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43'� <br /> � tJ��' �J�� � ��O <br /> D�_� �� � ��� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTb:D�VORAS <br />_._ — =srAie�ouexa t�F�AY�CA:27E�--_ --_ _� _._.__.------- ------ <br /> ;� STATE OF NEBRf1SIiA, �� <br /> ss. jl <br /> � H���- Co�unty, Entei�ed in Numer�ieal In- ��� <br />�' Fred Beberniss , sin�le i; <br />� � � de� a�zd filed for record in the Register of Deed's offiee of said �i <br /> Warranty �QUnty, the day of Y 19�— , at 1 ',I <br /> ! , . TO Deed �th J�.nuar � , <br /> ' !I <br /> �� <br /> , Zda Poore . o'clock and �-�j mi.nutes, P 16i. ; <br /> � ���� <br />' , �vr�� r <br /> � �J Register o f Deeds, 'il <br /> By /� Deput�• �! <br /> r '� <br /> . �� <br /> ` • � <br />: . �1t��1 ��� �P�. �1� ��jP�P ��P�PI�t�: �; <br /> T�at � Fred Beberniss , a sin�le per,son, �� <br /> ii <br /> l �i <br /> � of the Cou�at� of Hall , and State of NEbraSka � , fo�• and i�z� considerat�ion of tTze ��ryn of ;� <br />; �I <br /> , <br /> '� , One dQllar and love and affection �������`, li <br /> ,', I <br /> � � ; <br /> • , ���; 'z�ti h�and paid�, do hereby.gra7��t, bargain; sell, convey and eo�zf��•nti un'to jc�d, POOr� �� �� <br /> �I <br /> ' Ha11 Nebraska '' <br /> • of the Count� of , a,nd State of , the folloa,r:ing described real estate situated ;i <br /> ; <br />•� � i�i Grand �Tsland in Hall � rlourcty, ccnd State of Nebr�,ska , to-wit: il <br /> , , ;� <br /> Th��.t part of Lo�s Five ( 5) � Six (6 ) �nd Fractional �o� Seven (7) in Fr�„ct�i onal Block �9 , in �; <br />� � tne Original Tov�n not� City of Gr�.nd Island Hall County , Nebraska, more ��.rticularly described '; <br /> as foll��v,s: °Commencin� on the Southeasterly corner of said Fractional block �9 at the point �i <br /> ; ��=here Locust Street intersects. with Division Street , �hence in a Northeasterly direction, or ;; <br /> �-, � ' u.. t �treet a d_istance of 60 �'i <br /> I� ' r ther in a Nor �nerl directic�n, alon the Wes <br /> t line of s�..ld Loc S � <br /> a Y � <br /> I� ' feet; trience, in a Westerly direction parallel with the alley of said b�ock to a point 50� feet �! <br /> �;� from the West line of said block; tnence in a Southerly-direction parallel with the West line ,! <br /> ; of said 'Block to the South line of said Block; thence in an Easterly direction along the SoutY� <br /> ` line of said block and. a1on5 tx?e North line of Division Street to tne pl�.ce of �e�inning. " 'I <br /> ��,; � � � i�i� <br /> I� ,I <br /> • � <br />� T0� HAV� AND TO HOLD th�e premises avove desc�•ibed, together u�itfa all tf�e Tenements, Heu•ed�i�taments and �lppurtenances there- '�! <br /> � �� i <br /> ��': unto belong�ir�y, u�zto the said j�a, pOOre � �� <br />� � '���� � <br /> �! � <br />� !� � � and to her hei�•s and assiqns, forever. � <br /> � ,I <br /> ���I � And �e d��ereby coroenant with the said G'��'antee , and �c�th h2r heirs a�ad assigns, that � '� <br /> � <br /> � � except encumbra.nces of reco�d �I <br /> ( he is lawfull� y�2zed of s�aid premises; that tf�ey a�•e fr•ee fr�om encumbrance <br />� � �';� thut j � have good right and lawful authority to sell tyze same; and �Z do hereby eovenare�t ,� <br /> I <br /> !:,' <br /> to uarrant and defend tl�e title to said premises against the lawful elaims of all persons whomosever � <br /> !i ' <br /> � find the said Fr e d B eb e�'ri�s s hereby relinquishes all � <br /> � ho:�estead ri�hts <br /> �� ri�nts ,titles, claims , interest and c er_�ands ,� ,, 2�� anc� to the above desc�•ibed premises. � <br /> I'� ;� � <br /> �i � <br /> �' Signed tleis �-th day of January , A. D., 19 32 <br /> _ <br /> �; <br /> ;� In tFp[presenee of <br /> �� A.L.Joseph Fred Heberniss <br /> ! . �;� <br /> . { <br /> �� <br /> �� Nebraska <br /> ; State of �� <br /> � <br /> �� Hall s, �-th January A. D. 1s 32 II, <br /> �j County, O�z tycis day o f � , <br /> ii <br /> beforenthe undersigned. A.L.Joseph �i <br /> �� <br /> ;� <br /> I <br />' �' a iVota��y P��blic, d�al�� co�n°mi,ssioned a�id quaLified for• a7�d residinq in said Co�ainty, personally came I� <br /> ;; <br /> !i <br /> ;i Fred Beberniss , a single person, '''; <br /> �; <br /> i ` !; <br /> � to nae k�no�wn to be tlie identical perso7i whose na�me �S affixed to tlie foreqoinq instr2c- �i <br /> � ji <br /> � � SEAL� ment �as gra�itor , and acknowledged the same to be hl S voluntar� act and deed. � (j. <br /> _- il <br /> - Ii <br /> �GVitness m� hand a�zd Zlrota�°ial Seal the da� and year last a-bove writterv. ji <br /> �; <br /> 1 da� o Sept. � 1933 �� <br /> �li� eomnaission empi�•es the 7 J f i; <br /> ;i <br /> r <br /> �'� � A.L.Joseph i� <br /> ;; � <br /> Notary Public. � <br /> ;i -- <br /> i I <br /> sl ti <br />