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� <br /> DEED REGORD NO. 72 <br /> — opp rm tng o., ma a � <br /> SHERIFF� 9 DEED ON FORECLOSURE 4F M4RTGAGE , <br /> KNO�P ALL MEN HY THESE PRESENTS: That 4lfhereas, in an action in the Distriet Oour� af the �Ievent <br /> Judicial District of Nebraska, within and for HaII County, wherein �eiener 8tate Bank, 8helton , � <br /> I! Nebra�ka, was Plaintiff , and Lloyd A.Watson �.nd Nara C.Watson were Defendants, it was by �a.�d � <br /> I _ <br />; <br /> Court , at the October Term thereof, 1#..D. ,192� , to-wit ,on the 11th day of J�nuary A.D. ,�929 , cor� _ <br /> sidered, ad�udged,and decreed that in default of the paymentto the Clerk of the Dietrict Oourt . <br /> of the costs of said aetion, and to Meisr�er �tate Bank, the surn of #334�2. 67 witla intexest there- <br /> Mon at the rate of � per cent per annum from the llth day of January ,192g , within t�renty days fro <br /> the date of such judgme:�t and deeree , that the equity of redemption c�f eaeh and all of eaid defe - . <br /> dants in and to the lands an�i tenements hereinaftex� described be foreclosed and forever barred, � <br /> and that the 8heriff of said Ha2I County cause the lands �,nd tenements hereinafter described to e <br /> � <br /> advertised, and sold according to law; and whereas the said defend�nts , having made default ther - � <br /> in, O.J.Palmer, as Sheriff o.f said County, under and by virtue of the order of said Court to him <br /> directed, did, on the �jth day of December,A.D. ,1929 , at the north door of the Oo�rt House in the <br /> Qity of (�rand Island,Nebraska in eaid f3ounty of Hall ,(the same being the place wherein the Distr ct � <br /> Oourt was last held in said County) , having first given due and legal notice of the time and pla e . <br /> of said sale , for not less than thirty days prior th�reto , in the The Girand Island Dailp Indepen <br /> dent , a legal newspaper printed and in �eneral circulation in said Cfountp of Hall ,sell the said <br /> premises at public auction to E.J.Dempster , Receiver of the �eisner State Bank (he bein� the <br /> highe�t and best bidder therefor) for the sum of Five Hundred Dollars , whieh sale w�,s afterxards <br /> at the October Term of said Oourt , A.D. ,1929 , examined and confirmed, and the said C.J.Palmer, as <br /> Sheriff of said County, was ordered to execute a deed of eaid premises to the said E.J.Dempster , � <br /> Reoeiver of the Meisner Sta�e Hank. <br /> NO�,THEREFORE, I , the eaid (3.J.Palmer,as 8heriff af Ha.11 County , Nebraska, in pursuance of the <br /> order of eaid Qourt , ag aforesaid, in consideratian of the premises, and by virtue of the powers <br /> in me �ested by law,do hereby give ,�rarat , and �onvey unto the said E.J.Dempster,Receiver of th� <br /> � <br /> �eisner State BaMk, his successors , and assigns , the premises sold as aforesaid,to-Rit: All of <br /> an undivided one-seventh interest in and to the south half of the southeast Quarter (S�S1��) of � <br /> 9ection T�venty-one (21) in To�rnahip Ten (10) , north of Range Twelve (12) west of the 6th P.M. , in <br /> �all Oounty , I�ebraska, �ith a�l an3 singular the appurtances thereunto be2onging,to an�. to <br /> hold unto him the said E.J.Dempster ,Receiver for t�e Meisner 9tate Bank, and his suecessors and <br /> assi�ns forever. <br /> IN �►ITNESS NHEREOF, I , h�,ve ,as such 3heriff of Hall Qounty , Nebraska, hereun�o set my hand this <br /> 17th day of December ,A.D. ,z9�9� <br /> ��cecuted and 'Delivered in Presence of <br /> O.J.Palmer <br /> Bertha Becker Shexiff of Hall Oounty. <br /> THE STATE OF NEBRASKA ) <br /> ss. <br /> HALL COUNT Y, 3 On this 17th day of Deeember ,A.D. ,1929 , before me ,t3linton E.John, <br /> a Cierk of the Dietrict Court , duly elected and qualified for said County , personally appeared <br /> C.J.Palmer, 9heriff of said Caunty , to me known to be the identi��.� persoa� described in and who <br /> executed the foregoing inatrument as grantor, and acknowledged said instrument to be his voluntar � <br /> aet and deed as such Sheriff. � <br /> IN �IITNESS �fHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Grand Island, �ebraska, in <br /> said County , the day and year last above vrrittEn. <br /> , <br /> ( �EAL) t�linton T.John , <br /> � Clerk of the District Qour . <br /> Filed for record this l�th day of December ,1.929 , at 10:00 o� cloek A.�. � <br /> Regi�ter of peeds � <br />