, .�
<br /> � . . 97_ 5���0:�s+ � � " . _
<br /> (c) All appllcobi n�n odthoraundor)nnd e+ll r n'I g nld b�tllcil fltlnwe and r prulmlona ro�m 9lto hliol Proporty by viriuo�Sany lodoral�,etatosaQmunldpal ' "
<br /> ro4ulattona proin � :
<br /> r,uihorlty wlih�urlsdicllon ovor tl�o Proporty,pr�sontly nro and ahall!w ob�orved and corr�tlod wi�h In alI matorinl rospocts,and nll righla,Ilcensoc, i
<br /> porrr9te,nnd conlllcatoa ot occupancy(Induding but noi Ilmitod to loning vorinncos, apaclal oxcoptlons for nonconlorming usos,ond final inspoctlon ,._
<br /> approvnls�,whothor lemporery or porm�nopt.whlch 9ro rmlorial lo tho uso end oecupnney of iho Proporty, prosontly ero nnd shell bo obtalnud. �e�
<br /> preeorvod nnd,whero nocoseary,renewad;
<br /> (d) Qrentor hae Ihe dpht and le duly authorltad lo oxetuto and podorm ils C)bligatlona undor ihis Doed ol Trust r�nd Ihasa actlons do not and nhall not ��
<br /> conlllct wlth ihe provlalona At any statule,regutatlon,ordnanCa,rule ot law,comrect or olher ag�eemom whlch may bo binding on C3ramor at any time; � '
<br /> (o) No nctivn or procaedinfl la or shall bo panding or throatonod whlch might rr�torlally aifoet iho Propony,and
<br /> (I)Cirantor hes not vlolated nnd ehall not vlolate any slaiuto,ra ulalbn,ordinance,rule ol lew,wntracl or othcr agreom�nt(Indudinc�,but not Ilmitud to,
<br /> thoss goveming Meznrdous MnteAals)whlch rNght rn�lerlally a�ea ihe Propeny or Lendor'a righta or Intorest In the PropoAy pursuanl to ihls Deod oi �
<br /> Trust.
<br /> 3. PRIOA DEEDS OF TRUST. amntor roprosenis end werrenis thet�here are no prlor daods of truet attecting any pan of the Proporty oxcept as sot fonh
<br /> on Schodule B ottached to ihis Dood of Ttust,whlch 4rantor egraea to pay nnd porform In a timely manner. It there are any prlor dec►ds of vust then ►
<br /> drantor agreos ta pay ell amau�ts owod,and pertorm all obllgetlons requirad,under such doeds of trust and tho IndebtodnASS secured thoreby and further
<br /> herein or In he�Obligatlonsrto whl�ch�londor�vould�bo ontibled fn the�evendt�oi�any oiher defaul�t and ehall on�ltle Lendc+r to ell righis and rumodies contelr.od .
<br /> 4. TRAN8FEH8 OF THE PROPERTV OR BENEPICIAL INT@HESTB IN tlRA�NT«R�9�S��uI�AEor any Int eestihe e�ln,o�rlaf all or any bonotidal •� „ =
<br /> conirect for deed or transfer to any person of ell or eny part of the real property nershi�,irust,or
<br /> Interest in Borrower or Orantor(If Bonawer or Cirantor Is not a naturalperson or persons but Is a corporatlon,Ilmiterl Ilabllity company.par►
<br /> other legal entity),Lendor may,at ils optlon dedare the oNStanding pdndpal balnnco of tho Obligatlons plus ac�xued intorost theroon imrqdletoly due and
<br /> payeble. At Lender'a request,Orantor or Bortower,as the case may be�shall fumish a carrplete statemern setting forth all of Its stockholdFirs,members,or ,,�,pn�s
<br /> partners,as approprlate,and lhe extent of lhelr respective ownershfp Interests. .
<br /> ;�°,'�..,,.e--
<br /> ' 6. ABSI(iNMENT OF RENT9. In consiclernllon of ihe Obllgatlons,which are aecured by thls Deed of TrusL drantor absolutely asslgns to Lender ell ;��_-, _�
<br /> (3ranror's estnte,dghL tltle, intereat, Gelm end demand now owned or hereaftsr acgulrod in all oxlyting and future Ieasea of the Proporty pnduding . �.,r,�.�.
<br /> extenslons,renewals end subleasos�,all agre9monts br use and oaupancy of iho Proporty(alI such loases end egreoments whether w►Itten or oral,are a�,�
<br /> hereafter reforted ta es the"Leases),end apguaranilea of lesseos'peKom�anco und�r the Leasos,together�vHh the Imnedlate and contlnuing right to �`•r ,�,r_,_
<br /> �°;'-
<br /> colleci and recoiva all of the ronis,Inc.ame,reoolpta,revenues,Issuea,proflis end other Inwrtse of any nature now pr hereafler due(Inctudng eny Income of ��... � „t�
<br /> any nature coming ciue during any redomption period)under ihe Leaaes or h•om or arlsing oul ot tho PropertY Includ�ng minimum rents,additional rerns, � ���k
<br /> percantage renta,parfdng or corrmon area malntenance eomributiona,tex end Insurance contributions,de�idency renis,Ilquldated darnages tollowing �
<br /> datauft in eny Loace,all proceeds psiyeble undar eny policy of insuranca covering loss of rerns resuftinp hom untenentablltty caused by destruction or .���.
<br /> i damaga to the Properry,all proceeds payable as e rosult of a leswa's exorclse ot an optlon to purchaso the Properry.all proceeds derivad hum the ��,_.
<br /> terMnetlon or reJectlon ot any Lease In a banlwptcy or other Insolvencyproceeding,end allp►oceeds from any rlgMs and dalms of eny Mnd which(irantor
<br /> �� � may havoapa1nst eny lessue under the Leases or eny oocupanis of the Property(all of the abo the R nis.aThis assf�n�ment IseRecorded Inhaocordan�w�h ;:�•
<br /> asslgrment la sub�oct to the riyht,power and authaity gNen to the Lander to collect end apply 9
<br /> �'� applicablo state law;the Ilen created by this essignment Is intended to be spedBe,porfected.and choate upon ihe recordin of ihis Deed of Trust,all es
<br /> , ..� provided by appllcabie state law as amended from tlme to time. As long as there is no defauit undor the Obligatlons or thls�eod of Trust,Lendor granta �
<br /> Ciramor e revocable ilconse to oollect all Rems from the Leases when due and to use such prooeeds In Qrantor's buslness oper�ano�nesfA Hon he payment
<br /> ' may at any time requlre Cirentor to deposit ell Rents Into en aocount mainielnod by C3rantor or Londer nt LendEr's Inslitutlon. U „
<br />- -� at,cr!r.:hw�.:.S�s^sn:R+ef.Qny or�hw Ot�lllaatlons.Lender mav at its optlon teke possesslon o11ho Property and hsve,hold,manage,lease snd opornte ihe :;
<br /> � }-' �'�v r,
<br />- - - ' Property on terms and(or a perfod of tlmeihet Lendor deems proper. Lender may proceea to ooiieci ana rvwiviw nii Reris ��rr iha s�, ^^.d!.sn�±°' .
<br /> � shall have tull powor to make alteratlons,rerrovations,repairs or replacemenis to the PropertY as Londer may doam praper. Lendor may apply all Rents In � *,��:" ,� �
<br /> � Lendors sole diacrotion to payment of the Oblipatlonc or to the payrnent of lhe oost of auch alteratlons,ronovations,repalrs end replacements and any ,� ,y,
<br /> expenses InGdent to teking and retainlng possession of ihe Property period�cal�Y and the management and operallon of the Properry. Lender may keop the �;�f,_.
<br /> ` � ' propem aoperly Insured end may discherge any taxes,charges,delms,assessmonis and other Iiena whlch may aocruo. The expense and cost of these • ,
<br /> actions rrey be peld from ihe Renta received,and any unpald amounts shall bo added to the principal of the Obligatlons. These amounts,together whh , �` •
<br /> r . othet coste,shall becomo part ot the Obligatlons seeured by tNs Deed of irust. ,f .^
<br /> n
<br /> ;`, 8. LEASE3 AND OTHER AaREEMENTS.Orantor shall not take a fall to tNce any ectlon which may cause or permlt the tertrinatlon or the wlthholding of � �•.
<br /> A� any paymem in oonnection with eny Leaso w other agreemeN('Agreemern')pertalning to lhe Property. in additlon,Qrentor,without Lenders prior wrfiten
<br /> �i( consent,6hall not:(a)coliect any monles payaWo under eny Agreemarn moro than one month In advance:(b)modity eny Agroement;(c)asslgn or ellow a �:
<br /> Ifen,security Intorest or other encumbrance to bo plaond upon Orentor's rights, tide end imerest In and to eny Agreement or the amounis payade Y
<br /> thereunder;or(di terminate or oancel eny Agroement except tor the nonpayment of any sum or other materlal ttteach by the other party thereto. If drenta , ! _
<br /> recelves at any tlma any wAUen cormunication esserting a detault by C3rentor under an Agreement o�purporting to terminate or cancei any Agreemem, 4 j
<br /> theerrqunts�duoo Qyronto the eun�de rere hereb�es i�gied ro�l.ender as addi�tloo Itsecu�for�tthe Oblllgationshereto)to Lender. All such Agreements end : -
<br /> :�
<br />- Y. COLLECTION OF INDEBTEDNESS FROM THIRD PARTY. La�der sheli be entitled to notlty or roquire Cirentor to notifv any ihird perty(Induding,but _r�y��;_R
<br /> ' not Ilmited to,leasees,Iicensees,povemmemal authorities end Insurance oompanies)to pay Lsnder any Indebtednesa or obligatlon owing lo(3rentor with ;�____
<br /> � ' � respoct to the Properry (cumulatively'Indebtedness')whether or not a defauN oxists under this Daed of Trust. Grantor shall d�igently colleet tho =-__e�=_�
<br />=% , �ndebtediess owing to(3rentw trom these lhird parties untll the gMng of such notiflcation. In the evem that arentor possesses or raceives possesslon of ;';;;�.�
<br /> eny Instrumenis a other remittances with respect to the Indobtednoss fdlowing lhe glving of such notlflcatlon or If the Instrumems or other remlttences _,•v�_�,
<br /> - � constitute the propaymont of any Indsbtedneas or iho payment of any Inswsnca or condermatlon proc�eds,Grentor shall hold such Inswmenta and olher •'s�_�,,;�„
<br />� '� � �omittences In tmst for Lender epa�1 from Ns other property,endorso the Inswmems and othar remlttancea to Lender,and Irtmndlatoly provide Lender with -- __ _ _
<br /> possessbn of the Instruments end othor reminances. Lendar shsll be em8led,but not requlred,to collect(by legal proceadings or otharwlse),oxlond the ;��o
<br /> � •; Ume for payment,cortpromiso.exchange or release eny obligor or collaterel,or otherwlse settle any oi tho Indobledn�ss whether or not en evant ot default ��..�.
<br />— �} exlsis undor this Agreement. Lender shell nm be Ilablu to Cirantor fa any eetlon,orror,rtisteke,omisslon or delay pertelning to iho aetions describ9d in thls �9 s�=
<br /> • , E�f paragraph or any damages rosulting Ihorofrom. Notwithster�ding ihe foregoing, nothing hereln shall cause Lender to be deemed a :,, e
<br /> � mortgageo-In-possesslon. •
<br /> e. U8E AND AAAINTENANCE OF PROPER7Y. Cramor sheli teke all ectione end R�ake any rop•aIra nesded to malnteln the Properry In good conditlon. ����•` �'�'" �, ''
<br /> . Cirentor�shail not commit or p9rmit any waste to be cortr�tlad with respect to tho Property. �rantor shall uu�tho Proporry solely In complianw wfth �"�'"'- -'�`Y
<br /> '' appllcable law and tnsuranco poticles. Grentor shall not mako any t+lterations,additlons or Improverrants to tho property w(thout lendors prior virinen .. ; {'. :t��"•`
<br /> •.t:::.
<br /> eonsont. Withoul Iimiting the torepOing,till alieretlons,edditlons and Improvoments made to the Property shall be subJoct to tho Iwnefldal Intorest belonging , . ,•.•�.�,
<br /> to Londor,shall nm be removod without LendeYs pior wdtton consont,and shall be mado at Grantors sole exponso. `• .�� -
<br /> i,:
<br />� 9. LOSS OR DAMAfiE. Grsntor shall beat the entire dsk of eny la�s,theft,destructlon or dartago(cwTUlativel "Losa or Damago')to tho Propehy or eny , �n
<br />— �evilous co dit on or pay o eause to be Vpald io Lende�the do oasoS Int hs t�r�rkelHValue ol itie afloctod IP opertyndor,ropalr the affected Praperty to its _
<br /> 10. lNSURANCE. The Proporty will bu kept Insured lor Its full Insurabla valuo(ropIacamunt cost�against all hazards Indudinp loss or damago causod by •••
<br /> '- flood,earthqunke,tomado and flro,theft or other casuatty to tho extent rc�qulred by Lender. Grentor may obtain Insurance on the Proport hom such
<br /> qu
<br /> companIes as ere eaeptablu to Lender in Ils sole discretlon. Tho Insurance polldos shall roqulre the Insurance comPany to provido Lencbr wit at Ieast
<br /> - 3 0 days'writton notice betao such polides ere aflerocl or eancelled In eny mannor. Tho Insurence polidos shall name Lender as a loss
<br /> pyee�aprovfi�e that no ect or omisslon oi Grantor or eny oiherporson shall affect tho right of Londor to be pald iho Insurenee proeeods portalning to Ihv
<br /> loss or dnmago of tho Property. In the ovanl Grentor falls to acqulre or malnlain Insurance.Londer(after proNcYng notico es may be raquired by law)may '
<br /> In its discretion procure appr ate Inauranoe coverage upon the Properly nnd tho insurance eoat shall be en advanco payeb�o and bearing intorost as
<br /> .._--_� y....��...�I..De.en.e�r.1 o�mr��rad harobv. (3ranta shall fumish Lender with evldena►of Insuronrn Indieating tho requtred coverago. Lendor may act '
<br /> ----- ..o..............._ro.T..------ _
<br /> _. .
<br /> -----
<br /> as attomoy-In•tect for�rentor In meking and settling daims undor Insuroncs poiidos,cancellin�any poucy or enaorsmg uramor s na�nn v��m�y�a��:a •- ------
<br /> nogoti�ie instniment drawn by eny Insurer. A�I cuch Insurance Polidos shsil be ImmeWatoly ass gned,piedged end dollvorod to Londor as lunhor necurlry
<br /> for iha Ob11EyaUons. In tho ovem of loss.Grantor 6hall immed ately glve Lendor written notico and Lendor Is authodzod to make proof of loss. Each
<br /> Insuronoo eompanY�s direetod lo mako payrrbnts directty to Lendor instoad of to Lendor end(3rentor.�Lon�runts may at�Lendor's ot tta�so�o�'n�,In �
<br /> — appiy such monlos toward iho Obllgatianc or towerd the oost of relwilding and rostoring the Proporty. y P
<br /> —� tho Invorse order of tho duo dates thurenf.
<br /> 11. 20NlNG AND PflIVATE COVENANTS. C3rantor shall not Inipate or eonsont to any changc�m the zoning provislons or private covenants attocting tho
<br /> use of the Property without Lendor's prlor writton consttnt. If C3rentor's use of iho Property becortws a nonconfoming use under eny zoning provitbn. •
<br /> Gndar wlhh writton notico of any proposod changes to he zon ng pr�ovl�s ons o Wprivato�covonunts aitocting tho Proparly�.r. C3rantor wiU Imnodiatoly provlde
<br /> 12 CONOF.�ANA710N. C3rantor Ehall imnediatoly provide Lender wilh wdflon notloo ot eny actual or throatened condarmatlon cr ominom domaln
<br />= procoedng portalninp to tho Pro�rty. Alt monies paya6lo to(3rantor trom such condctrtnatlon or taWng em hnreby asslgnod to Londor and shall bo avpllod
<br /> iiret to tho payment ol Lendar's attomeys lees.Ioga1 exponses a��d other eosis(IncludinA apprelsei feeal!n connectlon with iho condermatlon or ominont
<br /> domal�prcweedings end then,at the option of Landor,to iho payment o�tho Obligatlons or ihe restoretion or ropair ol tho Proporty.
<br /> — I � � ^ I
<br /> ��' �` ��`1
<br /> � NEDOTB Rev-119� Popo 2 d8� I
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