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r. <br /> 424 <br /> ������ ���������. <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTb:D WORDS <br />�._�.. ....� ��.�.._N _ _� .._ . .__ _��.. _�..�______ <br /> 1T6fC�."]YF'.� — --- �.—.. <br /> �w._ __-_:=—.��:��.��-.--�=--�.—�—._��-- _..._.�_ , � <br /> �� � STATE OF NEBRASgA, �� <br /> ss. �i <br /> � � H�,11 County, Entered in Nunaerical 1'n- � � <br /> William Van Buren anc� ti�vife <br /> � de� �znd fited J'o�• recoi�d i�a the Register of Deed's off�ee of said '� � <br /> TO Warranty Count� t�ie 8 th daz o De c errb er 19 �1 at 2 ! <br /> Deed �, J f ., , �' <br /> T.E.J er orne Paulk o'clock and 3 p ntiin2ites, p 11�. `+ , <br /> ���%��''�� <br /> Register o f Deeds <br /> By Deput�. ` <br /> � <br /> �1���1 ��.� ��1� �1� ��jP�P ��P�Pl�t�: , <br /> Tf�at Will�.a.m V��n Buren a.nd. Edna A.Van Buren, husband a,nd_ ���fe <br /> !( <br /> of the County of L�.riC��St2r , ccnd State of NebTaska. , for a�ad in eonsideration of tlze su�m of <br /> Two Hundred Fifty and no�100 - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, <br /> in h�znd paid, do hereby grar�•t, bargain, sell, eonvey and confirm un��o T.�.JeY'om� P�ulk � � <br /> of the County of H�,11 , and State of Nebraska , the fo�louing deseribed real estate situated <br /> 2n Wood River in Hall Coicnty, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: � <br /> �: <br /> �, <br /> Lots number 12-1�-1?I--15-16 �.11 in Bi ock Nurnber Five (5) in Clark � s A�dition to ViZla�e <br /> of Wood River , NebrasYa. � <br /> - ii <br /> ii <br /> i; <br /> ;. <br /> � 7'0 HAVE Al%D TO HOLD tl�e p�•emises �above descr�i,bed, to�ethe�� �itla all-the Ten�eme��ts, Hereditament�s and Ap�urtenances there- � <br /> �� <br /> unto belongi��.g, unto tlae said T. E.Jerorne Pau1k <br /> � <br /> and to h 1 S heirs and assigns, f orever. <br /> � And Vve do hereby covena7at with the said G�r��ntee , and with hl� heirs and assigns, that '� <br /> �� lau:fully s�zed of s�aid prenzises; that ty�ey are f�ree fr•om encumbranee �, <br /> ,� <br /> tlic�t �,�e haue good right ancl lawful authority to sell the same; and �e do hereby eovenar�t �� <br /> to warrant and defend the title to said premases aga�i�ast the lawf�cl elaims of all persons wlzomosever <br /> i; <br /> And the said V�illia.m V�.n Buren �.nd Edna A.V=�.n Buren hereby relinquisl��� all ;'. <br /> � �'1;h�t S �,nd t 1.t 1 P, � in and to the above des�er�bed p�renzises. <br /> � Signed this �a9 o f OC�G 29 �31 , A, D., 193 � ��� �� <br /> „ <br /> ; <br /> In �kt� p�•esence of <br /> Glen S�evens � William Van Buren ;; <br /> „ E�na A.Va,n Buren 1; <br /> ; <br /> i' <br /> State of Nebras'�a �' <br /> . ss. ;? <br /> Lancaster Count�, O�a tycis da� of OCt 2� ��l A. D., 133 <br /> � <br /> � before the undersig7aecl. Gleri St2V�eriS � <br /> �� a Notary P�cblie, duly commissioned and qualtified for aa�d residing in said County, personally came ' <br /> , �a <br /> Wi1lia,m Van Buren an�. Edna A. Buren <br /> to me lcnown to be the ide�atical persons whose names �re affixed to the foregoing instrw <br /> �sFA�� � �� <br /> n2ent as grantor S , aaad ackaiowledged the same to be their voluntar� act and deed. <br />� j��i�ness my ha�zd and Notarial Seal the da� and year last above writterv. <br /> Dly eommissio�z e�pir�es the 12th da� of �TaT�. 19 �� � <br /> Glen Stevens ;; <br /> Notary Public. <br /> _.:-� . _ -_:—_�__--�=—�-�_�--- _.___�—,--- �.`. _ �-----�— - <br /> —��_-� -- <br /> ;; <br /> �� <br />