._ _a �__ �,,
<br /> � � ,
<br /> DEED RECORD loTO. 72
<br /> aforesaid,do hereby certify that James '�.Haines wno is person�.Ily kno�vn to me to be the person
<br /> whose name is subscribed to tne foregoing Deed,appeared before me this day in person, and acknow-
<br /> Iedged that he signed, sealed and delivered the said instxument of writing as hie free and vol-
<br />', untary act , for the uses and purposes therein set forth.
<br />'� My commission expires March � , A.D.1933•
<br />�
<br /> Given under my hand ana Notorial seal this 21st day of November ,A D.�929-
<br /> Milton R.�Pelch
<br /> ( gEAL) Notary Publie
<br /> Filed for record this 9th day of January ,1930 ,at 1;25 o� cloek p.M.
<br />� � Re�ister o ' �e�--
<br /> 0-�-0-0-J-0-J-0-0-0-i�-�-J-J-J-J-O-J-J-O-u-�-J-�-�-0-0-0-0-U-J-J-�-0-0-�-�- t`}-�-0-0-J-0-J-�-J-�-0-0
<br /> QUIT CLAIb� DEED �
<br /> THIS IN'JEN`PURE,�ade this 26th d�.y of December ,in the year one thousand nine hundred and Twenty
<br /> nine between Harry Jay,unmarried , of the first part , and John V.Griffith,of the secorid part ,
<br /> �ITNE58ETH, tha.t t�.e said party of the first part , in cansideration of the sum of One Dollar
<br /> (�1.00) 'J�LL�RS to me duly pa.id , the receipt whereof is hereby �,cknowledged, I have remised,
<br /> released and quit-claim, and by these presents do , for myself,m� heirs , executors and administra.t rs
<br /> remise,release ,�.n� forever quit-claim and convey unto the said party of the secon� part , and to
<br /> hie heirs and assigns forever,all my right ,title ,interest ,estate and claim and demand ,both at law
<br /> and in equity ,of,in and to all Lot Twenty-five (25) and tne South Half of Lot Twenty-six ( 26) ,in
<br /> Frank P.Bark� s Subdivision ,No .2,being a part of the Eaet Half of the Northeast Quarter ( �NT�) of
<br /> 8ection Ten (IO) , in Township Eleven ( I1) ,I�orth ,Range Nine (9) ,�est of the bth P.M. in Hall GQUnty
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> I hereby certify ttiat I was 21 years of age on 22 day of February , 1929•
<br /> Together witn all and singula.r the hereditaments thereunto belonging.
<br /> TO HAVE AN� TO HOLD the above described premises unto the said John V.Griffith and hi� heire' and
<br /> assigns; so that neitner the said grantor ,or any person in his na�ne and behalf,shall or �ill here
<br /> after claim or dernand any right or title tfl tne said premises or any part thereof, but they and
<br /> every one of them sha1Z by tnese presents be excluded and forever barred.
<br />.
<br />'i
<br /> IN WITNESS �NHEREOF, the said party of the first part has hereunto set h�nd and seal th e day and
<br />!i year above written. Harry Earl Jay
<br />� 8igned and d elivered in presence of
<br />! Geo. M. Paradise
<br /> Edra L.Hobbs.
<br />�I ST�TE QF IOWA ) dn tnis 26th day of Dec�mber �A.D. ,1929 ,before me , the undersi�ned, Geo. H�.
<br /> I )ss; ' .
<br /> WOODBURY COUNTY ) Paradise a Nota,ry Public , duly commissioned an�. qualified for and residing
<br />'�.. in said County , personally came Haxxy Jay,unmarried, to me known to be the identical person whoae
<br /> name is affixed to the foreg�in� conveyance as grar�tor and aeknowledged t�e execution of tb.e same
<br /> to be his voluntary act and deed. '
<br /> �
<br /> liitness �ny nand and Notarial Seal the day and year I�st above written.
<br />'� Geo. M. Paradise
<br /> ( 3EAL) Notary Publi�c
<br /> My Commission expires the �+tn da� of JuIy,1930.
<br /> - x . �
<br /> _ . . . _ .. . - - . Np�4RIAL CERTIFICATE� '
<br /> State of Iowa,�loodbury County ,ss. CLERK� S QFFICE
<br /> t
<br /> I ,H. �f.Henderson,Clerk of the �ist�rict Court w�tthin an3 for said CSounty an� State , the same being �
<br /> a Court of Record,having a,nd exercising general original jurisdiction in matters pertaining to
<br /> civil , criminal �,nd probate proceedings ,tn nereby certify that Geo. M.Paradise before whom the •
<br /> �,nnexed acknowledgeraent was made and taken , and whose name is subscribed to the certificate of
<br /> acknowledgement of the a.nnexed instrument , was at the time so daing a Notary PubZic in �,nd for
<br /> said County and State , duly qualified to' act aa such. Tha.t I am we21 acquainted �vith the hand-
<br />