-- _ �
<br /> � �
<br /> DEED RECORD NO. 72
<br /> KNO�P ALL BdEN BY TH�3E PRESENTS, That �Yhereas ,Ir� an action in the District Court of ti�e Eleventh
<br /> ' Ju3icial 17istrict of the State of Nebraska,within and for the County of �all ,wherein Lincoln
<br /> 8afe Deposit Company ,a corporation, �as plaintiff and �ohr� S.Clark,if 2iving,and if dead, the
<br /> heirs ,le�atees ,devisees , and personal representatives of ,Iohn B.Clark ,deeeased,real names unknown
<br /> Glark,first and real name unknown ,wife of Jonn S.Clark,if Iiving ,and if dead, the heire ,
<br /> � � legatees,devisees,and personal representatives of--•Clark,first and real n�.me unknown ,deceased,wife
<br /> i � � of Jonn 9. Olark,real names unknown; J.H. Yoet Lumber Company ,a corporation; Centra2 Po�er Company
<br /> a corporation; The Hehnke-Loh�ann Comp�,ny ,a corporation; Van 8ickle Glaes and Paint Qompany , a
<br /> _ corporation; Arthur �I. Davis; Fred Gier; R.M.Kelly ,first and real name unknown,T . F.Kelly ,first an
<br /> real name unknown ,DT.�d.Relly,first and real name unknown , and M.J.Kelly ,first and rea2 name unkno ,
<br /> a copartnership,doing b�siness under tiie name and st�rle of Sanitary Plumbing Cornpany; and all
<br /> � persons h�,ving or claiming any interest in Lot_ Three (3) ,Biock Seventy ( 70) in Wheeler and Bennet ' s
<br /> Seco�d Addition to Grand Island,Ha].1 County ,Nebraska,real names unknown,were defendants , at the
<br /> 9eptember T�rm,A.D.192q ,of said court , J.H. Yost Lumber Company ,a corporation, did obtain a decree
<br /> finding that there is due from John S. Clark to J.H. Yost Lumber Gompany , a corporation,the sum of
<br /> fifteen hundred twenty-three and 9�/100 (�1523.9�) dollars , with interest thereon at the rate of
<br /> seven per eent . per annum from the 2�th day of 3epte�nber ,1929 , and I,incol� 8afe Deposit Company,
<br /> �orporation, obtained a decree finding that there ie due from Johr� S. Olark to said company the su
<br /> of thirty-one hundred dollars , with interest at the rate of ten per cent .`per annum from the 25th
<br /> day of �eptember ,1929 ,and other defendants obtained decrees, and �hereas , it was then and there
<br />, furt�er ordered in the said action that in default of tlae payment of the sum so found due by the
<br /> ' said Joizn S. Clark ,that C.J.P��.mer ,Sheriff of aaid County of Hall ,should cause the lands and tene-
<br /> ments hereinafter desc�i�bed to be advertised and sold amcording to law to pay the same , and, wher -
<br /> �s ,default having been made therein, the said O.J.Pal,mer,Sheriff of said county , under and by vir ue
<br /> �f tne said decree and tne order of eale to him duly directed,did on the 26th day of Nove��ber A D
<br /> 1929 ,at the main front door of the County Court House in the city of Grand Island, in said County
<br /> ;
<br /> of Ha1I ,h�,ving first �iven due and legal notice of the time and place of said salefor more tnan
<br />_ tnirty days prior thereto in "The Grand Island Heraldp ,a newspaper printed and in �eneral circu-
<br /> I�,tion in said County of Ha11 ,seII s�id pre;nises at public auction to Lincoln 8afe Deposit Cor�pan ,
<br /> a corporation, for tne sur� of thirty-or�e hundred dollars( �3100.00) d�llars ,which sale was after-
<br /> � �rard at the October Term of said cc�urt A. D. ,1929 ,examined and confirmed and tbe said C.J.Pal:mer ,a
<br /> auch Sheriff,ordered to convey the eaid premises in fee simple to the said Lincoln Safe Deposit
<br /> Co:npany , a corporation:
<br /> NO�Y '�HE �EF�RE,I ,the said C.J. Palmer,Shexiff of the County of Ha1Z as aforesaid,in consideration of
<br /> �he premises and by virtue of the pr�wers vested in me by law and the decree of said court ,do here
<br /> by Give ,Grant and Convey to the said Lincoln 9afe Depoeit Campany , a corpora.tion , its s�zcceseora
<br /> and assigns , the premises so as aforesaid so2d,to wit ; Lot Three ( 3) ,Block Seventy ( 70) ,in Whee2e
<br /> (a.nd Bennett � s Second A3ditior� to Grand Island,Hali Oounty ,�ebraska, with the appurtenances.
<br /> TQ H_AVE AND TO HOLO THF S,AME, unto the eaid Linc�In 5afe Deposit Compa�y , a corporation,its
<br /> successors and assi�ns , and to them and their use and behoof forever.
<br />: IN TESTIb�ONY '�1IiF.,RE4F, , I have ,as such Sheriff,hereunto set my hand this l�th day of December A .�. ,
<br /> 1929• C.J.Palmer
<br /> � Sheriff of Hall County ,IJebr�.ska.
<br /> Executed and delivered in the presence of
<br /> �
<br /> Bertha Hec�er
<br /> STATE �F NEBRASKA ) qra t:�iia 1�th day of Dece�ber ,1929 ,before me , the undersigned, Qlinton E.
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL �ss'
<br /> John ,cler of the district court in and for said county , personally
<br />_ �, eared tne said C.J.Palmer�t��perso�y known to be tne identical person wno signed the #'ore
<br /> Pp ,�
<br />