<br /> D EED RECORD NO. 7 2 f
<br /> — opp rm mg o., m a '�—���� �
<br /> instrument as gr�,ntor , an� ne acknowledged tne same �o be nis voluntary aet and deed, as such
<br /> sheriff,for the izses a.nd purposes tnerein set forth. �
<br /> WITNESS �zy han3 a.n� offici�,l seal the day and year above written. �
<br /> Clinton E.John
<br /> ( SEAL) Clerk of the Distr�.et Court of
<br /> xall County ,Nebraska.
<br />, Filed for record this �th �ay of January,1930 ,at 2; 30 o' clock P.M. �G���'�
<br /> ___ __—
<br /> ��gister o �eds
<br /> 0-�-�-�-�-0-0-0-0-�-0-0-0-J-0-0-U-0-0-D-�-�-J-�-�-�-�-J-�-c�-0-�3-0-0-0-c�-0-0-0-0-�-�-O-J-��-O-�-�J-J -
<br /> KN�V� ALL MEN BY THESE PR�SENTS: That V�hereas , in an ac�io� in the Aistrict Court of the Elevent
<br /> Judicial District of Nebraska,within �n� for Hall C7ounty, veherein Commercial 9t�,te Bank, a cor- .
<br /> �oxation ,Plaintiff, and Oscar Lo�►pe ,Pau2ine Lompe ,his wife ,Grand Island National Bank, a corpora
<br /> tion,August Rueb and Fred Rueb executors of the last �Aill and Teetament of �illiarn Rueb,Sr. , de-
<br /> ceased, and John Doe ,real n�.me unknown, Defendants, it w as by said Qourt at the March Term there f ,
<br /> A.D. ,192� ,to-wit ,on the 22nd day of August A. D. ,192� and at the October ter�n thereof A.D.19�9 ,ta wit
<br /> on the 21st d�,y of Octob�r 1929 ,consi3ered,adjud�ed,and decreed that in default of the payment t
<br /> tne Clerk of tne District Court of the coe�s of said action,�,nd to Gxand Island Trust Company, t e
<br /> sum of �z49o9.01 witn interest thereon at tne rate of lOfo fr�m Qctobex 2I , 1929; to Co�tmercial
<br /> State Bank the sum of �9992•2b with interest tnereon at the rate of 1C�'�c from Auguet 22 ,192u; to
<br /> Au�ust and Fred Rueb,executors �he sum of �6599 . 77 with interest ther�n at the rate of b�fo from
<br /> August 22 ,192� a,nd to Gran3 Ssland National Bank the sum of �2�1.2j v�ith interest tnereon at the
<br /> rate of 7�O from August 22 ,192$ ,within twenty days from the date o� auch �udgment and decree ,that
<br /> the equity �f redemption of e�,ch and aIl of said defendants in and to the landg and tenemente
<br /> hereinafter described be foreclosed and forever barred, a.nd tnat the Sheriff of s�.id �all. County
<br /> cause the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be advertised, and s�ld accordin� to Iaw; .
<br /> and whereas the said defendants navin� made default tnerein , C7.J. Palr�er,as sheriff of said Count ,
<br /> under and by virtue of the order of said Couxt to him directed, did,on the 4th day of January ,A. . �
<br /> �-930 at the north door of the Court house in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska ,in said County n
<br /> Hall ,(the eame being tne place wherein the District Court was Iast hel� in sai� County) ,havir�g f' rst
<br /> giver� due an� Iegal notice of the time and place of said �ale , for not less tha.n thirty daye pri r•
<br /> thereto ,in the 2he Gra,nd Island Daily In3ependent ,a Iegal newspaper printed and in general circu
<br /> b ic uction to Cirand Island Trust Co -
<br /> ' ses at u I a
<br /> lation in sa,id County of H�.11 ,sell the said premi p
<br /> ,
<br /> �.
<br /> pany( it being the hi�hest and best bidder therefor) f`or the sum of F'ifteen Ttz�ousand d� 00/100 DOL ARS
<br /> which sale was afterwards �.t the October Term of said Court ,A.D. ,1929 ,e�camined �.nd confirmed,and
<br /> the sa,id C .J.Pal�ner ,as Sheriff of said County , was ardered to execute a deed of said pre�ise� to
<br /> ,
<br /> the sai3 Gr�,nd Tsland Trust Campany °
<br /> NO�N,THEREFORE, I , the said C.J.Palmer ,as 9heriff of �a.11 County , Nebraska, in pursuance of the
<br />� order of said Court , as aforesai�., in consideration of the pre�ises , and by virtue of the po�ers
<br />�
<br /> i
<br />; in me ve$ted by law , �� bereb3r give ,grant ,and convey un�o the eaid Cirand reland Truet Compa�ay, i s
<br /> j successors and assigns,the premises sold as aforesaid ,to-wit : All of The �outhwest Quarter ( B�P�;
<br /> of Seetion Ten ( 10) ,Township Nine (9) ,Range Pleven (lI) ,West: the �fest Half ('��) of the North-
<br /> west Quarter (N�Y�) of section Ten (10) ,Township Nine (9) ,Range Pleven (11} �Ieat ,all in Hall
<br /> C�ounty, Nebr�,ska. with a1Z a.nd singular �he appurtances tnereunto belonging,to have and to hold
<br /> unto it the said Grand Island Trust Company and its successors and assigns forever. •
<br /> IN t�ITNESS �6HEREOF, I have ,as such �heriff of Hall Oounty , Nebraska, hereunto aet my hand this
<br /> �th d�,y of January A.D. ,Z93o.
<br /> Executed and Delivered in Presence of -
<br /> C.J.Palmer
<br /> er o a oun y.
<br /> (eontinue�)
<br />