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4��. <br /> � ��� � ��� �� � ��� . � <br /> ���� ����� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP:D WORDS <br /> _.___�— <br /> � 7�SIIANAr�o�zr�ar�'�g:____._ _._-- -.--------_____--- ----------.---_---.__-----._.�.__ <br /> � STATE OF NEBRASIiA, <br /> i� � <br /> ss. ; <br /> Harry F:�,cknitz a,nd tiaife Hall County, Entered in Numerical In- <br /> i <br /> � <br /> dex and itled for record in the Regi$ter of Deed'a office of eadd ; <br /> ; <br /> Warranty � <br /> TD Deed Coicnty, the 26 day of December 19�1 , at 3 i <br /> � <br /> Emma Marie Cunnin�ha,m dclocic and 30 minutes, P. 1�f. ; <br /> �-�� j <br /> � <br /> �•����'�°�Register of Deeds, i <br /> B Deput�. �� <br /> y � <br /> � <br /> ; <br /> !1 <br /> ; �1�0�1 ��.� �Pl� �1 �C�jP�P �P�P1�t�: '�; <br /> � � <br /> �hat H�.rry Facknitz and Elizabeth Facknitz ,husband and, wife . <br /> ,; <br /> :� <br /> , <br /> of the Co2cnty of Ha,ll , and State of Nebraska , for a�nd i��z conside7-�tio�t of the s2am of il, <br /> ,� <br /> ;i <br /> r , <br /> One �'uridredFiftya,ndno/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, il <br /> �I <br /> ;, <br />� � ��n h�uncl paid, do he�r•eby gr•ar�t, bargai7z, sell, convey and confi7•n�, un�to Emt21a, $IIa,Tl e Cu71ri1righd.2Ti '� <br /> j, <br /> i <br /> i <br /> i� <br /> ;i <br /> li <br /> of t)tie County of Hall , and State of NebrasYa , the following described real estate situated �j <br /> Nebraska to-wit: ' <br /> � in Gr�,nd Island i�a Ha1.1 coi�nty, and stc�te of , �j <br /> � <br /> ,� <br /> i <br /> Lot No. � , in Block 3, Colle�e Addition to �est Lawn. An Ad.dit�.an to the City of il <br /> Grand Island,Nebraska. �� <br /> i� <br /> ; <br /> � i� <br /> �� <br /> i� <br /> � ���( <br /> 1( <br /> i <br /> � �; <br /> �i <br /> ii <br /> • 7'0 I�AVE 9�'D TO IIOLD th�e pr• above dese�•ibed, together u�ith all the Tenemients, I�eredetam�ents and �lppurtenances� t�here- !i <br /> � <br /> i� <br /> �� unto belo7ig�r�g, 2ti7ito the said Eri1ma Md.r1G CUririingha.m f� <br /> ' <br /> ancl to heT heiis cc�zd assigns, forever. �� <br /> � And qog do he�reby covenant with the said Grc��ntee , and with her lievrs an�l assigns, that �� <br /> I 'i <br /> 4�2 arE laivfully sized of said p��eniises• that they are free fr�om ene�umbra9ice � ;� <br /> � <br /> �I <br /> i; <br />� �• that we have good riyht and lawful authority to sell the sccme; and �e do hereby coroenar�� �i <br /> ;� <br />' �� to uarra��it and defe�ad the title to said pre�m�ises against the bawful elaims of adl persons whomosever �� <br /> J <br /> ��� <br /> And the said I3�,rry Faeknitz and Eliza,beth Fa.eknitz , hereb� relinquishes all ;; <br /> � <br /> thelr Cl�.lrn, ri�ht a,nd title in and to the above described premises. ;; <br /> ;, <br /> a <br /> � Signed�th�s � day o� November , A_. D., 19 �1 � �I <br /> ,; <br /> In L+� p�'esenee of I� <br /> Harr Facknitz. `� <br /> C <br /> has. F.Dr er <br /> Y <br /> . <br /> �i <br /> Y . <br /> � <br /> Ellzabeth F�,cknitz ; <br /> I <br />� �� <br /> „ <br /> State of Nebraska ;� <br /> ss. Ii <br /> Hall County, On t1Lis 5 day o j Nov emb er A. D., 19 31 ;i <br /> !� <br /> � before the unclersiyned. '� <br /> Chas.F.Dryer i( <br /> � <br /> �� a Notary Publ�ic, di�l� co�n�missioned c��zd qualified for a���d residing in said Cou�nt�, personall� eame �� <br /> Harry F�,cknitz and Elizabe�h Facknit� ;j <br /> !) <br /> � to me k�zown to be the identical person S whose name s a,re af fi�ed to the foreqo�ing instru- �� <br /> � i� <br /> I <br /> � � � ment �as grantor g , a�ad a,ck�zozvledged the same to be t�h21r voluntary act and deed. ii <br /> (SEAL) �,� <br /> � �Witness ���� yaand ayad ��otarial Seal ths da� and year last a,bove zvritteru. i� <br /> I� <br /> ,� <br /> . llf?/ eomm.iss�ion e�pii�es the 23 da� of Jantld,ry � 19 ��- jj <br /> i� <br /> Chas.F, Dryer 'i <br /> , <br /> � � Notary Public. � <br /> i� �� <br /> ' (� <br /> ;, <br /> i <br />