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42�. <br /> �� <br /> ������ ����'���� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTF:D WORDS <br /> ... .. . . -STAT,�;�QSJANAL COMPAMl�LINCOLN,NEB. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .... . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .....^_ <br /> _ . _ ._ . . ... _ . _ ' <br /> ;t � STAT� OF N�BRASPA, � <br /> ;} � <br /> ss. <br /> � Hall County, Entered in Numerical In- !� <br /> " Henry B.Robinson and �vife ; <br /> dex and filed for record in the RegiBter of Deed's office of said ' <br /> TQ Warranty Count the 5 day of De cemb er 19 31 , at 4 '' <br /> Deed y� ' <br /> li <br /> ; Julius F. Spiehs a'clock anrl 50 77vir:�ut�a, p��������-�-� �� <br /> ; ;� <br /> �teqister oI��, j <br /> gy Deput�. �i <br /> �i <br /> ij <br /> � ��� r��P�t�: � <br /> ��o� ��� ���. �� � � , <br /> '; Tf�at Henr,y B.Robinson and Nellie �day Robinson,husba.nd ar_d. �vife of rdeade �� <br /> �, <br /> ;� <br /> ;! <br /> � of tlie County of Mea.d.e , and State of K�.riSa.� , for and in conside7°ation of the s-2c�n of ij <br /> ;� <br /> One Doll:�.r and other valuable consideration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --$gb.b.�R�; �� <br /> 'i <br /> � �' in h��tid pa�id, do lzereby gra��t, ba�•gain, sell, eonroe� and confirmz unto �Tt111us F.$plehs , GT�.27d Island, �� <br /> �, <br /> „ <br /> 'i <br /> ,, <br /> " <br /> I� <br /> of the County of H�,11 , and State of NebrasYa , the follou�inq described real estate situated !' <br /> :i <br /> '' !i <br /> in Grand Island Zn Hall Coi�nt�, uyicl Stccte of Nebraska , to-�rit: ;� <br /> !� <br /> ;i <br /> ,, <br /> p <br /> Lots Eight (� ) , Ten (10) T«elve (12) and. Fourteen (14) in B1ock Ten (10) , Scarff �s Ad�.ition �; <br /> �o tne City of Grand Island,Hall County,�.a. ;; <br /> Subject to a mortga�e of �300.00 ti�ahich the �rantee herein assumes and �,�rees �o pa.y. �,,� <br /> il <br /> �. <br /> ,+ <br /> i - � <br /> ;; <br /> ;�; <br /> 'r <br /> i; <br /> „ <br /> , . ;; <br /> TO�HAV� f1ND TO HOLD tli�e pre�n�ises� abave dese�•ibed, together u-ith. all the Teneme7ats, Ileredi�ta-nzents and Appu�rtenances there- �i <br /> li <br /> unto belo�2gir��g, i�nto t7ce sccid Ju3i�ts F. S�iehs <br /> ,; ,'` <br /> and to h z S he�i�•s and assig�zs, forever. �� <br /> flnd � they do h��•eb� covesaccnt uith the said Gra��aatee , a�zd z��ith hi S heirs and assigns, that i� <br /> t� <br /> ; t�ey ��'e laicfully sized of s�aid �re�mises; that they are free from e7aeumbrance exC2pt�� a.'S a,bove St�.ted ; y <br /> � � a <br /> i� <br />� �' tha�t �g�ey have good right and law�ul autlio��°ity to se�l tla�e sanze; and they do hereby eovenar��t ;; <br /> I <br /> !i <br />� to 2var�°ant a�td defend the title to said premises against the lawficl clai�ris of ald perso�zs whomosever `� <br /> �� <br />� �� <br /> gnd the said �r�,n�orS l�ereby relinquis�i< all !� <br /> fi <br /> ij <br /> � their Tl�ht , �1t12 , claim & interest - - - - - - - - - - 2n and to the above desc�°ibed premises. �; <br /> 'i <br /> �� Signed thi�s � 1Rth day of � November , �. D., 19 31 � � �I <br /> I� <br /> I�iXt��presenee o f �� <br /> Henry H.Robinson �i <br /> Nellie M.Robinson '� <br /> 'i <br /> !� <br /> , ;I <br /> - � state of Ka,nsas � ;I <br /> ss. ' <br /> Meade Count�,` Oat this 30th day of November A. D., 19 31 �i � <br /> h <br /> .Hw �� <br /> befo�•e,�the undersig��aed. 1�lex R.�l�SOri <br /> � <br /> ,� <br />� ,� <br /> � a Notary P�,�-Ul�ic, dz�ly com�missioned cand qzcalified for a��d residin�g in said Count�, perso�ially ca�nze �l <br /> �i <br /> � Henry B.Robinson and Nellie May Robinson, husband and wife li <br /> �� <br /> � to me knovun to be the identtical person g whose names a.Tg affi�ed to the for•egoinq instru- �� <br /> (SEAL� ' <br /> � �yaent �as grantor• g , ancl acicnowbedged the same to be th21T volu�tary act and deed. �! <br /> i! <br /> T�itness ��zy ltiand and T�otari-c�l Seal tfae da� and year last above writter. '� <br /> ��( 14I�� co�nmissi�o�a e�pi�•es the 29 day of Jurie � 1935 �j <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> Alex R.�Pilson i� <br /> Notary Public. � <br /> i� <br /> .; <br />, ��� �� <br /> ii <br />