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�� <br /> DEED REGORD NO. 72 <br />________._.____ __ __. __._______.__._ __ , . . _ _ .. _._ _ _ ._ ___ _ _ _ ._ ___._ _ � . __ _ _ . __ . . � <br /> Publie in and for the County and State aforesaid, came Henry A Odell And 3te11a Ode11 His Wife. <br /> Rho �,re pereonally known tv me to be the eame persons who execute8 the �►ithin instrument of writi�;g, <br /> and such persoi�a duly acknowledged the execution of the same. <br /> I�T TESTIMONY 1ri1HERE0F, I hane hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, the day and year last <br /> above written. ( S�AL) <br /> Roy Christy <br /> (�erm expires Aus 1f�,1930 Notary Public <br /> Filed for record thie 30 day of April 1930, at 9: 45 A. M. <br /> - ��z-c�d ��-�--� <br /> Register of Deeds <br /> -O-O-O-�-O-O-O-O-O-O-O_p-O-O-O-O-O_O-O-O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_O-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0_O-O.�O-O-O� <br /> Quit-Glaim Deed �,� <br /> Thie Indenture, Made �on the lOth, day of April, A, D. One Thoueand Nine Huridred and Thirty, b� and <br /> between Richard B, Vail and �ary E. Vail Husband and wife. of the Gounty of �Pyandotte, Btate of <br /> Kansas. , partiee of the first part, and Frank J. �cGrath and E. R, David, of the County of --, 9tate <br /> of --.- , parties of the second part , �ITNE9S�TH, That the said parties of the first part, in con_ <br /> sideration of the sum of One Dollar and �ther coneider�tions, Dollars, to them by the s�id <br /> partiee of the second part ( the receipt of which is h�reby acknowledged) do by these presents, <br /> f REM'I sE , RELEASE and FORE"Y�R QUIT-CLAIM unto the part of the eecond -part, the follo�ring <br /> , <br /> � described lo�s, tracts or parcela of land, lying, b�ing and situate in the County of Hall, and <br /> � State of Nebraska. , to-�►iti Fractional Lots One (1) , and Two (2) , Block Thirty-Three ( 33) , <br /> ', Lamberte Addition In the Citq of Grand Ialand Nebrasl�a. <br /> ; <br /> jT0 HAVE AATD TO HOLD THE SAME, with all the rights, immunitiee, privilegee and appurtenances ther <br /> . <br /> ; <br /> ' to belonging, unto the said partiee of the second part and unto their heirs and assigns forecrer; <br /> so that neither the said partiea of the first part nor their heirs, nor any o�her:.pereon or person , <br /> • for them or in their name or behalf, ehall or will hereinaf�br claim or demand any right or title <br /> to t�e aforasaid premises or any part thereof, but they and eQCh of them shall , by these presents <br /> be excluded and forever barred. <br /> �IN �ITNES9 �HEE�EOF, the said parties of the fire�G part have hereun�o set their hand$ and �eals th <br /> day and year above mritten. <br /> Richard B. Vail (Seal <br /> 5igned, 8eaied and delivered in Presence of _ Mary E. Vsil ( Seal <br /> State of Kansas, <br /> s s. � <br /> County of �Pyandotte. On this IOth, day of April, 1930. before me, Charles C. �hlers, a Notarq <br /> Pubiic, personally appeared Richard B. Vail and and �ary E. Vail, his wife, to me knorvn to be the <br /> - person8 described in and who e�ecuted the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged that they e�ceeut- <br /> ed the eame as their free act �and deed. <br /> IN TESTIMONY �HE�?EOF, I have hereun�o set my hand and affixed my official seal at my oYfice in <br /> Kansaa City,Kansas. the day and year last above written. <br /> Charles C. Ehlera <br /> ( SEAL) Notarq Public in and for <br /> said County and State <br /> My term enpires September,14,1930. <br /> Filed for record thia 30 day of April 1930, at 9:45 0� elock A. I+� ��� � <br /> - egiater ot Deedr <br /> -0-t1_O-O-O-O-O-0_O-O-O_O_0-0-0-0-O_0-O-O-0-O-O_0-O-O-0-0-0-O-O-O-O-O-O_O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-4-0-O-O-O� <br /> QUIT CLAIM D��D , <br /> /`� � - - <br /> gNO�V ALL �E�T BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT Vernon H.Thayer and �da.rtha E.Thayer, his eife, both oP the <br /> County of Hali �nd �ta�e of Nebraska for the consideration of 8ia Hundred and no/l0a ; DOLLARS � - <br /> herebq Quit-claim and Convey to Rachel �llen Dutton of the County of Hall and 3tate of Nebraska <br /> the following- described Real �state,situate in the �ity of Grand Island,in the County of Hall and <br /> State of l�ebraska to-�it: "Lots eight (�S� and ten (lo) ,i� Block �ix (6) ,in College Addition to <br /> West Lawn, the Citp of Grand I�land, Ha21 County, �ebr." <br /> TN �fITNESS �IH�REOF, we have set our hands this 24th day qf April, �,930. Vernon H.Thayer <br /> Arlep$Jay Martha. E.A��eer <br />