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`�'�� , <br /> ��'�'�� ��'����� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP:D WORDS ' <br /> _�._� +..�_ _ _.._. _ _._._._.._ �r. <br /> ,,� _.._.�.. <br /> �--�—�_`+'�1!I.E wni n� rL]MPAtd.�L1LJ�dL1`�.��� ..... . .. — . . <br /> .,.�...� — �...__.._,._�.______..__._�__"�_._ <br /> �_a_......_______,�...._._-.r.....�..�.__. r._.�._._._......�.�.`.=�—�-,-..��__ <br /> STf1TE 07+' NEBRASTiA, <br /> ii <br />�� H�.11 Coacnty, s� Erite�•ed �in Nume1•ical In- ��� <br /> �falter D. Co1e � <br /> � de� and filed f or reco�•d z�n the Pegiste7• o f Deed's o f fice o f said <br /> � TO Warraaity Count�, the �I- da� of �'a,riu�,ry 1932 , at 9 <br /> De�d - <br /> „ <br /> Fred 0.H�,rrell & Ri cna,rd L. o'clocic and ---- minutes, 14i. ,� <br /> �_ � <br /> ndcMullin ������ • <br /> Register of De`�as, , , <br /> By �; DeputJ. � <br /> h. \ <br /> , , . ' I <br /> �1�0�1 ��� �Pl� �1� ��P�P ��P�P�t�: - . . � : <br /> Ty�at 'JGalte� D. Cole, a sin�le man, � <br /> _. ;; <br /> � � � , ' �; � : <br /> of the Cou,nty of H�.11 , a��ad Sta.t:e of NEb�'asl��a, , fo7• and in eonsideratio�z of �tlze sicm� of ;; ' <br /> �' � <br /> �: <br /> ONETHOUSA�ID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -�- -� D'OLLARS . <br /> , � <br /> , , <br /> � �n huncl paid, do he,reby c�rarct, bargain, sell, eo�vuey c�ncl eonfir���ti zi�n�to ,Fred 0.Ha,rr 211 �,nd �{1 Chard � L.MCMu�:11n � � � �� • <br /> , �. . <br /> of the County of Ha.11 , and State of Nebx&s1:�, , the following dese�-ibed �•eal estate situated <br /> i` <br /> , in Do111 h�,n in Hall Co2anty, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: � <br /> p <br /> � � . �: . <br /> . ;. <br /> The North fifty ei�ht (�� ) Feet of Lot Ei;ht (s�) anc� the North Fifty ei�i�t (5� ) feet <br /> of tne East Fifteen (15) feet of Lot (7) Beven, in B1.ock Three (3) , Qri�in�l Vi11a�e '�' i <br /> o�' Donip'r�an , Nebras'.a., �,s sho��n by the recordea pl�t thereof. I� <br /> . <br /> � I. <br /> ;, _ <br /> p � <br /> , <br /> � '� <br /> i; <br /> _ i; <br /> ' I <br /> . ! <br /> ,, <br /> , . <br /> � TO HAVE A�I�D TO HOLD the prema:ses abave desc��ibed, togetlier 2ciG�h all tl�e Tenements, IIe�•ed��taments and Appurtena,n�ees t'here- �' � <br /> i` <br /> � un�to belongir�g, unto t�he said � � <br /> � <br /> c�72d to ' heirs and assigns, forever. " <br /> ;'i <br /> � And � I � do h�reb� covenant wit�h the sa�d C�rantee , a�ad ivzth heirs and assigns, that 1! <br /> ,_ <br /> � <br /> �i; <br /> I d,m lawfully �ized of s�aid premzses; tlzat the9 are free fy°o�n encumbrance � '�; <br /> th�t I yi,ave good ��ight and lawf�.cl authority to sell the sarne; and T do 7ae�•eby covenar��t ! � <br /> i' <br /> to wa��rant and defend the t�itle to said premises against the lawful elaims of all persons w�homosever � + <br /> C <br /> � Aryid the said ��,lt 2�' D. �012 hereby relinqui�shes all �, • <br /> h1� rl�'_nt , title and. lnte�'e8t - - - - - - - - - - - 2n and to the above describer� p�remises. �'. _ <br /> � ;; <br /> ;� <br /> � Signed ttvis 2�-�h dccy of � OC�Ober � , A. D., 19 �i1 � � ��� �! <br /> ; <br /> �� In�t�presence of � � <br /> C.�4. Carlson �Palter D.Cole . �; <br /> ;; <br /> � ' � . :� <br /> , <br /> ' State of Nebraska '' <br /> �ss. il <br /> ' Ha11 � Count�,� O�z this 2�th duy of O�tober A. D., 19 '�1 ;; � <br />� �: <br /> .�- <br /> �� <br /> urya ersi necl. C.l�g. Carlson � <br /> be ore the d <br /> f g <br /> � <br />� a Notaz•y Pz�blic, di�l f co�n�nissioned a�nd q�unli fied f or a�sd residing in said dounty, personally ca�ne ��� <br /> � � <br /> 1�Talter D.Cole , a sin�le man, <br /> to me lcrzown to Uc the identical person wlcose name 1 S af fixed to the foregoin,g instru- � <br /> i! <br /> ,� <br /> ��EAL� ment as gr•antor , and acicnowledged the same to be hl S volu�2tary aet and deed. <br />� W�itness r�ti� hcc�nd and Notariccl Seal the day ccnd year last above writter�. <br /> III� co�nmission ex�i�•es the 1.9th day of Jan. 193�j <br /> � C.�II. C�.T180� <br /> otar� ublic. <br />�, ---_—_- —.__. __ - - ,.. - - � - -- - - - - -- - <br /> _ __ _______._-- --. --- _ _ _ - _. -- —_ � , __ _�� ___. - - -�_ _____ ___ <br /> _ ._>.._ ...-__ _ _.___.v__.-- -____ _—�_ -- __ _ � <br /> - --- --�� <br /> �i <br /> � �,, <br /> i: <br />, ri i: <br />