor may,Of tho O�bll r�IonaNQmekv anyt agr°nmoni���tg'�he <br /> " end wlthout notico or eonsenl:releaso any porson Ileble(or ymont or portonnanco nt all or any part 9a <br /> tertns ol payment orportom�snce of ell or eny part of tho Igatlons;oxardso or rotraln trom oxordsinp or waive any dght or romedy thal Lendor maY hev° <br /> - � under the Deod of Truet;exopt additlonal nocuriry ot eny kind for any of tho Obligatlons,or reloase or othorwico�kial with nny roaf or porsonal properlY <br /> { bp�yuing ti�o Obllgatlona. Any percon aoqulring or recording ovidonco of eny Interest ot any nature In iho Property shaJi bo daomed,by ecqulring cuch <br /> Intorost or rocording any ovfdonca thoreol,to havo cansentod to nll or any such actlons by Londar. �� ,• Q, <br /> _ ' PuQ04UG `�� \ ' - � <br /> NEDOTD Hev.ItAa I , <br />