� '
<br /> D EED RE�ORD NO. 7 2 �
<br /> QUIT CLAIM DE�D _ '
<br /> KNO'� ALL MEA BY THESE PRESENTS; THAT Martin E. Oonroy and Mary C.Oonroy,husband and wife ,of the r .
<br /> County of Hal� and 8tate of Nebrask�. for the consideration of Twenty ar�d 00/100 Dollars hereby ` .
<br /> -
<br />�i Quit Clai�n and convey unto Otto I .B1ain anc� Anna C.B3ain,nusband and wif e or to the survivar of
<br />` either of the:n, of the County of Hall and 9tate of Nebraska, all of our riglat ,title and interest
<br />� of wi�atsoever nature , in ar�d to the foilowing described Real E�tate , eitua�ed in the Cou�aty of
<br />� _
<br />� Hall and 3tate of Nebraska, to-wit ; Lot 5 ( five� in block four (�+} in a3.a�� Addition,an additio
<br /> to Grand Tsland,8tate of Nebraska. Aeceipt of said twenty dollars hereby �,aknowled�ed.
<br /> �
<br /> IN tNITNESS WHEREOF, �e h�.ve hexeunto set our hand� this IS day of Dec. ,Z929• �
<br /> Witness Martin �. Conroy �
<br /> O. I.Blain � �ary O.Goaroy
<br /> BTATE OF NEBRASKA) On this 1� day of Dec. A.D. ,1929 , before me , the undersigned, a Notary '
<br /> ss.
<br /> HALL COUNTY � Public in and for said county , personally carae Martin E. Oonroy and Mary
<br /> C Conroy,husband and wife , who are personally known to me to be the identical persons whose name
<br /> are affixed to the above instrument as grantors and they severally ackno�Iedged the said instru-
<br /> ment to be their voluntary act and deed. .�
<br /> 1�itness my hand and l�otarial 9ea1 , the date aforesaid. Rosa 9oeh1
<br /> Notary Public
<br /> ( SEAL) .
<br /> My commission expires Aug. 17 , 1935.
<br /> FiZed for record thi$ lqth day of December ,192q , at q: 15 o�clock A.�. ��iG���
<br />; , Regiater of eeds
<br /> 0-0-0�-�-0-0-0-��-�-t�--0-�-0-�-�--0-0-�J-0-0- .;-0-0-t7-J-0-Q-0-0-�-0-0-0-�-0-�-��-J-�-0-0-0-�-0-0-�-0-0-
<br /> �7ARRANTY DEED - Corporation. -
<br /> THTS INDENTURE, Made this 20, d�,y of Dece:nber ,A.D. ,i929 ,betw�en Z'he G�ra.nd Island l�ational Bank
<br /> a corpora.tion organized and existing under and by virtue of the la�e of the United �tates party '
<br /> of the first part , and J.�P.Kipp of the Cflunty of Adams �,nd State of Nebraska,party of the seeond
<br /> ,
<br /> part , �
<br /> WITNLSSETH, That the said pa.rty of th�e first part , for and in consideration of the sum of Twe2ve
<br /> Thousand five hundrec� seventy � 1�+/100 Dollars, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknow-
<br /> ledged, has sold and by these presents does grant , convey and confir�n urito the said party of the
<br /> second p�,rt , the following de�cribed premises , Bituated in Hall County, and 9tate of Nebraska,
<br /> .
<br /> to-Wit ; All of 3ection One ( 1) ��ownship Nine (9) Range �Twelve (12} �►est �f 6th P�M. 8ub�eet to
<br /> �he mortgage of '�he Lincoln Joint 9tock Land Bank of Lincoln,Nebraska, in the sum of �35,050.91 "
<br /> �rith interest thereon fram December 1 ,1929 and the 1q29 taaes in the sum of �57E�.95 �lI of wa.ich
<br /> the �ra.ntee �.ssumes and agrees to pay , the same being �he a3�itional consideration for this deed
<br /> •
<br />' T� HAVF A�1D TO HOLT� the premises above described, together with aTl the Tenements , Hereditaments �
<br /> and AppuxtenanCes thereunto belongin� unto the said J.�.Kipp.
<br />' �.nd the said Tne Grand Islan3 Nati�nal Bank for itself or its successore , do here�by covenen� and �
<br /> agree to and with the said party of the second part and its heirs and �,ssigns , that at the time f
<br />� t�e execution and delivery of these present� it is lawfully .seized of said premises; that it has
<br /> good right an�i Iawful authority to convey the same; that they are free from encumbrance and does _
<br />! hereby covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the Ia�ful claims of aIl perso�s -
<br /> whomsoevers -
<br /> . . .�.�^w, .
<br /> Nat ' onal Bank
<br /> � iM WITAT�SS VPHEREOF, the said Grand Islarld�ias �iereunto caused its corporate seal to be affiaed
<br /> d S�cretadry
<br /> and these pre�ents to be signed by its President�atnhe ay an year �first above written.
<br /> Grand Island �ational Bank
<br /> $igned,sealed and delivered in presenee of �
<br /> � ��RP By F.J.Co'ates ,President
<br /> Eva H.Deianey . ( SEAL3 J.E.�ihitney ,Secretary 1
<br /> Cashier
<br /> STATE OF 1�EBRASKA } On thie 20 day of December ,1929 ,before me , the undersigned, a Notar
<br /> ;SS.
<br />', . . _..� .__.�_.,. __
<br />