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<br /> ----------.--`-TSB'lS='�vx€�__ __�____----���____..___._
<br /> _...___. ---__._ -- ---_ _�__._�.._---_----- ----- -
<br /> �I � STATE OI�' NEBRASKA, �!�
<br /> � �
<br /> I� ss.
<br /> I� Entered in Numerical In- li
<br /> �; John �aiberk and wiPe Hall co�cnty, �;
<br /> ,
<br /> ��, de� and filed for record in the Reg�iste�° of Deed's office of said ��
<br /> I: �i
<br /> �I
<br /> I! Warranty , ,
<br /> I, _ TO Deed Gounty, the 23 dccy af Ma,y 19 3�, at � p
<br /> � I'
<br /> �� �'
<br /> �I �
<br /> I ET�Tqa LOfgT@�1 � o'clocic and �j0 �ninutes, P��I. ;�,
<br /> ;i �-����� ��`��- ;�
<br /> !i Regaster o f Deeds, i;
<br /> i;
<br /> i B� Deput�. 'i
<br /> �i � ���
<br /> i�
<br /> {i !�
<br /> i+ ` li
<br /> �,; �1���1 ��.� �CPI� �1� ��jP�P ��P�P1�t�� ;;
<br /> � Ty�at John Naiberk and Frances Naiberk, husband and wife, . !i
<br /> ,I
<br /> li
<br /> ;;
<br /> �
<br /> ,,
<br /> of th�e County of $uffal0 , and State of NEbT88k8. , for and i�i consideration of the sum of �;
<br /> I'
<br /> ��
<br /> ;I One Do11ar and other valuable consideration �g�����?� �,
<br /> I�
<br />�� � in h���tid paid, do hereb� c�rar��t, bargain, sell, conve� and conf�i�°nti un'to EmmB LOf�rEri
<br /> il
<br /> 1
<br /> I
<br /> ,,
<br /> I ,i
<br /> 'i
<br /> !i of the Cou�ty of I3a,11 , and State of �Tebraska , t,lie fotlowing described real estate situated ;i
<br /> I ;�
<br /> � in f�rand Island zn � �� Ha11� Coiirzty, ana state of Nebraska , to-urit: �I
<br /> ;� Part of the Southweet Quarter of the Southeast Qua,rter of the Southeast Quarter of 8ection �!
<br /> ; Three (3) in �'ownship Eleven (11) North of Ra,n e IQine (9) West of the 6th P.I�. , described as �I
<br /> feet north of the south line of said aection 'i
<br /> ,' follows: Beginning at a point thirty-three (33 �
<br /> '� three (3) and �105 feet east of the West line of said Section Three (3) running thence north �;
<br /> 264 feet to a sta.ke, thence due west to the westerly line of the Southeast Quarter of the ��
<br /> � 8outheast Quarter of said section Three (3) ,thence due eouth alon� the said westerly line of �!
<br /> ' said �outheast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of said 9ection Three (3) to a point 33 feet �j
<br /> ''i north of the south line of said Section Three (3) ,thence due east to the point of beginning, f�
<br /> ';; containing one acre, more or less. '�
<br /> !(
<br /> i
<br /> i�
<br /> u ,
<br /> ;li Ii
<br /> !I il
<br /> �� TO H9�VE ���TD TO HOI.D t1�e p�•err�ises aboz;e desc�•ibed, together 2c%ith all th.e Te�ienienG�s, IIea•editaments and Appzcr•tenances there- j;
<br /> ;)
<br /> ,� +�
<br />� '� u�2to belongiai�, 2a�ato tlze sa�i� �C11tT18. LOf�r£Zi � ;�
<br /> ' ��
<br /> ` �i
<br /> ��;� � and to h2T he�irs and assigns, forever. i�
<br /> : �i
<br /> ��� gnd � aP8 do hereb� covenaryit zuith the said G��antee , a�ad with her heirs� and assigns, that ij
<br /> i! �;
<br /> ' VPe aTE lawfully�ized of sa�id p9•e��iises; that the� are f��ee fro�rr� e�ncu��zbranee � �I
<br /> �j ii
<br /> . !i
<br />' ���+ that W@ have good ��ight and lawf�ul authority to sell the same; and We do hereby eovenar��t �l �
<br /> . ,� ��
<br /> to warrant and defend the tit�le to said premises against the lawful claims of all perso�is whomosever ��
<br /> i I
<br /> �
<br />� �ii ��]i'��3�9� 7��$i�Jk�II�t��$�� �l
<br /> ii
<br /> !I II
<br /> ! �41�3�4D��I7C�H��C]LH����4'���SsB �i
<br /> �I u
<br /> �' Signed this i6t� day of � �8,y , A.. D., 19 32 � j�
<br /> �I ;;
<br /> +i ii
<br /> !� � In 1�,2[pres_enee of � � ;;
<br /> '� Wm.Karel John Naiberk
<br /> � �i
<br /> ';,E Frances Naiberk �I
<br /> . !i
<br /> �I
<br /> State of Nebra,ske�. '�
<br /> sa. �I
<br /> li
<br /> BLlff�,10 County, On this 16 da� of MB.y A. D., 19 32 ��
<br /> .�- _
<br /> i.
<br /> i
<br /> before��the undersigned. 1N1T1.Karel � ��
<br />� �� a Nota7•y�P2ablic, c��tl��corn�mzssioned and q2talif�ied for a��d resid�ing in said County, personall�y caryne ���
<br /> ' ii
<br /> �� John Naiberk and wife Frances Naiberk
<br /> '�
<br /> i
<br /> '`f to me k�no2Un to be tlae identical perso7zg whose �zame 8 B.T� affi�ed to the foreqoing vrastru- �I
<br /> ��E(�]',� ment �as grc�ntor g , and acicnowledged the same to be theiT voluntary act and deed. ��
<br /> � Witness m� Iiand and NotaT•ial Seal the da� and yea�° last above ivritteru. �I
<br />' i
<br /> 11Iy eommiss�ion expires the 10 da.y of 1�OV2mbex -19 �2 '�
<br /> � �
<br /> Wm.Rarel i;
<br /> Notary Public. :'
<br /> + ,I
<br /> ---- --�------_-— _---_--_—_-- - ---------____—__—.�_
<br /> If
<br /> �'� !.!
<br /> �i �
<br /> � _ �
<br />