<br /> D EED REGORD NO. 7 2
<br /> . ,
<br /> 'THIS IN��NTURE,Made this 5th day of �arch , A. D. ,1930 , between Realty I�avestment Qo. , of Grand
<br /> Island, a corporation organized and existing ursder and by virtue of the law� af the State of Nebr -
<br /> _ �kaart of the first rt H
<br /> ! ,p y pa , and Albert Anderson of the County of alI and 3tate of Nebraska, part
<br /> ,
<br /> ��f the s�cand part ,
<br /> WIT�IEBSETH, That the said party of the first part , for and in consid�xation of the. sum of Three
<br /> � � Hundr�d Twen�y-four and No/l00 �OLLARB, in hand�,�eipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,has sol� a
<br /> � by these presents does grant , convey , and oonfirm unto �he eaid party of the secor�d part , the foilflw-
<br /> ing described premi��s , situated in Ha11 County , and State of Nebraska,tol-�it; All of Lot Sixt�eA
<br />. � ( 16) Blc�ek Twenty-four ( 2�) in Colleg� Ad3ition to W�st Lawn, in the �ity of Grand Island, as sur
<br />` jveyed, platt�d and recorded.
<br /> !
<br /> TO $AVE AN� TO HOL� �be premisps abov� des�ribed, togethex with alI the Tenements, Hereditaments
<br /> t �,nd Appurtenanc�s tbereunto belongin� unto tne said Albert And�rson
<br /> � And the said Realty Inveatment Co. for itself or its succ�ssore ,do h�reby cove�ant and a,�re� to a
<br /> • with Gne said party of the second part and hie heirs and assi�ns, that at the time of the eaxecutio
<br /> � • I
<br /> • - and delivery of t�i�se presents it is lawfully �eized of said premises , that it hae good right and
<br /> - lawful authority to convey the same; tha� they are free from enaumbrance except all apeeial taaee
<br /> , �
<br /> � , � - and assessments , and regular taxes for 1929 and thereafter , and does hereby covenant to warrant an �
<br /> defend tne said premises against the Iawful claims of all persons whom�o�vpr , exc�pt ae stated '
<br /> • • , abdve, .
<br /> � I1Q �ITNESS '�iEREOF, th� said Realty Inv�stment Co. has hereunto caused its corporate se�.l to be
<br /> �, -
<br /> affixed and these presenta to b� sigri�d by its President the day and year first above written. �
<br /> i
<br /> igned,s�al�d and delivered in presence of Realty Ir�ves�m�nt Co. '
<br /> Arthur C.�iayer ( CQRP) By E.Q.Gilbert ,President
<br /> � Attest E.L.Gilbert , Sec�y. (S�AL)
<br /> BTAT�" OF I�I�BRASKA ) Qn thie 5th day of March, 1934, before me , the undersigned, a Notary Publ i �
<br /> ss.
<br /> ALL COUNTY � in and for said County , personally came E.C.Ciilbert ,President of the F(ealt
<br /> Investrnent Co. to m� personal.ly known ta be the President and the identical person whose na.me is '
<br /> �.ffixed to the above conveyanc� , and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act an
<br /> deed �.s such officer and the voluntary act and
<br /> , eed of t�e 8aid Realty Investment Oo. , and that the Corporate seal of the said Realty Inveatment
<br /> . . Cfo. was th�reto affixed by its authority.
<br /> . ,
<br /> � Y� �
<br /> itneee my hand and Notarial Sea2 at �Frand Island in said oounty the day and year last abov� writt n
<br /> ( SEAL) Arthur C.Mayer
<br />, � r y Cammission expires the 11" day of June 1935. Notary Publio
<br /> • �
<br /> - , i.led for record thi� 2nd day" of April , 1930 , at 11;00 .o!�lock A.�. (�J��..y�� �
<br /> '�`..�-�'
<br /> . egister o ee e
<br /> ' -o-o-�-o-�-�-�-ao-�-�-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-�-�-�-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-�-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-
<br /> . C�ARR.�,A1TY D�E� � '
<br /> �,
<br /> THIS IN��?+1TURE, �adE this 16th aay of November ,A.D. ,1929 , b�etween Realty Investment Oo. , of (3rand
<br /> e
<br /> . T�lar�d a cor ora,tion or�aniz�ad and �xisting under and by virtue of the l�.ws af thc� 3tate of
<br /> � P .
<br /> • Nebraska,party of the first part , and Albert Anderson of the Oounty of Hall and Stat� of l�ebrasl�
<br /> paz•ty of the second part , '
<br /> . VPITNESS�TH, Tha,t the� +aaid party of the first part , �for and in consideration of the sum of Thr�e
<br /> , ,
<br /> - Hundr�d Twe��ty-four and No/100 DQLLARS, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hexeby acknowl.edged, has
<br /> ' sold and by th�se prese�ts daes grant , conve� , and confirm unto th� said party of the s econd part�
<br /> the f�llowing de�cribed premises ,eitu�ted in xall County, and State of Nebraska,to-�iit : All of
<br /> � Lot Fourteen (14) Block Twenty-four (2�+) in ColZege Addition to West Lawn, in the City of arand
<br /> Isl�.nd, as surv�yed, pl�tted and recorded.
<br /> ,
<br /> � , TQ HAVE AN� TO HOL� the premie��s above deseribed,together with all the T�nements ,Hereditam�nt�
<br /> and appurter�ances thereunto b�Ion�;ing unto the said Albert Anderaon.
<br /> .
<br />