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42� <br />� � <br />� � � � � D����� ���� � � � � <br /> � � ��� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTH:D WORDS <br /> � ��S`L8 �it7�7'E JkUHIIAL�{FIO(PANY L"TNC6LN fl�H _.__:, � - = r -- - _. � <br /> _ __ _.._.._ ..._._,_.�__._ _.�..__.__ ._.. ,:_ : ....�.:__---`____._---- _�..-__---�,.,.v_�,_-_w._�.==.- .�---_ .__.-___----- -------- <br /> _.�. _-_. �..._ STAT� Ob' NEBRASkA, '+--- - <br /> - ss. <br /> � � H�.11 County, Entered in Numerical In- �' <br /> Au�usta Suck -���d_ Ya�asband. <br /> de� and filed f or �°ecord in tlze Register o f Dee�l's o f fice o f sa�.d � <br /> TO Warra�ty Count the �th �a2 0 19� at ]1 <br /> Deed y� :xl � f December ,l � <br /> Az'thur �'V. & Ettr�. C. D�,vis o'clocicancl �jF nzinutes, A�. D1. <br /> CJ�=��-�U.���, '; <br /> Register o f Deeds, <br /> By Deput�. � <br /> ;` <br /> � ���t�� ��� ���P�t � �C�jP�P ���P�t�: ������� <br /> � 1� <br /> That ti'7e, !Au�usta Suck and Henry F.Suck, husban� a.nd v?ife <br /> £; <br /> ;� <br /> �' <br /> � of the Co2�nty of H�,11 , and State of Neb�'�.ska, , for and i�z eonsideration of the s�wm of � <br /> i <br /> One Do11�zr and exch�n;�e oi property - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- �g�.�, <br /> in h�and paid, do Izereby c�rar�•t, ba,r�ain, sell, corytive� and conf�irm 2�nto Arthur W. D�.v18 d,nd Etta G.Davls f <br /> i� <br /> ��, <br /> of the County of H�l� , and State of Nebr�,sl;a , tlie following described �•eal estate situated <br /> �n Gr�,nd IS1<•a,nd �n H�,�1 Coecnty, and State of Nebraska , to-wit: <br /> Lot Five (�) in Block Thirty Tn-ree (�� ) of La,mbert �s Addition to Gra.n� Is�!a.nd, sub j ect to the !' <br /> t�.xes �or 19;�1. <br /> s' <br /> � , TO HAVE �1ArD 7'0 HOLD the ��re�n�ises abo�;e desc7•�ived, together �,vith all tl�e Tenements, He�•e��taments and Appurtena�2ees t'here- ;i � <br /> � ' unto belong�7z�g, unto tlie said Arthur �.D�.v'zs and Et�a C.D�.viS <br /> and to their heirs and assigns, forever. <br /> � And vpg do hereby covenant �2th the said C#rantee , and with �helr hevrs and assigns, that �i� <br /> V¢e aT 2 la2u f ully �ized o f said pre�na,ises; thaf they a re f�'ee f r•om encumti�•ance � ; <br /> th-'at t.;e have r,�ood right and law f ul authority t o sell the same; and ytre � do hereby eovenar��t �', � <br /> to �wc�rran.t anct de f end the title to said premises against the lawf ul�cla irrzs o f all persons who�nosever � � � <br /> And the said �r�.ritOrs � � hereb9 rel�inquisf�� � all <br /> �'neir z'l�ht , t�tle , eZ�.l�!i and interest - - - - - - - - - Zn a�zd to the above described p�remises. <br /> �� Si ned th�is �th daz of � D�cembe7^ , g. D., 19 �1 � �� <br /> 9 <br /> J <br /> � In�J��presenee o f _ � �; <br /> Ma-r j orie Pulli�.rn Au�usta Sl�ck : <br /> � Her�ry F.Suck `` <br /> t <br />, �, <br /> State of Nebraska ' <br /> ss. <br /> Hall County, on this 4-th da� of December A. D., .19 31 {' <br /> �� <br /> �� before�the uncler•signed. B.�T. Ctlnnln;h�.m � <br /> a Nota�ry P�z��blic, d2�1� com�mtissionecl an.d q�ualified for a��d residing in said CountJ, personally came ;� � <br /> Augusta Suck and Hen�y F. Suck hu�band a,nd �rife <br /> to me Ic��,own to be the identical perso7a s �vhose na�7ie B ar e af f ixed to the foregoing instru- ; <br /> �S�AL� �nent as g�•antor S , and ackno2vledged the same to be ���eir voluntar� act and deed. <br /> � W�itness ry�zy hand and Notarial Seal the da� and y�ear last above writterc. <br /> DIy comrrzission e�pi�•es the ��� day of AuguSt 19 �i� <br /> B,J. Cunnin�ham <br /> Notary Pub`�ic. <br /> x-- -._. - . -_-_ _.:_,: _ ,... - --:_ --_ ,-:_ . ,._: .�_.— --- ,. __�--__-.__ _ ----__--___.___ -_-- __. ______�__-�=�.___—_: <br /> i; <br />