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<br /> , ' . .! : . . . - ,. . . � . ' .. . `
<br /> _�_ �c" " "_. _ "�.^� ' _ " . _._ .. . � . .. . . . _ . .._. . _ _ . .
<br /> -._;.,_„ y. �_'r__' . -._ � �r- - '_'___' '_ " ' . . • . .
<br /> --- � . � . . . - g2._ � so�es _ �
<br /> �a o�atKC ww►g of sny p�c of�ne P+�apacy.ar tnrcmveymoe in ticu oi condenwt'�cm,u�h«r.by ss.-si�od+ad
<br /> s6a116e p�d w Lrnd�r. ` � �
<br /> ' la the evan oF a wuil tvciag oi.the Pt�upenY.�p�a^ee�.slwit bo appliod to th�sums�a�u�ed�y Ihis Sa��rih►
<br /> [a�.wtKtber or tat tha�due.w�ith any oxocss po�d tu BartoKer. in tt►e�r•au of a pocti,�l tai��iag af th�Propeit}ia
<br /> whic�tha fair m�icet vatue of th�Propctry immodiately befare ti�e aEing is eyual to or g�atet ll�sn t��iam1�Q�e sums
<br /> sa�ed by @tis Savtity insaumetu immeeiatdy befora the tahing.unicss BomnxYr and Lcndit�thet�r�agsee in writing
<br /> __ tho sams secwod bY dtis 5ccurity[nst�ument�Iwil bo redueed by the amoucu of tt�e ptoa�mutt'rplied b}�he falk►wing
<br /> --- - -- fractio� ts1 the tatai amauu oi tt�e s�ms seeu�e�!u�unzdi•rt�1y befo�the taiciztg,divi�!h�;lb1 tix fsir mvtcel4ahte of fhe... - ---- --
<br /> _ _ — pmperty fi�nedrately befoce t6e takia�.t�ny bataaee shall:be paid to Bom�wu.. !n the e►,ent af a Qartial tatcing of tLe
<br /> �-- ptopeity ia wfiich the fair madcet�aiuc flf.t6e AnopertY immtdi�tely befoie the taking is tess tdaa the anww�t ot tAe sums
<br /> ';:i7.,s �intmedia�tetY befone tbe taiva��Bortowe;�utd I.eoder otherwise ascee in writing or wkss applicabb law --
<br /> :::.�' aherwise prurides.tfie�sha[t be sgpCted to the sumc sccund by this Securit}In�tnemeat whetQer or noi the sums a�
<br /> � - ��
<br /> If dte Qbopetty is abwdoaed b}BamMer.or if.after ontice by lender ta Borcower tMat ti�e ca�demiwr otiea to make
<br /> � an award ar settte a daim for d�pes:Bocmwer faits to c�pottd to t.endcr aritbin 30 day5 after the date ifie notice i.ti given..
<br /> _- Laxkr is autt�or'v,od to cdlect and aPWY t1��at its optian.eid�er to cestoration or cepatr of the Pnopaty ac w t9e
<br /> .��- sumssa�odhYthisSecurit}iresflnuna�t;wl�ecoraatthendue.
<br /> '`�', U�txnder and Ba�raK'�ath�.�xise�gree ut wricing'aayr application of proceedr.w principal shall oot exte�td or
<br /> x- :�: —
<br /> Y t`': Q651p011C III��qC.dBIC Uf tI1C 100I1tIfIY�11'j'dlCiliS fCfCRCt�IO iR p'd[�I�ILS I BfId.2 af CN�ti��N:tQ1UUtll Of SIM�i WS'111CI1[S. __-
<br /> t�� �� !1. Bos�idr Not Released; Far6tarasK'sY i.eeder DTot a Wai� Exoe�ivnr'�vE•.#he time for Qayment or - �.•,,.
<br /> r;° ma�dificatian of amortirdion of the sucas secu�ed b}r this Socurity I�uu�te�t,��61r.��ta an$suocessor in it�teresl �,�
<br /> � ' of Bartow•er straU ncx operote to reiease tbe lialiii'ity of Ux aigirral Banr.aet ur8aiovYer��s in inte�est.l:e�der ,�,.E�
<br />�=_d:� . - sbalt?zM be�luiced to c�ornmence,pt+oaeedinSs aSai�ut anY succes��°-�t or cefus�to eueqd:trrne for payma�c or _-
<br /> �•.: --
<br /> athctwi+e mo�ifY�of fhe sums seceu�d by tfiis Secudty�t���!ea�on of any detnaad�m.'+de by the ongi�l -�`;�,..,
<br /> � Soii�er ac Bartotii�'s,s�xcesso�s in intet�e�t. My far6earance by Lendc��CSeoeising any right dr i�n�ady shall rat 6e a .� --
<br /> ``: — — ` a�erof as p�cCii�tC�e��se of any right or remedy. �s,.:.:;:'>•` � � =`?. ��E=
<br /> � �f �r ��. �,�-,S�'A56�S��i�,���Sl�RA��.1�1�4���1G COYCO�Lti�'�I�IIiCQ�S 0�1�115 ? l.t.��r_.
<br /> Sec�Mit�t:�3�116'snd aund benefit the succeswis and assi�ns of l.eii�er and Bamawer,wbjea�;o�i Qcwiuons.of . ":.. � �'�'-
<br /> ;K` . P��$?:�a+rv�c�+�'s covc�+n�.s and agreemenu:s�U b�vint and seve�al:My Bo��we�who co-signs dw Se���y ',' �' T
<br /> ' e ttte Note: a u eai�.�� Securi In+tivment o�I�co�siortgage.pant and cniiii�}ttiat
<br /> .Ic�iei�!'�'�'t�ti�es c,ic74 execut t 1 � �' � to the sums _
<br />- �'� ►>�fi,• : - Boirti;«,�rs i»iei�t�0.iE�e Prnperty u�ider ti�e femis.`�ik�ir+ty tnstrumeal4 (bl is nac�"iaily abligateQ PaY ` -..- _
<br /> �'�`P�,,,.;`,:.� ._ serured by this Seamry.lns�trronen�and(c1 agcees tt�a�u�and any ather Bonower cnrig.3gree to c�rend.modify.farbear
<br /> ' t+°� ry F` . .� - • or make any accommadatians witb mgard to'�he'tc�m�s1E iltis Secutity Inswment or.�1�1ae without that Borrower's ' .,
<br /> • ,�. .�� c,�y�;�,`< cansent. .,:::��.= �:::;.� ;���r:�
<br /> .+�?``��,���; ._ .::. „ , . . ,�aw which se�s maaimum (oan 1�,;;:�°`
<br /> . F� �.. ; 13. l.oap Charges. If the loan tecured isj;;�iti��V„tesz� In�sument u wb}ect•co,a• ,�'. �
<br /> `' �^�`��� • '�f`�j� '�1, charges.and�hat 1aa is finalty interpreted so thr,r�.i�:a�!�:�Ta�her laan charges cottetc�or to be coileceed in connection '�:L���`�:��..-
<br /> ,f� ' ��,`" � �i: w�th tNe locu�excui�ihe permitted limit�,theri�`ti����w�:�,��:k*�as�riTe�e►i�be reduced Cry�he amount necessary to reduce ` "�'�`
<br /> ``���dt.�' s a� ' �,
<br /> l I� .� ��. �k;.• t h e c h a r ge to t hepeta�u f t e d limi�a n d l b)a ny�i.t�a,�r;�,�.�3 i�5���4 a'�x i�u e r w h i c h e a c e e d e d p e r m i tt e d l i m i t c w i l l b e � '}^�' ��.
<br /> ;''`u; ��. ��� F�- - refiatdc�d Ro Bartoir�r.;Lender may chaose to m�z��t'� rli�i�d?r��f��='-. cn u ed under the Note orb makitt a . ,-_
<br /> %..... ,,'�'.� �` - _ fz3'�e � _.
<br /> , a. �
<br /> ,. ,r 4'i' , . 21�.., � A� .!b' Y $ .
<br /> #�tr-� a #� •i.:: •: di�tp��ment to Borrower. If a refund reduces princi'p'�:�r�:v�"iibn�::�ti,e i�ea��'�:apartial PrePaYmen�w9�lrouc any ::� �+ � �
<br /> ' :�.•:1�� r -
<br /> ::,�;�� �r;_. t charSe under the Nate. .,• � '.� � : : . ' . � -':•rr���� '-
<br /> r , y ': �,�, � �'°` 4's Notkes. Aay noace to BorroH•er provided far'r:thiti Security Instru�a�f�ti:x�be give�by delnerirsg i�o�by Q�, � ..
<br /> ' � ---... - -w. -- - miiling i!hy fir��elacc m�i!anle�.:+pplirable i:�w reguirec u`e af anather-methad.•�'1L�''cx+i."�ia:�haU 6e diteeted to the P(ope(ty - _--
<br /> . �--, .
<br /> �� Addre�.s or any ott�cr addr�s Borrower designate+by notire to L e n dcr. Any n t i t i�t,v�tn der s ha l l b e given b y f i r s t c l a ss _
<br />_ '�`YT�� ' �•���=� '� � mail to I.ender's addre+��tated t�cin or any ather address i.ender dctiignateti by notic+:,xxi�Q�arrower. Any notice provided for
<br />_�' • - : :n�, �l
<br />_::. '`�a�� ''`t�� ,- _ in this Security In�trument �hall be deemed to ha�•e t�e�m given ta Borrow•cr or�er_svhen given ac provided in this �,.
<br />-- "� ,4��•i•!,��'�,j.`j�r��'vft,� _ . P��S�P�• :':�•.� .. ' " ��-:
<br /> _'=., ,. "�"J�`'r,,���r - 15. Governing Law; Se�era6ility. Thi. Secusity In.trument whall t+e goce^i�.���iederal faw and the law of the ,�
<br /> _ 14 ":j-'��.`�� t, r, .. • ..-
<br /> •.�. • jucisdictian ia which the Properey is locatrd, f�t the event tha�any prnvisia�,�:4�Aa�?,�af t���;+Security Instrument or the Note :, r,
<br />.��t�;?:� �'�L�_ *'�` ''� ' - conflicts with app�i�frE�.law.sucfi canflict�#�iilt�nm affect mher pravisi�ris:et�.iii�i;.�:y�mo-�:tati�trument or the Note which can :t:
<br /> �,.a _.. . �,:�: �.<. .:_
<br /> ��._ . ��!!• , 6e gi�.tn effect wj�;►aoua:the canfl+cting��rcrc�;+�e�iNm `To this end the pro��c.:��+t t,���:r•r{iry lactrument and the Note are . .
<br /> - 'dai�a�ai=tabe�evera6te:� r •,:_ ..� .,�,°' � , ;;�: ;,;:: � ��
<br /> -:;�=:. u� � .�.��t'. 8orrawer'sCopy. B.�aaE+nc d;u.��rs�",`:�:�rie�tiwtr,rm�:cl capy of ittc'�k}+r��,i�a�::thi.Security In.rtn�ment� ;�:`''+*�ay i�
<br /> . �,�.'. .�� ' ��'H� T ropi�'4� )4'�' PehS' f • l,Y
<br /> ' d.. . , , . ranster of the P +�m r�1�l�oi,�.,Q�atc�t a�i.18A►rroKer. If ati��r o�- �f the Pro ar un•interest in � f K�.
<br /> � r.��, ��,�
<br /> ' ;�.; ' � u�ti�tinid or tran�ferred I�r ii a t,�,�rs.�e�9 a�r'r�:C�:T� &�aakct i.u�id nr tr,u��fem.-a�:�*s3;�Ecx:rowet is not a natural penon) �4,�• y� ;� -
<br /> withaut l.ender's rior written cac,x�) �s�y.at it.o tion,re uire imniect�.et�;�s�rr�,i,in futl aE ail sums securcd b � }7t� ' '
<br />--y` °r'y'. `�• P ���� i � N �" ` � y . I � ==.
<br /> ' +l ��� nr
<br /> __ ' this 5ecurity instrumem. HaK�e�sss:+i��:�:;,-:rb�rall not Nc exerciccd by Lend��e+:.i�;c�:��i;�ndt�3�itait�hy federal iaw as of ; •� �p�^),�„��,�.i =_
<br /> _ '�!'„� � , _ ��� ;:.��41t�s1�} 4_�airi
<br /> . . the date of this Security In�traa�ss�: .',• � � _' •� �.�� ` _'� -�;�.;�,., ��re`�-s at�y,<-
<br /> ° � • " If Lender excmix�this a�.��n.;�i.endcr�haq givc Bc�rroucr notice of accel�r,r,�:►�:; �Fr�.a��iu�rz w�N;�rovide a perial of ��-�t�`,A ,r�;.
<br /> r'"
<br /> �.��;.� . , � :�i�t than�(1 day�fram the!��ii��nnticc i�dclir•crcd�rr mailcd�.ithin c�i1;�a:�,i,_m�?a�.±Tj����.�;�n^.�::�mti sccured by this . I• "'��.�'�t�-'{,•�
<br /> �- • .'rt,�,;° - :�. . _ , �, U .:L d' .
<br /> ,i . :,:. . �iii�y IntitnsmP�t. If Bor��;t;�i,tails ta pay Ih��.unn prinr U, ihe e�;ii~��.�* ��s'i��,��perivcf 1a.iudi:r m�y invoke smy _ ' ``. ,�1Ei;1`+�
<br /> �t ,;,, ,t ���•, , - , rr'�,�raiicspermittedtay`thir5�;r�u�n{:' (n.trument�►ithautfurlhernaticear�ie�3ixs��=:18,�eY=;•sr. ,�� 1",'
<br /> ' .'r� '` � �,.�••?•,.�` $�. Ba��1i�ht��:�I�jnstate. If B�+rri��+rr m�ct. «naiR`c�d�t':�°•�:.ti-t�i�t�n.:�r �hall have thc riFht to h�ve � � � '��:�`''•
<br /> .��i, t �:i...�};��!`;;(����� ' .i ��en�ti��tent of this S i y �• . '�.�L,•:�
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<br /> - r• ��t,'-Ik.4r. •;�'• , - -�: .. , , ...:- ey.�°.',.
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