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7� <br /> DEED RECORD NO. 72 <br /> __� <br />�_ ____.._ __..__=�._�� _____�W__ ..�� _�. <br /> __ _ , <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) �n t��is 29th day of March, A.D.193o , before me , a Notary Public , in and <br /> )ss <br /> County of H�.I2 ) for said County , person�lly oame the above �amud Pearl ' and Z�lma <br /> �Iillis who are perbonally known to me to be the identical persons whose names are affix�d to the <br />' above ins�rurnent as grant�rs , and they acknowledged said instrument to be their voluntary act and <br /> deed. <br /> I �7ITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal tla� date I�-�t afor�said. <br /> W.H.Hilbert <br /> ( SEAL} Notary publia <br /> �dy co�ission expires on the 15th day of �iarch, A.�. ,�.933. <br />� Filed for record tnis 31st day of March, 1930 , at �#:�+5 o� ciock P.M. � <br /> R�gister o�Dge�c +� <br /> O-J-�-�-0-0-J-�-�J-J-�-�J-O-u-J-�-J-J-J-O-��-�)-��-:J-J-J-�-�-;�-�-�7-J-J-O-�-�_,J_j�-0-:7-J-�-0-0-�-�-0-�-�� J <br /> JEED �:� _ <br /> THIS INDEPTTURE, made this 31st day of March, �930 , by �nd between The Independ�nt Publishir�g QQm- <br /> pany of Gr�.nd Island, �, corporation duly organ3.zed under the 1�,WS of the 9tat� of N�brask�,, of th <br /> Oounty of Hall, State of Nebraska, party� of the� fir;et party, and Th� Grand IeZand Independent Pub <br /> lishin� Oompany, a corporation organiz�d ur�der the law� of the State of N�braska, of the (launty o � <br /> Hall , Stat� of Nebraska, party of t�ae second part , �tITNESSETH: � <br /> That said par�y of the first part , in consider�.ti.on of th� sum of Or�� Dollar and oth�r good and <br /> valuable consideration to it in �Sar�d paid by se,id party of the seaond part , reccipt of whieh is <br /> hereby �.cknowledged, has granted, �bargained� and sol.d, aliened ,rem���d,released,conveyed and' war- <br /> r�,nte�,assi�ned, transferred and set over , and by theee presents does convey and �arrar�t ,gran� , <br /> bargain ar�d se11 , alien ,r�mise,xelea�e,assign,transf;�r and s�t ov�r unto said The Grand Ysland <br /> Tndependent Publishing Company , i�s� suce�ssors and assigns , party of the second part , the follow- <br /> ing described property and premises ,to-wit ; AiI those certain pieces �,nd parcele of land situate <br /> in Hall Qour�ty , Nebraska, bounded and described as follows; The southerly forty.=four (4�) �eet of <br /> Lots Numbered Three ( 3) and Four (�4) ,in Bloak Seventy-nine ( 79) , of the Original Town, now City a <br /> Grand Island,sub�ect to a cer�ain party wall agreement and easem�nts of record. <br /> . <br /> Also all fr�nchises , easements ,estates ,propert�r rights, privilege� and appurtenanoes in a,nd to sa' d <br /> premiBes and property afor�aaid; also a11 and singular the buildings , structur�a and fi�t'ture� Ioc ted <br /> upon said property , or any p�nr.tion ther�of, or used in connection therewith; also all printing <br /> presses, paper cuttErs , alI trimmers , ca.sting boac�s , casting moids,cutting off eylinders, sha�ring <br /> rnachines , finishing cylind�rs, stereotyping. chases ,form tables,stereotype furn�ve, rolling m�,chin �, <br /> lineotypes , a.nd all otner printin� machir�ery and �quipment , and all machin�ry and equipm�nt of <br /> �very kind ar�d deseription; also alI licenses, booke,records,abetract� and records , and all prope ty <br /> Iocated upon said proper�y and premi�ea aforesaid, and belor��ing to the party of th� firat part , r � <br /> �o which it may b� entitled in law or in equity; . <br /> Also a.II cash in bank, or elsewnere; also alI bills , notes and accounts r�ceivabl� and all stocke <br /> and bond$; also all materials �.nd s�pplies of every kin� and desexiption; al�so all o�fia� furnitu e <br /> and fiatures , boaks of account and records of every kind and description belonging to Th8 Indepen <br /> dent Pub2ishing Cornpany of Grand jslan�., or to which it may be entitled, located in the offie� of <br /> said company in Cirand Island, l�ebr�.ska, and �leewhere; aleo all and �ingul�r the r�nte ,ie�ues, <br /> earnings ,income , profits and other benefite or rights in anywise growing out of any of the proper y <br /> a:nd assets of said party of the first part; also aZI trade marka, trade nam�e, patents and patent d <br /> property belonging to the �aid The Independ�nt Publishing Company of Grand I�land, or to �hich it <br /> may be entitled, and �,lso th� good will of said company, a,nd the exclueiv� right to use the name f <br /> The Independent Publishi�g Qompany of Cirand Islanc�, and th� right to use th� nam� of th� _n�wapap� <br /> heretofore published by party of the first part ,to-v�it ,The Qra.nd Is1�.nd Daily Indeper�dent , and al <br /> kindred names , <br /> TOGETHER with aII. and singular the hereditamente a,nd appuxtenanees thereunto belonging, or in any <br />