I � . _ _ _ _
<br />�
<br /> ��
<br /> DEED REGORD NO. 72 �
<br />��
<br /> �
<br /> �ARRANT�t DEED .
<br /> KNO� ALL �El� BY THEBE PRESENTS, that HOSTETTLER �AMtJSE�d�RT CO�PANY, a corporation duly organized,
<br /> existin� and doing busi�ese under the Iaws of the �tate of D elaWare , with its principal place of
<br /> business in Omaha, Nebraska, Cirantor, in considerati �n of the sum of 3eventy thousand three huadr d
<br /> fi ft een and �1/100 Doilara ( �70,3].5.�1) in hand pai;d by PUHLI%-NEBRASKA,INC. , a corporat ion duly
<br /> organized,existi.�g and doing bu,air�ess under the Iaws of the 9tate of De1�:Rare,(�rantee,does hereby
<br /> . �rant , bargain,seZl,convey and confirm to the said PUBLIR-1�EBRASKA,INC. , its $uccessors and aeBig s ,
<br /> tY�e following described-premises situated in the Qounty of Hall ,State of �ebraska,to-witt Lot 2 ,
<br /> Block 79 of tne ori inal to�►n,now cit of (3rand Island as surve ed lr�tted and recorded to ether
<br /> . � Y> > Y , P , 8
<br /> with the buildinge and improvements th�reon,
<br /> TOGETHER Ri�h aII the tene�ents ,hereditaments ar�d appurtenances to the same belongi�ag, ar�d aIl th
<br /> estate ,right ,title ,interest ,clairn or demand Whatsoever, of the said Hostettler Amueement Oompany ,
<br /> on,in or to the �ame or ar�y part thereof. subjeot to a certain mortgage dated Mar�h Ist ,1926 for
<br /> tbe origiAal prinaipal sum of Or�e Hundred and 8eventy-five Thousand Dollars (�175,000) ehich
<br /> principal sum has been reduced by payments to the sum of C?ne Hu�►dred Forty-four thou�and nine
<br /> hundred ninety-nine and 95/100 �ollars , (�1��+,999.95� � �bich mortgage was filed for record March
<br /> 25 ,2926 and xecorded in book 59 of �dor�gages at page �3 of the records of Hall Oouxity , Nebraska,
<br /> and whieh �dortgage is assumed by the dsantee hereunder as an adlitional co�sideration for the gra t
<br /> and, eonv�yar�ce hereby made.
<br /> TO H.AVE AND TO HOLD the above deseribed premises with the improvemen�s and appurtenances, uato th
<br /> said Publi�-l�ebraska I�c. ,�.nd to its successore and assigns forever. AAd Hostettler Amusement
<br /> Qompany does hereby eovenant with the said Publia-Nebraska Inc. that it holds said premis�e by goo
<br /> and pexfect title; tha.t it has good ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that
<br /> they are fzee and elear of aIl 2i,ens and encumbrar�ces whatsoever,exe�pt liens and encumbrances as
<br /> above set forth.
<br /> �
<br /> And Hostettler Amuse�aent Company does covenant to warrant and d efend the said pre:niae8 againat al
<br /> 1a�►ful claims e�cept the above �►entioned mortgage dated �ar�h lst ,1926.
<br /> IN �►ITNES� �H�wRL�F, the arantor herein has aaused ti�ese presents to be e�cecuted by its proper
<br /> officers ther�unto duly authorized ae of the 27th day oP� Beptember A.D.1929•
<br /> (CORP)
<br /> Helen �.Hu.�hes ( SEAL) By Samuel Sedran �
<br /> Asst. 8ear�tary. President
<br /> STATE OF N�P YOAK Oa the 14th day of Rovember,1929 before �ne the undersigned,a Aotary Pub1 0
<br /> 99:
<br />' ��OUPITY t?� �t� Y��R - da�y �Qrama.ss�oaed and2 c�uali�3.ed �ar said D��.a.�ty,� .pe�Gsonally. appe�a�r�d � �
<br /> SAD�iJTL. SEDRAI�, President and H�LEN E.HUGHES,Assistant 8ecretary o� the H08TETTLER AMUSEMENT COMPA
<br /> and who are personally kno�n to me to be the id entical persons whose names are affiued to the aba e
<br /> deed as President and Assiatant Secretary oY eaid corporation, and they acknowledge the inettumen
<br /> to bs their voluntary aat and deed ar�d the voluntary act and deed of said corporation.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and notarial seal the date first above �ritten.
<br /> F'rances G.Bro�►n
<br /> otary Pu c
<br /> Queens County Olerk� s No.3127
<br /> ( BEAL) Queens County Register� s Ro .S�+70
<br /> New York County Clerk' g No. 1361
<br /> ( Oounty Qlerk' s Certificate) New York County Re�ister' e �0. 18 16
<br /> � My Oommission Expires March 30,I 1
<br /> tate of �ew York )
<br /> o+unt � of �te� York ���:
<br /> Y � ) �0.2 j6�+1 Series B.
<br /> Y ,TH��4AS �d. FARLEY, Clerk of the County of New York, �,nd also Cl�rk af the 3upreme Court in and fb
<br /> said county , DO HEREBY CERTIFY, That said Oourt is a Court of Record,having by law a aeal; that
<br /> I►'ranee�s G.Hro�rn v�hose name is subecribed to the a,nneaed certifieate or proof of aeknowledgment of
<br />� t:he annexed instsu�nen�t .,was �.�t the t ime o� �ak��tg the s�,�e a -�4TARY PUBLIC act ing in and fo� s�id
<br /> ,
<br />