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. _ - <br /> I'4 <br />, ��•i <br /> D EED REGO RD NO. 7 2 <br /> `THE 9TATE OF ATEBRA3KA ) BE IT RE�dEMBERED, That on the 24th day of Apri1, 1930, before the <br /> ss. <br />, HALL COUN`TY � undersigned Paul N.Kirk a �ounty Judge �n and for said County, person- <br /> ally eame Vernon H.Thayer and �dartha E.Thayer,h3.s wif e to me known to be the ident�cal person$ <br /> d+��cribed in and who executed �he fcaregoin� Deed as �rantors and acknowledged said instrument to <br /> be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> WITNESS �iy hari�. 8.nd seal the day and year last above written. <br /> _ Paul N.�irk <br /> _ (SEAL) County Judge. <br /> Filed for record this 3o aay of April, 1430, at �+:00 0'clock P.M, <br /> �`��,.-�,�t._ �ti�-��. <br /> Register of Heeds <br /> 0-4-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-a ao-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-Q-C�-O-4-C)-0-0-4-�-0-(?-�-0 <br /> QUIT CLAIM DEED , _ . <br /> I�Y� __ <br /> gNOlfi AI,L }4dE1� BY THESE PRESENT$: �HAT t�ornelious H,Payton and Alic� J.Payton,his wife, both of <br /> th� County of Weston and State of Wpoming for the consideration of Six hundred and No/140 DOLLARS <br /> hereby Quit-elaim and Convey to Ra.chel Ellen Dut-ton of the County of Hall and 9tate of I�ebraska <br /> the follo�in� described Real Estate, situate in City of Grand Island,in the County of Ha11 and <br /> 3tate of Nebraska to-wit: "Lots eight (�) and ten (10) , in Block Sia (6) , in College Addi�ion to <br /> �'est Lawn of the City of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br /> I�T WITNESS �IIHEREOF, we have set our hands this 31st dap of March, 1930. <br /> In Presence of <br /> �darvel �.Howell Cornelious H.Paqton <br /> Husband <br /> Marvel �.Howell Alice J.Payton <br /> Rife <br /> THE STATE OF WYDMING ) BE IT RE�tItEE�dHERED, That on the 31et day of �liarch, 1934, before the under <br /> ss. <br /> WEST�IJ COUNTY � signed �a.rvel 1�.Ho�e11, a Notary� Public in and for BB,�CI CptI,A'��'� person-. <br /> ally came Cornelious H.Payton and Alice J.Paytvn, his wif e to me known to be the identical person <br /> described in and who exeeuted the foregoing Deed as Grantors and ackno�ledged said instrument to <br /> be their voluntary act and deed. <br /> 1�ITNESS my hand and not�rial seal the day and year last above written. <br /> � (SEAL) Marvel �d.Howell, <br /> My commission expires Feb. 15, 1932, Notary Public <br /> �'iled for record this 30 day of April, 1930, at �F:00 0�cloek P.�. <br /> ��:�.�� ���.-,.,� <br /> Register of D�eds <br /> o-aao-o-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-ao-o-o-o-o-o-o-ao-o-ao-o-o-o-ao-o-a-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-a-o-ao <br /> QUIT CLAI� D�E� <br /> �:: <br />�` KN01� ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Charles E.Cleveland and Lora A.Cleveland,his wife, of the <br /> Gounty of Benewah and State of Idaho for the considera,tion of 3ia hundred and No/3�0 DOLL�RB, her by <br /> Quit-�laim and Convey to Rachel El1eM Dutton of the County of Ha,ll and State of �ebraeka the foll w- <br /> ing described Real Estate, situate in the City of f�rand Island, in the County of HaI1 and State ,o <br /> �ebraska to-wit: �Lote eigh� (�) and ten (10) in Bloek six (6) , in College �ddition to A'est� <br /> of the City of Grand Island,Ha11 Countp,�ebr." <br /> IN �TITNE3S 1NfiE8E0F, we have set our hands this 31st dap of March, 193�. <br /> Qharles E.Cleveland <br /> In Presence of Husband <br /> J.v.schoolcraft Lora A.Cleveland <br /> E.G.Houde Xif e __. <br /> THE sTATE OF IDAHO ) BE IT REME�BERED, That on the 31st day of Ma.reh, 1930, b�fore the under- <br /> ss. , <br /> Bannock County � signed �.G.Houde a ftotary Public in and for said t3ounty, personally came <br /> Charles E.Cleveland and Lora A.Cleneland,his wife, to me known to be the identical persons des- <br /> c��bed in and who executed the foregoing Deed as Grantc�rs and acknowl.edged said instrument to be <br /> their vollxntary act and deed. <br /> '�ITNESS m� hand and seai the day and year last above written. E.G H ude <br /> Commission Eapires Jan. �, �1931. <br /> (SEAL) l�o�ary Public <br /> r s ay o p � � . . . <br /> - eg s er o �e s <br />