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4� � <br /> � <br /> ������ ��'����� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTF:D WORDS <br /> ... _ . � . . _ -STATE JQURDIAL COMPRN7��LINCOLN.IVEH. .. . . _ . . ..... ...�.. . ... . ... '. ._._ ..._. ... ._ _ ... _. _ _. . .. . . ..._._- <br />^_�'_.. _ _.. .... _ _ .__..._ ._. . . _. . . . . _'' _ _ - __ _ <br /> ._.�_.__. ___ . _ .____'_...___.._. .._.__.._. .....__._. <br /> . __.__...__ __. _._..._.._ _.._ . . ' ___"'.. ._..._._.... .. _ _.__. . <br /> _ <br /> �� STATF OF NEBR�1SIiA, ' <br /> ss. i� <br /> H�.11 County, Entered in Numerical In- �; <br /> Anna Buchfinck " <br /> dex and f�led for record �n the Re�ister of Deed's office of 8add ;� <br /> ;� T� Warranty Count� the 2 day ofDecember 19�1 , at 2 � <br /> �' � �eed ✓� <br /> � <br /> �j <br /> " Albert or �lara C.Beyersdorf dclock and 40 minutes P. aI. ii <br /> , ; <br /> '� � �.� ����� <br /> '� <br /> ''� Register of Deec�'§, !�;I <br />� � By DeputJ. Ii <br /> 'I, <br /> ji <br /> !i !,I <br /> ��►.no� ��� ��. � � ��� rP���t�: ;� <br /> � � � � <br /> _ !► <br /> ' That Anna Buchf inck, wi do�v �� <br /> i� <br /> ii <br /> „ <br /> Qf the County of Orange , and state of Galifornia for and in consideration of the s�cm of !' <br /> i� <br /> ;; <br /> � <br /> � <br /> One Dolla,r and other valuable consideration - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �Q���� �� <br /> r. <br /> in h,and pa�id, do h�er•eb� yrar�t, barc�ain, sell� conve�y ii-nd�confirrri. un�to Albert Or C�1LaTa -C.H�eyers�dOrf I; <br /> ii <br /> , <br /> ',; <br /> ibf th8 Count-� of Nall , and State of NebrasY.a , the following deseribed real estate situated ;i <br /> 'I <br /> in Granc� Island in Hall Ccunty, , anc� State of Nebra,ska , to-wit: �,� <br /> � <br /> . i <br /> Lot Four (4) , in Hlock Ei�hteen (1�) of H.G. CIark �s A�dition to the City of Grand Island, <br /> '; Hall County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded. I� <br /> � <br /> �)� <br /> ' !I <br /> 'i <br /> . , <br /> '� <br /> �i <br /> ji <br /> i <br /> ;� <br /> !I <br /> ;, <br /> � TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD the pr•er�z.ises abvve desc���ibEd, togetlzei• 2citlz all th.e Tenenients, He�•editaments and Appurtenances there- �� <br /> �i <br /> unto belongi7�g, 2cnto tice said i� <br /> �; <br /> �� <br /> � and t�o �� he�irs and assigns, forever. ;� '�� <br /> � � <br /> ij <br /> And j do hereb� covenarat with the said G�•c�ntee , and u^ith heiry•s and assigns, that �; <br /> �,l <br />� ! j �,� lawfully �zzed of s�aid pre�mises; that they are f��'e,e from encu��abrance eXCept �3000.00 mortga 2 in � <br /> � favor of' the Grand Island Tr�a�t Com�a.y,Grand isl�.nd,Nebras'<<a, recorded in Book 9 ,�a e 6�5,H�1�1 <br />� �! - Coun �T � <br /> that j have good right a.nd lawf2�l autlzority to sell the scime; and I �d7i�r'e���k�'narot �� <br /> ; <br /> �� to 2warrccnt and defend the t�itle to said�pr•emises against the lawful elaims of all persons whomosever � �i <br /> ; <br />� ���1 � <br /> hereba reli� uishes all �� <br /> And the sa�d Anna Buchf in ck,rvi dow ,! q <br /> �� <br /> her Ti�ht ,title and interest in and to the above des�cribed p�remises. !! <br /> ;I <br /> �i <br />� � �S'igned this �5th day of � NOV�mber , A. D., 1931 � � '�' <br /> "'� I�ti ���sence o i� <br /> � f <br /> �; <br /> � <br /> Anna Buchf inck II <br /> �, <br /> � <br /> I <br /> �! <br /> I; <br /> i <br /> State of California �� <br /> ' ss. �i <br /> � b r 1 �' <br /> Novem e <br /> 2 th I <br /> A D 1 3 <br /> r n . . 9 <br /> 0 a e o��nti i � a� o <br /> C On th s d <br /> g �.� � 5 J f � ;� <br /> i; <br /> �' ,�,� I� <br /> ! befo7•e�.the 2rndersigner�. EI f 1 e C.VGhl tney !i <br /> i <br /> �� a Nota7•y Pi��bl�ic, dzcl� comm%ssioned and qu�zlified f or a��d residing in said County, per•sonally camze :,� <br /> i <br /> i' <br /> Anna B�a��?��:nc� �,�i do��v �; <br /> � 'I <br /> � to me known to be tlze ide7ztieal perso�z wliose name ig affi�ed to the foregoing instr2o- �� <br /> `, (SEAL) �� <br /> ment as grantor , crncl ach�aowledged the sa�tie to be her voluntar� act and deed. �; <br /> i� <br /> Witness m� haT��d and Notarial Seal the day a7tid Seccr last above 2vritter. �I <br /> !i <br /> � �fy eo�nmission e�pi�•es the llth day of rTLlri2 : 19 3� ; <br /> � <br /> E=fie C.Whitney ',; <br /> Notary Public. ;i <br /> ii <br /> ;� <br /> I �I�i <br />