��-'" ' �
<br /> D EED RECORD NO. 7 2
<br /> JOINT TENANTS, �nd not �,s tenants in common, and to their �,seigns ,or to the heirs and assigns of
<br /> the survivor of them,forever,and I the grantor named herein for myself and my heirs,eaecutors ,and
<br /> �dministrators,do covenant with the gxantees named herein and with their a.ssigna and �ith the hei s
<br /> and assigns of the survivor of them,that I am lawfully seized of said premises; th�t they are fre
<br /> frorn incumbrance except as stated herein, and that I 'the said grantor have g�od right and lawful
<br /> authority to sell the same , and that I will and my heirs ,executors and administrators sha1l warra t �
<br /> and defend tne same unto tne grantees name�i herein and unto *uh eir assigns and unto the heirs and -
<br /> assigns of tne survivor of tiiem,f�rever , against the Iawful claims of �,I1 persons whomsoever , ex-
<br /> eludin� the exceptions na�ed 'nerein.
<br /> IN �ITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand this llth day of �anuary ,A.D. 193o. �
<br /> In presence of � Myrtle M.Bauer
<br /> C. E.Grundy
<br /> 3TATE OF NEBRASKA ) 4n t:nie Ilth day of January A.D.193o,before me , a Notary PubZic , in
<br /> ) ss.
<br /> COUNTY OF HAll ) and for said County , persona.11y came the above narried Myrtle �.B�uer ,
<br /> single woman, who is personally known to me to be the identical person whose narne is affixed to th
<br /> above instrument as grantor and she acknowled�ed said i.nstrument to be her voluntary act and deed.
<br /> WITI�ESS my h�,nd and Notarial 3eal the date last aforesaid.
<br /> C. E.arundy
<br /> (BEAL) Notary Public
<br /> My commiesion expires on the 1£�th day of June A.D. ,1932•
<br /> Filed for record this 13th day of January,1930,at 9Z00 o� clock A.M. ������ �
<br /> ��..
<br /> - Re�ister of Deeds
<br /> 0-0-0-J-J-�-�-0-�-0-�J-�-0-U-i�-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-Q-0-0-0-0-i�-i�-G-0-0-�-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-
<br /> '�ARRANTY DEED -Corpora.tion
<br /> THIS INDENTURE, Made tnis IOth day of January A.D. ,1930,between Union LQan & 9�vin�s Assooiation
<br /> � corporation organized �,nd existing under and by virtue of tne laws of the $tate c�' �tebraska ,
<br /> party of the first part , and Samuel Klein and Lillia,n Klein,as joint tenants with right of eurviv
<br /> orship ,a,nd as husban3 and wife of the Qounty of Hall ,and 9t�te of Nebraska ,parties of the second
<br />' part , �
<br /> �ITNESSETH, Th�.t the said party of the first part , for and in considerati�n of the sum of Fifteen
<br /> Hundred & No /1�0 DOLLARS , in hand paid, receipt whexeof is hereby acknowledged, has sold and by
<br /> these presen�s does grant ,c�nvey and confirm unto the said parties of the seeond part ,the follow-
<br /> ing described pre.�nises,situated in Grand Island,Hall County , and State of Nebraska ,to-wit ;
<br /> Zo�Y
<br /> All of�PTinety-Nine (99) ,Bel;mont Addition to Grand Island,Nebraska.
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tne pre�nises above described,togetner with aII the Tenements ,Hereditaments an
<br /> .
<br /> Appurtenances thereunto bel�nging un�o the eaid Samuel Klein and Lillian R1ein. .
<br /> And �. the eaid Union Loan & 5avings Association for itself or its successors ,do hereby covenant
<br /> and agree to and witn the sai3 parties of the second part and heirs and assigns , that at the time �
<br /> of the execution and d elivery of tnese presents it is Iawfully $eized of said premises; that it h s
<br /> good right and lawful authority to convey the s�,me; t�.at th ey are free from encumbrance and the
<br /> ,
<br /> Union Loan & Savinge Association does hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premisea agai �
<br /> tne lawful claims �f all persans whomsoever. ,
<br /> IN �fITNES� �AHEREcJF, the said Union Loan & 9aving$ As�ociation ha:s hereunto caused its corporate se 1
<br /> to be affixed and tnese presents to be si�ned by its Pres. & 3ec� y tne day �,nd year first above
<br /> Signed,sealed and delivered in presence of { CORP)
<br /> ( SEAL) By A.�P.Mil.ler , Pres.
<br /> Emma Bahls By Albert �P.Mi11er ,Jr. Bec�y. ,
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA ) On tnis IOt'ri day of January ,la30,before me , the undersigned ,a Notary Public
<br />� ' )ss.
<br /> .
<br /> ANCA�TER COUNTY ) in and for said County , personally came A.�.Mi11er ,Pres.� Albert �.Mi11er,J . "
<br /> ec� y of tne Union Lo�n & Savings Associati�n to me personally known to be the President and the
<br /> �
<br /> .
<br />