<br /> � . � DEED RECORD NO. 72 , s
<br /> � �
<br /> gN�N .AL�, ME� BY THESE PRESENT3: That '�Phereas, in an action in the District Court of the Eleventh
<br /> Judicial District of Nebxaska, v►ithin and far Hall County , wherein Dieiener� State Bank, Shelton,
<br /> ATebras�a, was Plaint i ff ,and Lloyd A.Wat son and Nora C. 1�at son we�ce Defendant a:, it was by said
<br /> Court at the October Term thereo�, A.D.292� ,to-wit , on the llth day of January A.D. ,1929 , con-
<br /> sidered, adjudged, and decxeed that in def�.ult of the payment to the Clerk of the Distriet Oourt ;
<br /> of the costs of eaid action, and to Meisner 8tate Bank, the sum of �33�2.67 with interest thereon \'
<br /> at the rate of � per cent psr annum from the 12th day of January,1929 , within twenty days from th
<br /> date of such �udgrnent and deGree , that the equity of redemption of e aeh and all of said defendant
<br /> in ar�d to the lands and tenements hereinafter described be foreclosed and forever barred, and tha
<br /> ' , the Sheriff of said Hall Oounty cauee the lands and tenements hereinafter described to be adver-
<br /> , tised, and sold aceording to law; and whereas the said defendants having made default therein, 0. .
<br /> palmer,as 9heriff of said Qounty , under and by virtue of the order of said Oourt to him direeted
<br /> did on the 5th day of December ,A.D. ,�929 ,at the north door of the CSourt House in the City of Gran
<br /> Island, Nebraska, in said County of Ha.II , ( the eame being the place wherein the District Court wa
<br /> last held in said Oounty) , having first �;iven due and legal r�otice of the time and place of said
<br /> sa1e, for not lees than thirty days prior thereto ir� the The Cirand Island Daily Independent , a
<br /> legal newspa.per printed and in �eneral circulation in said Oounty of Hall ,sel2 �h� said premiaes t
<br /> publia auction to Mrs. Almeda L.'�atson ( she being the highest and best bidder therefor� for the
<br /> sum of Twenty-five Dollars , whieh sale was afterwards at the October Term of said Court , A.D. ,192 ,
<br /> ��amined and confirmed, and the said Q.J.Palmex, as 8heriff of said Oounty , was ordered to eaecut
<br /> .,
<br /> ` a deed of said premises to the said Mrs. Almeda L.�atson.
<br /> , NO'�,THEREFORE,I , the said C.J.Palmer ,as 9heriff of Hall Oounty , Nebraska, in pursuance of the ord r
<br /> or �aid �ourt , as afosesaid, in consideration of the premises, and by virtue of the powers in me
<br /> v�sted by Iaw, do hereby_give ,grant ,and convey unto the said �rs. A3�meda L.Watson,her heirs and
<br /> , assigns , the premises sold as aforesaid,to-wit; All of an undivided one-fourth interest in and t �
<br /> ,
<br /> the rzorth half of the Southeast Quarter of �eetion Twenty-one (21) , in Township Ten (10) , north o
<br />' . Rarlge Twelve (I2) ,west of the 6th,P.�d. ,in HaII County, Nebraska, `�itb all and singular �he appur-
<br /> � tancee thereunto beZonging, to have and to hold unto her the said �rs. Almeda L.Watson,her heirs ,
<br /> and assigns forever.
<br /> � IN 1�ITN�SB VPHEREOF, I have,as such Sheriff of �iall County , Nebraska, hereunto set my hand this 17 h
<br /> , day of December A.D. ,1929•
<br /> �aecuted and Delivered in Presence of
<br /> C.J.Palmer
<br /> Bertha Becker Sheriff of Ha21 Oounty
<br /> THE STATE 4F NEBRA�KA On this 27th day of DecEmber ,A.D. ,�929 , before me Clinton �.Joha, a
<br /> ss.
<br /> ?I�LL CdUNTY, Q�.erk of the District Court duly elected and qualified for said
<br /> Qounty , personally appeared C.J. Palmer ,5heriff of said Caunty , to me known to be the identical
<br /> , person described in and wh� executed the foregoi�g instrument as �rantor, and acknor�ledged said
<br /> instruroent to be his voluntary act and d eed as such 8heriff.
<br /> _ � IN '�ITNESS VIHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Grand Island,Nebraska, in
<br /> said Oounty , the day and year last above written. Qlinton �.John
<br /> Clerk of the District
<br /> (9EAL) Oourt.
<br /> Filed for record thie lgth day of Deeember ,1929 , at 10:00 o� clock A.M. �����° �
<br /> ��
<br /> Register o Dee e�
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