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� <br /> DEED RECORD �O. 72 <br />� - <br /> SHERIFF� 5 DEED QN FORECLOSURF �F �dORTGAGE <br /> _ <br /> KIQO� ALL MEN SY THESE PRESEI�'TS: `That �hereas, in an �,ction in the District Oourt of �he �lev�th . <br /> Judicial District of Nebraeka, within and for Hall Cfounty , euherein The Lincoln Joint 9tock Land <br /> Bank of Li�coln , Nebraska, was Plaintiff, and �scar Lompe and Pauline Lompe , husband and wife; �. <br /> Tbe Grand Island 1�ational Ba.nk; August Rueb and P'red Rueb,eaecutors; John 'Doe (true name unkr�o�n) � <br /> � and Mary Doe ,(true name unkno�n� , husband and �►ife,were Defendants, it �raa by said Court at .the ' <br /> � <br /> . S�ptember Term th�reof, A.D. ,192� ,to-wit , on the 2�th ,day of September A.D. ,192� ,considered, ad- <br /> judged, and deareed that in default of the payment to the Qlerk of the District Oourt of the costs <br /> � of said a�tion, and to Lincoln Joi�t .8tock Land Ba.nk of Lin�oln , Rebraska the sum of �25�2. 6� with <br /> intereet thereon at the rate of S� per annurn from the 20th day of September 192�; to the arand <br /> �sland NationaT Bank the sum of �12533. 73 with interest thereoM at the rate of 10;b per annum from <br /> ' <br /> the 20th day af September 192� , and to Au�ust Rueb and Fred Rueb,�xecutors the sum o� �66Z2.22 <br /> with interest thereon at the rate of �°� from the 20th day of Jeptember , 192g,�ithin twenty days <br /> , <br /> from the date of such judgment and decree , that the equity of redemption of each a,nd all of said <br /> efendants in and to the Iands and tenements hereinafter described be foreclosed and forev�r barr , <br /> d that the �heriff of �aid Hall Cfounty cause the lands and tenements hereinafter desoribed to be <br /> .dvertised an3 sold accordin� to la�►; and whereas the said defendante having made default therein , <br /> .J.Palmer ,as 8he 'riff of said Oounty, under and by virtue of the order of said Oourt to n m direct d <br /> ' . id, on the l�t , day of Au�ust 1�. D. 1929 -at the north daor of the Court House in the City of Grand <br /> Island,Nebraska, in eaid Countp of Hall , ( the $ame being the plaae wherein the Dietrict Court rvas <br /> last hel,d in said County) , having first given due and legal notiQe of the tiroe and plaae oF 8aid <br /> sale, for not less than thirty days prior thereto , in the The Grand Ieland Da.i�y Ind�pendent , a <br /> legal newspaper printed and in general circulation in said County of Hall , sell the said premises <br /> l at public auction to The Grand jsland National Bank( it being the highest and best bidder therefor <br />` far the sum of Three Thousand Dollars, whiah sale was afterward� at the Apri1 Term of said Qourt , <br /> A. D. ,1929 , eaamined and confirmed, and the said C.J.Palmer , as 9heriff of said County ,�ras ordered <br /> r <br /> to exe�ute a deed of said premis��e to the said The (�rand Island Natione�I Ba,nk. <br /> ' - Np�,TH�REFOR�, I , �Yie �aid C.J. Palmer , as Sheriff of Hall County , Nebraska, in pursuance of the <br /> order of said Court , as aforesaid, in consideration of the premises, and by virtue of the powers- <br /> � ir� me vest�d by Ia�, do hereby give,grant , and convey u�to the said The �Grand Island Nation�,l Ban , <br /> it ' s successors and ass�gns, the premises sold as aforesaid, to-Wit ; A1I of AI1 of 8ection One { } <br /> Township Nine (9) , Range Twelve (I2) .�est of the 6th Principal Meridian, Hall Qounty, Nebra�ka. <br /> (Sold subject to �he unpaid balance of the Lineolr� Jaint 9t ,ock Land Hank of L�nool� and aacrued <br /> delia�quency} with aII and singular the appurtances thereunto belonging,to have and to hold untv <br /> it the said The Grand Island National Bank and its suceessors and assigns forever. <br /> IN �ITt�ESS �P�IEREOF, I have ,as sueh Bheriff of Hal.l County, Nebraska, hereunto set my har�d this <br /> 17th day of Deeember,A.D. ,1929. <br />, <br /> Exec�ted and De].ivered in Presence of <br /> Bertha Becker O.J.Palmer <br /> Sheriff of �a,ll Oaunty <br /> THE STATE OF N�BRASKA ) On this 17th day of December ,A.D. ,Z929 , before me Qlin�on E.Joha a <br /> f � ) ss. <br /> HALL. CQ�TI�Ty ) Clerk of the Distriet Cour� duly eleeted and qualified �or said • <br /> � . <br /> �ounty , personally appe�.ared (7.J.palmer , Sheriff of eaid Oounty, to me known to be the identiczal <br /> '. person deseribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument as grantor, and acknoWledged said <br /> ; instrument to be his vo2untary act and deed as such Sb�riff. <br /> ' IN WITNES3 �HEREOF, I have hereunto set my h�.nd and official seal at Grand Island, Nebraska, iA <br /> . said Oounty , the day and year last above �ri�ten. (�Iinton �.John <br /> � <br /> , ( SEAL) Qls k of the District Oourt <br /> - > > . . . <br /> � _ '�"�r`� <br /> . , &egister,. � <br /> _ „ 1:r � . <br />