<br /> D EED RECORD NO. 7 2 �
<br /> SHERIgF' S �3�D- Qn Foreclosure of Mortga�e_ ,�, -
<br /> RId4� ALL �tEN BY THESE PREBENTS; That '�hereas , in an action in the �District 0ourt of the Eleventh
<br /> Judicial Dietriot of Nebraska, within and �or Hall County , �eherein Nebraska Loan � Trust Oompany,
<br />,; of t�rand Islan�i,l�ebraska, a eorporation was Plaintiff and Horaae P.Tucker and Rose M.Tucker,his
<br /> wife , Leo G.9hehein; Edwin J.Nolbach and Emil Wolbach,doin� business under the firrn name of S.N.
<br /> '�olbach $ons; The Columbia Wei�hing Machine Company ,a Corporati�n; and John DQe and Mrs. John Doe
<br /> his wife , first name unknown, were Defendants, it was b� said Court at the March Term thereof, -
<br /> A.D. ,1929 , to-�it ,on the 6th day of March A.D.i929considered,adjudged, and decreed that in defau2��
<br /> of the paymen� to the Clerk of the Dietriat t�ourt of the ca+ats of said �,�tion, and to Nebraska
<br /> Loar� & Truet C?ompany the sum of ��36o.9�S with interest thereon at the ra.te of 10�o from Marvh 6,
<br /> Z92�; to Leo G. 3hehein the sum of #1039.03 with interest thereon at the rate of lOfo from July
<br /> 16, 1929 and to Columbia �eighing Machine Qo. , the �um of �19�.14 �vith interest thereon at the
<br /> rate of 7j from July 16 , 192g,�ithi.n twenty days from the date of such jud�ment and deoree, th�,t
<br /> the equity af rede�►ption of eaeh ;and aII of said defendants in and to the lands and tenemente he�e
<br /> in�,fter described be forec2osed and forevex "barred, and that the 9heriff of eaid Hall County Qause
<br /> the l�.nds anc� ten�ment� hereinafter describe� to be advertised, and soZd according to law; and
<br /> , hereas the said defendants having m�.de -default therein, C.J.Palmer ,as Sheriff of said County , und r
<br /> nd by virtue of the order of said Oourt to him direeted, did, on the I�th day of January A.D. ,�93
<br /> t the north door of, the Court House in �he City of t�rand Island, ,lQebraeka,in said Oounty of Hall ,
<br /> the same being the place wherein the Diatrict Oourt was laet held in said Qounty� , baving first
<br /> � iven due and legal notice of the time and place of said sale , for not 3ess than thirty days prior
<br /> hereto, in the 2he Grand Isla,nd Daily Independent ,a le�al newsp�.per printed and in �eneral circu-
<br /> ation in said Oounty of Hall, seil the said premises at public auction to ldebraska Loan and Trust
<br /> ompany cf 4rand Island,a oorporation ( it being the highest and best bidder therefor) for the sum f
<br /> � ive-thousand-eight-hundred & 00,/100 JE�LL.ARB, �b��Y� sale �ras afterwards at the October Term of eai
<br /> ourt ,A.D. ,193o,eaa�ined an3 c�nfirmed, and the said C.J.Palmer ,as Bheriff of said Oounty, was
<br /> rdered to exscute a d eed af said prea�i8es to the said Nebraska Loan and Trust Oompany of t�rar�d
<br /> sland, a corporation. �
<br /> �� THEREFt?RE, I , the eaid O.J.Palmer , as 9beriff of HaII Qounty , Nebraska, in pursuance of the
<br /> rder of said Qourt , as afaresaid, in consideration of the premises, and by virtue o.f the powers i
<br /> e vested �by la�, do hereby give ,grant ,and convey unto the said Nebraska Loan and Trust Company of
<br /> • ` rand Island, a eorporation, its eucces$ors and assigns , the pxemises sold as ��foresaid,towit; A1
<br /> � f Lot One ( 1) ,in Bloek One Hundred 8iateen ( 116} of the Railroad Addition to the Qity of C3rand
<br /> �1a nd , Nebraska �rith ail and singular the a�rpurtances thereunto belonging,to have and tv hold unt
<br /> t tne said �iebraska Loan and Trust Qompany of t�rand Island, a corporation, and its successors ,and
<br /> assigns forever. _ �
<br /> IN �YITNESS �VHEREOF, I have ae $uch �heriff of Hall Oounty , Nebraska, hereunto set my hand this 21 t
<br /> day of �`anuary ,A. D. �193v•
<br /> �acecuted and Delivered in Presenee of
<br /> O.J.Palmer
<br /> H.B. Francisco. - - Sheriff of Hall County.
<br /> HE 9TAT� 4F �3�BRASKA ) On this 21st day of January A.D. ,1930, before me Olinton E.John , a
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> ALL COUNTY. ) Clerk of the District t3ourt duly eleeted and qualified for s�,id
<br /> � � ounty ,personally ap peared C.J.Palmer,8heriff of said County , to me known to be the identical per-
<br /> son described in and who executed the foregoing instru�►ent aa grantor , and acknowledged said instr �
<br /> ent to be his vo2untary act and d eed as such sherzff.
<br /> �� ` N '�ITNES9 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Grand rsland,Nebraska, in eai
<br /> � ounty , the day and year iast above written. Clinton E.John
<br /> ( SEAL) C1erk of tbe Dietrict Oourt
<br /> ' iteci fnr rpnnrA th; a ��St 6��'��� �T&�1�� � • �-�I�C� �.�.. �� . .. ��s _
<br /> Re�,i.at.er.-z�.F�°I�e�:
<br />