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"'][e.�'T <br /> ������ �������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTH:D WORDS <br /> _.._._ __. ._ Y� _� <br />----:.--"_��S7ATElavu�rxL�:pr�aANV triacor.ia � - � - �_ ._.� - - <br /> �-��-��—��_ - - —__ _.____. ___.,,,._.r__ _,__._.._____ - =_.w - _.�_ -- - _ - — <br /> �STATE Ob' NEBRA.SI`tA, <br /> ss. �� <br /> � Wi 111�,m Br ebn er �,n d wl f e �al Z Co�ianty, Entered in Numerical In- <br /> � de� and filed f or �•ecord in the Regdster o f Deed's o f fiee o f sa��d <br /> TO Warranty Coacnt the 2 day of Ja.nuary 19'�2 , at R <br /> Deed y� <br /> �Z�.ry Brebn�r o'cloek and —'-- ntiinutes, A• T. -) <br /> �/�-��.��d���`� �' <br /> Reqister of Deed"s, <br /> By �., Deput�. i <br /> ��t��1 ��� �Pl� �1 � P£�P �P�P�t�: ° <br /> � � � <br /> That Wil.liam Brebner and Bertha Brebner, Husband. and �Pife <br /> o the Co2cnt o Hall tc�ad State o Nebras�;.S; or� and in consideratioyt of the s2�m o , <br /> f �J <br /> f � f � f f <br /> �' <br /> SixThousandandno/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, <br /> � �n h�cnd pa�d, do he�°eb� grar��t, bargai7i, sell, convey ccnd co�zf�ir�nz 2�nto M7.�'y Brebrier � <br /> of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , tl�,e following described real estate situated �; <br /> in in x��-1 Coicnt�, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: ; <br /> The Southwest Quarter of the Soutneast Quarter (SW48E�) ,and tne North Half of the <br /> ` �- of Section numbered 9 , Tot�nshi numbered Nine O , <br /> h u r r ) 9 <br /> ut t a te N � E � P <br /> S <br /> o eas S � <br /> Q � � 4 <br /> ) � <br /> North, RanFre numbered T��elve ( 12} , UPest of the 5ixth P.M. , subject to encumbrance of <br /> record of �4,200.00 :*,rhich the �rantee herein a�sumes and agrees to pay. . <br /> �; <br /> i; <br /> �. <br /> XI.�K���IK�k���r.�����a�3���1��:������s��'+�t�c-s�7t���§x`�������tY����x��i�6�t�k��1�� <br /> 3���4x��¢�i���zD�oC��� <br /> ��t�t f��c�c�����a��e�c. <br /> i� <br /> � A�ad �q� do fzer•eby covenccnt with the ��ry��Hr Ek'7�1e�' r'�.��d- h�r hed�rs and assigns, that +� <br /> ;; <br /> y'�g ar g law f udl� s�ized o f s�ai-d premises; t�zat tliey c���•e f7'ee f rom encwmbrance e X C ep t �,S h 2 r P 1 ri S t�.t 2 C� � � <br /> �: <br /> � tltie�t �pg have good riyht and lawful authorit� to sell tlie same; and t�ve do hereby eovenar��t <br /> � � to wara•cent a.nd defencl the title to said premises agc��i7ast the lativful elc�i�as of ccll pe�•sons whomosever � � � j: <br /> � And the said �ra2ltOrs hereby relin-quishes all '. <br /> their rlghtS in and to the avove deseribed p�remises. <br /> Signed this ��ls� day of Decernber � A. D., 19 �l � <br /> � In the ���esence of � � ; <br /> L.F.Haug VGillia.m Brebner � " <br />� �� Bertha Brebner � �; <br /> T�?E �TA"'E Or NEBR.ASKA ' <br /> � <br /> ss. <br /> COUNTY OF BUFrALO on this 31st day of Decernber A. D., 19 31 <br /> �- <br /> before m6 L.F,�iau� : <br /> ` <br /> � a Notar� Pi�cblic, dul� eom�missioned a�ad quabi fied f or a��d resid�ing in said Co�unty, personalL�,� eame ;; <br /> f: <br /> Willia,m Brebner and Bertha Brebner , Husbard and SRife ;; <br /> ;` <br /> ,: <br /> to me k�no2Un to be the identical perso7a s �.esaribed �n �,nd wh� �X���.1ted the f�xeT <br /> �-oi�� conveyance as �ranto-r �,r.d acknoz�rledged the s�,id ins-�rument to ;' <br /> be �k;heir volunt�,ry act and deed« . <br /> ( S�AL) ; <br /> � 'Witness my ha7id and Arota�°ial Seal the dcc� and year last above writterv. <br /> � � 1]Iy co�n�nission e�pi7•e� �QB,y 25th, I9�2. - �� <br /> L.F.Haug <br /> Notary Public. i' <br /> ,, : .-,-. _.— .�_ ,�--__=__ �..—_ __—�_�—�._.�___._.��—�__ <br /> -- ______.=.:—�_� � <br />^_.—�__,__ ._=__._�_—:: �._--_ _.. ---,-:—. . _ :.-_.. <br /> � <br /> � ;; <br /> li <br />