� �
<br /> D EED RECO RD NO. 7 2 �
<br /> county, duly commiasioned �,nd sworn , and qualified to act as such; that he has filed in the Clex � e
<br /> Office of the County of New York a certified copy of hie appointment and qualification as Notary
<br /> Goua�y o f
<br /> public for the� Queens with his auto�r�.ph signature; tnat as such Notary Publio ,he wa,a duly auth-
<br /> orized by the laWS of the State of Ne�► York to proteat notes; to �ake and certify depositions; to
<br /> �,dminister aaths and affirmatians; to take affidavits and certi�q the aeknowledgement and proof
<br /> of deeds and other written ir�struments for Iands ,tenements and hereditaments , �o be read in evi-
<br /> dence �r recorded in tnis state; and further, tnat I am �ae21 aequainted with tbe handwritin� of
<br /> such Notary Public and veriTy believe that hia signature to such proaf or acknowledgment is genui e. `
<br /> IN TESTIMONY �THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said t7ourt at the City
<br /> of Idew York, in the County of New York ,tnis 2� d�,y of Deo.1929•
<br /> Thornas M. Farley ,
<br /> ( :3EAL) f3lerk.
<br /> Fil.ed for record t�zis 6th day of January,1930,at 1:00 o�clock P.M. �J���
<br /> -�
<br /> Regi st er o �eeds
<br /> 0-0-0-�-J-�-J-�-0-0-0-0-v-J-J-O-J-0-0-0-0-i�-J-0-i�-�-0-�-0-0-t�-0-J-�-�-J-O-t�-0-�-0-�-0-0-0-0-�7-0-0
<br /> �
<br /> THIS INDENTURE,�ade this 16th day of September ,A.D. 1929 ,between 02�A�iA LAND COMPANY ;a cvrporation
<br /> organized and existin� under and by virtue of the Iaws b� the 9tate of Nebraaka party of the fir t
<br /> part ,and NEBRASKA SECURITIES CORPORATIOId, a corporation of the County of Dougla�,and 3tate of
<br /> Nebraska,party of the second p�.rt.
<br /> I WITNESSETH, That the said party of the firet part ,for and in consideration of the aum of Te� and
<br /> no/100 DQLLARS in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby� acknowledged, h�,s sold and by these prese ts
<br /> does grant , convey and confirm unto the eaid party of th� second part , the following described
<br />' premises situated in Hall County , and State of Nebraska,�o-wit ; AI1 of S�g SL� BeQtioz� Eight (�) ,
<br /> .
<br /> the I�'E,� NW� 8ection Seventeen (17) ,Township Ten ( 10} ,Ran�e Twelve ( 12)
<br /> TO HA'V� AND TO HOLD the premises above described,to�ethe� with all the Tenements,Hereditaments an
<br /> Appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said Nebraska 8ecurities Corporation '
<br /> And the said Omaha Land Company for itself or its succes�ors, do hereby covenant and a,�ree to and
<br />' with the said party vf the second part and its successor� and assigns, that at the time of the
<br /> eaecution and delivery of these presents it is lawfully seized of said premises; that it has good
<br /> right and lawful authority to convey the same; that they ,are f ree from encumbrance and does hereb
<br /> covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the Ia�rful c7.aims of aIZ persons whomso-
<br /> .
<br /> ever. , .
<br /> IN VYITNESS WHEREOF, the said Omaha La�ad Qompa�y has hereunto caused its corporate sea2 to be affi ed
<br /> and tnese presents to be signed by its President the day 'and year first above �rritten.
<br /> 8lgned,sealed �nd delivered in pre�ence of �
<br /> F.C.Smith ( CORP) OMAHA LA1�D CO�PANY
<br /> H.D.Rees ( SEAL) ' By L. E. Zacber,President
<br /> Attest �f.R. 9locur�,Secreta�y
<br /> STATE OF Connecticut ) On this 16th day of $eptember i929 before me ,the undersigned, a Aotary
<br /> )ss.
<br /> Hartford Cou�ty, ) Public in �.nd for said Qounty , personally came L.E. Zacher,President of
<br /> the Omaha Land Oompany to rne personally knc��rn to be the President and the identi�al person whose
<br /> na�e is affixed to the above conveyance, and ackno�ledged the exeautior� thereof to be hie volunta
<br /> act and deed as such officer and the voluntary act and deed of the �aid Omaha Land Oompany , and
<br /> that the Carporate seal of the said O�aaha Land Oompany was thereto affixed by i�e authority.
<br /> l�itness my hand and Notarial 9ea1 at Hartford in said county the day and year Iast above writtea.
<br /> ( S�AL) ' F.O.9mith
<br /> My commission expires the 31st day of January ,1934• ' ' Notary Publie
<br /> Filed for record tnis 6th day of January ,1930 ,at 2:�+5 0'�',lock P.M.
<br /> - �
<br /> Register of eeds
<br /> 0-�-0-0-0-�-0-J-J-0-J-0-��-�-0-0-0-0-0-J-0-J-:�-J-J-�-��-�-J-J-J-u-�--�- J-J-J-J-�-i�-J-J-J-�-0-0-�-0-0
<br /> ,,
<br /> ,
<br /> I
<br />