'� �
<br /> DEED RECORD� NO. 72
<br /> , �
<br /> and the identicaZ person w hose name i� affixed to' the above conveyance and acknowledged the execuT :
<br /> tion tnereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer and the voluntary act- and deed of th
<br /> said �nion Loan & 9avin�s Association, and t:�at the Corporate seal of the said Union Loan & 9avin�s
<br /> , Association w�.s thereto affixed by its authority.
<br /> ' itness my hand and Notarial 8ea1 at Lincoln in said county �he day and year last above w ritten. -
<br /> •� y commission expires the �th c�ay of 4ept . 1930• Emma Bahls
<br /> ( SEAL) Notary Public
<br /> iled for record tnis 13th day of Jannary ,1930,at 2:00 o�clock P.M. �����J�u-�-=
<br /> ' Register of �ede
<br /> -0-0-0-U-0-0-t�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-i�-0-0-0-�J-O-J-�-J-�J-O-�-0-0-�J-0-;�-�J-�J-J-O-�J-�-J-,-)-0-0-�-0-0-
<br /> KN�W ALL MEN BY THESE P?�ESENTS; That �hereas ,in an action in the District Court of the Elevaith
<br /> JudiciaT District of Nebraska, witnin and for Hall County , wnerein The Lincoln Joint 9t�ck Land
<br /> Bank of Lincoln ,Nebraska was Plaintiff, and H.M.Rushing �.nd �Qa.ud B.Rushing,husband and wife;
<br />` �ary K.McAllister; C.V.�agnuson an� '�ife � Ddagnuson,true fl�,me unknown; Mabel G. KniceTy;
<br /> �. A. Kn�a�cely , John Doe and Mary Dbe hus'band �.nd wife , were Defendants , it was by eaid Court at
<br /> the April Term thereof ,A.D. ,1929 ,to-wit,�n the 27th day of June A.D. ,1929,considered , adjudged,
<br />, ,�.nd decreed that in default of the payment to ti�e Clerk of the District Caurt of the costs of sai
<br /> action, and to The Lincoln_Joint $tock Land Bank tne su:n of ��13.I2 with interest thereon at the
<br /> , rate of �� from the 27th,day of June 1929 within twenty days from tYie date of such judgment a,nd
<br /> decree, that the equity of redemption of each and all of said .defendants in and to the lands and
<br /> tenements hereinafter deecribed be foreclosed and forever barred, and tnat the Sheriff of said
<br /> Hall Oounty ca.use the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be advertised,and sold accord-
<br /> t
<br /> in� to Iaw; and whereas the sai3 d efendants naving made default therein, C.J.Palmer,as Sheriff of
<br /> said County ,unc�er and by virtue of tne order of said Court to hi.�n directed,did on the 19�h day of
<br /> Dece�ber ,A.D. ,1929 at the north door of the Oourt house in the City of (3rand rsland ,Nebraska, in
<br /> aaid County ;of HaII , (the same being t:�e place whexein the Distriet Court was Iast held in said
<br /> County) , having first given due and legal notice of the time and place of said sale ,far not less
<br /> • than thirty 3�,ys prior tnereto , in the The Grand Island Jaily Independent ,a Iegal newspaper print
<br /> and in general circulation in said County of �all ,sell the said premises at public auction to the
<br /> The Lincoln Joint �tock Land Bank of Lincoln ,Nebraska. (it being the highest and best bidder
<br /> therefo.r) for the sum of Four-Hundred-T�enty-Ei�ht & 90/100 DOLLARS who assigned its bid to Clare e
<br /> V�,th which sale was af�:Erwards at t iie October Term of said Court A.D. ,1929 exarnined and confirmed
<br /> a,nd the said C.J.palmer ,as 9heriff of said Coun�y , was ordered to execute a deed of said premises
<br /> to the said Cl�,rence Vath -
<br /> 6
<br /> R0�►,THERE�ORE,I , tne said C.J. Pal�er ,as Sheriff of Hall County , Nebraska, in pursuance of the orde
<br /> , ,� f eaid Ctaurt , as aforesaid,in consideration of the premises , and by virtue of the powers in me
<br /> ested by law, do hereby give,grant ,and convey unto the said Clarence V�,th , and assigns , the
<br /> remises sold as aforesaid,to-wit : AlI of The VYest Half of the Northeast Quarter (t��NE4) and the
<br /> ast Ha2f of the Northwest Quarter ( E�NW�) of 9ection Twenty-Two (22) Township Eleven ( 11) , Range
<br /> en ( 10) ,West of tne Sixth P.M. , in Hall County ,Nebraska. Sunject to the unpaid balance of the
<br /> ortga;e held by The Lincoln Joint �tock Land Bank of Lincoln,Nebraska, with all and singular the
<br /> ppurtanc�s thereunto belonging,to have a�d to hol�. unto him the said Clarence Vath and nis heirs
<br /> nd assigns forever.
<br /> 1V VGITNESS e(IHHEREOF, I have ,as such Sheriff of H�,I1 County , Nebraska ,hereunto set my hand this 14th
<br /> �y of January A.D. ,1930.
<br /> � xecuted and Delivered in Presence of
<br /> � C.J.Palmer
<br /> Bertha Becker Sheriff of Hall County.
<br /> �
<br />