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<br /> �`�'
<br /> DEED REC RD NO.
<br /> O 72
<br /> KNOW ,ALL I�EN BY THESE PRESENTS: That "�Phere�,s, in�an action in the District Couxt � of the �leventh
<br /> Judicial District of Nebraska ,within and for KaI1 County , wherein �.A.Beltzer was Plaintiff and
<br /> Richvale Land Qompany ,a corporation, Sherman A. Robinson , Caroline Mary, Bank of It�.ly, a cor- ,
<br /> poration, John Doe , real and true name unknown , occup�:nt , and Lot � , Sect2on 30, Townehip 9 , l�or h
<br /> of Range 12 �Pest of thP 6�h P.�d. and Lot � ,Section 31 , Township 9 North of Rar��e 12 t�est of� the
<br /> 6th P.M. ,both in Hall Oounty , Nebraska; Kari A.Ra�muesen,Anna Rasmussen,his wife , LeRoy W,C�oss ,
<br /> Richard Roe ,Aeal and true name unknown,occupant , and Lots lj and Ib in Biock 9 , Ct�iro Viilage,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska, were Defendants , it was by said Court at the Qetober Term thereof,A.D. ,
<br /> �929 ,to-wit ,on the Z9th d�,y of Nove�nber A.D. ,1929,considered,adjudged,and deereed that in defauit .
<br /> I of the payment to the Clerk of the District Court of the coste of said action, and to O.A.Bel�ze
<br /> the sum of �114.5� with interest thereon at the rate of 12� from November 19 ,1929 ,within twenty
<br /> days from the date of such judgment an3 decree , that the equity of redempti�n of each and alI' of
<br /> said d efendants in and to the lands and tenemenWs hereinafter described be:�foreclosed and farever
<br />; barre3 , and that the Sheriff of said �all Oounty cause the Iands and tenements hereinafter descri ed
<br /> to be advertised, and sold according to la�; and whereas the said defendants having m�,de �defau7.t
<br /> _ -
<br /> therein , C.J.Palmer ,a$ Sheriff of said 0ounty, under and .by virtue of the order of said Court to �
<br /> him directed, di�, on the l�+th day of January A.D. ,1930 at the north door of the Oaurt house in
<br /> the Oity of Cirand Island , Nebraska, in said Oounty of Hall ,( the s�,me bein� the place �►herein the
<br /> Dietrict f7ourt was laet he13 in sai3 County) ,�i�.ving first i7;iven 3ue and Iegal notic� of the time
<br /> and p7.�.ce of s�.id sale , for not less than thirty days prior thereto , in the The Cirand Is3and
<br /> Herald, a legal newspaper printed and in general circulation in said Qounty of Hall ,se21 the said ,
<br /> premises at public auction to O.A.Beltzer (he beir�gthe highest and best bidder therefor) for the -
<br />�i
<br /> sum of �ne Hundred Fifty ��LLARS, which sale was afterwards at the Octaber Term of said t3ourt ,A.D. ,
<br />� ,
<br />� Iq29, examined and confirme� , and the said C.J.Pa2mer,a� Sheriff:'af said County , �ras ordered to
<br /> �
<br /> execute a deed of sai�. pxemises to t�°�e said O.A.Beltzer.
<br /> N0�1,THEREFORE, I , the s�id C.J.Palmer , as Sheriff of Hall County, i�ebraska, in pursuance of the �
<br /> arder of said aourt , as aforesaid,in consideratian of the premises, and by virtue of the powers i
<br /> me vested by Iaw, do hereby �ive ,grant ,and convey unto the said O.A.Beltzer,his heira , and assign ,
<br />,
<br />� the premises soZd as aforesaid,ta-wit; AI1 of Lot Seven ( 7) ,Secti�n Thirty (30) and Lot �ight (�
<br /> ,
<br /> in Seotion Thirtp-one (�1) ,both in Township 9 North,Range 12 '�est of the 6th P.M. ,Hall Oounty ,
<br /> Nebraska,with all an�3 singul�r the appur�anees thereunto belonging, to have and to hol.d unto him '
<br /> the said O.A.Beltzer and his heirs and assigns forever. '
<br /> IN WITNESS �VHEREOF, I have , �.s such Sheriff of Fiall Oounty, Nebraska, hereunto set my h�.nd this
<br /> ��th day of January ,A.D. 1930. ' �
<br /> Txecuted and Delivered in Presence of
<br /> Bertha Becker a.J.Palmer
<br /> R. F.Gericke Sheriff of Hall Oounty. � �
<br /> '�H�' 3TA�E 4F I�EBR45KA On t�iis l�th day of January ,A.D.1930,before me Qlinton E.John , a
<br /> ss. - .
<br /> Ha11 0ounty Clerk of the District Qourt duly elected anc� qualified for said ,
<br /> County , personally a�peared O.J.Palmer , Sheriff of eaid County , to me known to be the identical .
<br /> person described in and who e�ecuted the foregoing instrument as grantor and acknowledged said �
<br /> instrument to be his �oluntary �,et and deed as such Sheriff. '
<br /> _ �
<br /> 0
<br /> IN �ITNESS �HEREQF, I have hereunto set my hand and� official seal at (�rand Island,Aebra+�ka, in sa d '
<br /> County , the day and year last above written. '
<br /> Olinton E.John
<br /> ( SEAL) Clerk of the District ,0ourt .
<br /> Filed for ree�.�rd this 1�th xay of January, 19�0, at 4�:50 o' clock P.M. - � �
<br /> �! -u,�,y
<br /> Register of�] eeds
<br /> �
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