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��� <br /> D�� ���J� ��� J � � � � <br /> _.J.—J� —,.�—J���� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP:D WORDS <br />"��'� � � 'JQ -STAT�JOUFZftAL COMPANY,LINCOLN,NEB. <br />'_ ... _.. . . _ . _.__ ____..,.._ ._.._..__ .. __.__..� _... _...�"_' <br /> � .,4.�. -__ .___. . _ . _ <br /> ; ST�1TL+' OF �'EBRASIiA, ,: <br /> ,, <br /> ;'I ss. '! <br /> �� � � H311 CJounty, �nG�ered in N��me�'ical In- �i <br /> :; Nellie Mu21en and husband <br /> de� and filed for reco�•d in the RegistEr of Deed's office of said �� <br /> i; ,; <br /> ;; TO wDeed t� Coi�,nty, t,he 23 �a, of January ts32 , at 2 !; <br /> ,� <br /> �i WoOd Rlve� Bldg. & LoB.n ABSn. o'clocic and � 30 �ninictes, � p,167. i�z <br /> ; �.��a�� ��-�-�j ``; <br /> ` Register of Deeds, i, <br /> By 1�'� Deput�. �; <br /> �? ±# <br /> �, - � „ <br /> , <br /> k� ;, <br /> ;� . !; <br /> �� ����� ��� ���t �� ��j��� ����P�tt�. <br /> �� � <br /> ;,; That Nell�e Mullen and Edward Mullen, wife and husband '' <br /> i� <br /> ;� <br /> �, <br /> i <br /> �I ;i <br /> �;� of the Count� of Hd,ll , and State of Nebrask'�, , for and in eonside�°ation of the sum of � <br /> ;; <br /> ;; <br /> 'i One—dollar and other considerations — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — � — — — — � — DOLLARS, ;j <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> ;, in h�a�ad �a�id, do hereby grt�rzt, bargain; sell, convey and confirmti ��n�to �o0d R�ver Huild.�rig �.nd L�B.ri A�.�OC_latiOri `' <br /> �� +i <br /> ,; <br /> i' <br /> i' <br /> i; <br /> of the Count� of Ha,ll , arytid State of NebrasYa , the following described real estate situated �; <br /> I; <br /> `� �n WOOdR1Vex' in Ha.11 Co��nt��y, a7ad State of N�b��.Sk3 , to-wit: �; <br /> „ � <br /> ;; ;i <br /> Lot Tti�elve (12) and E�.st Tnirty-ei�ht (3�) feet of Lot Eleven jll) in Block Nine (g) <br /> ij �ovun of S�ood River, RTebraska �� <br /> 4! j� <br /> :; �; <br /> �; ;� <br /> 'i ', <br /> �. <br /> ;; �� <br /> ;! <br />' �f <br /> ;� <br /> ,`� �� <br /> , , <br /> i� ;' <br /> E;� T(� SAVE AND TO HOLD th�e prernises above desc��ibed, togethel• with all the Ten�e��ne�����s, Herecleta�ments and App�urtena,�zces t'here- ji <br /> ii <br /> �� unto betongzr�,q, un�to the said l�ood River Building and Loan Association �� <br /> ; ;� <br /> �' and to �he1Z' heirs and assigns, foa�ever. j� <br /> ii ,� <br /> ,'� A.nd thgy do hereb� eovenant ivith the said G�'antee � , a�ad ��rith �he j r heirs and assigns, that ;� <br /> ' i� <br /> � the d,re lawfully sized of sa�id premises; thc�t theJ are free from encumbrance O�hBr �h8,n tt�70 MOI'��?'�eB.1Bt ;� � <br /> ��! �or �1�j00.00 �nd 2d for "�2�2.25 both in f�.vor of Wood River Building and Loan Assoet�at on. ; <br /> ? that thEy have good right and lawfecl authority to sell th:e same; and they do hereby covenar��t j! <br /> i+ <br /> j �I <br /> to u%ccrrant and defend the ti�tZe to said pz°emises agcuinst the la�wful elai7ns of all perso7as whomosever � �� <br /> � <br /> ��� And the said N�lI 1 e Mu11 e21 �.nd Edw3�'d Mu11 ezl leereby rel�inquishes all � <br /> ;; ,,; . <br /> �! Ti�'hts i�x a�ad to tl�e above describecl premises. �i <br /> !, i` <br /> =i Signed this 2� day of � ,j�Tluary , A. D., 19 3� � � �; <br /> 'i <br /> '� In i���resenee of- � � NelT��.E Mu11821 ��; <br /> '' E.B.Persson Ed. �Iullen `' <br />� J.E.Hoye Edv�ard Mullen ;' <br /> i� j; <br /> ;; <br /> � <br /> � Statc of Nebrasza �' <br /> ss. <br /> H�.11 County, On this 23 day o� e,Tanuary A. D., 19 32 <br /> i r� <br /> .�� before,�the undersig�2ed. E.B.Persson <br /> �i fi <br /> a lrota3•y Public, d2ily com�m�issioned a.�nd qualifa.ed f or a�i�d resid� i�z said Clount�, personally came <br /> � ,i <br /> `' R�ellie Mu11en and Edvaard Mullen 1;` � <br /> �� <br /> 4 <br /> � to me known to be tfze identi-cal perso�z � u�hose �zame B � d,re affi�ed to the foregovr�g instru- �1 <br /> (s�AL) '` � : <br /> ment �as granto�°S , and acicnowledged the same to be �hej,r voLuntar� act and deed. <br /> ,� <br /> tiV�tness m-y hand a�id Notarial Seal the day and ye�r last above 2vritter�.� ;i � <br /> ; <br /> �Ty co�n�r�2iss�io�z expires the 6 day of F�bT. Y9 32 �� <br /> I; <br /> �; E.B.Persson <br /> j� � Notary Public. i! <br /> f; <br /> �._ �_ '� <br /> i; �, <br /> �i ii <br />