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41� <br /> � � �j�j'� ��'� W ��� <br /> � �.J � <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTI:D WORDS <br /> � __- _ � -=._���_._ - - <br /> :_ _.. _. ..� ___ _ _ <br /> _��B2$ srwIE.tOIYFEHA7,��MPANY CINC6LN FTEe -- — _ _ ... _._�.�_� �..� _ <br />_..;..,u,___..___. _ _...___.__ _ .. ._..__ : . � _ ...._._. ._... . ,.._.__� .�__ --- -.__.__-.,�._.._�—.-_—_�—�--- — �_._ .._�._��.,� _ <br /> � STATE OI{' NEBRASTiA,' � ;j <br /> ss. �i <br /> � Hall County, Entered in Numerical In- I�= <br /> G�orbe D.Reed <br /> c�e� and fle,d for reco7�d �in the Re�iste�• of Deed's office of said <br /> TO Warranty County, the �3 day of November 19�1 , at � �� <br /> Deed <br /> o'clock and 50 minutes, �. p <br /> V. Fi.FiVc'�.T1.5` �'r_r�-sic�(�c,c_��-'� <br /> Register of Dee�s, <br /> By Deput�. <br /> �1�D�1 ���. �Pl� �1� ��jP�P ��P�Pl�t�: <br /> � <br /> That Georg� D:Reed <br /> ;: <br /> of the Cou�ity of Hall , and State of Nebr�S�a , for and in consicleratio�2 of the sum of <br /> - - - - - � <br /> One Dollar and other conslderation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> -�$}��izl�', 1 <br /> in h�und paid, do h�ereb� gyarat, barc�a,in, sell, convey and confirm ein��o V.E.Evd,riS � � <br /> i <br /> of the County of Hall , and State of Nebraska , the following described real estate situated <br /> in in Hc^�.11 Coicnt�, and State of Nebra.Ska , to-w�it: <br /> An undivided one-Fourth interest in a:�d to the North One Ha1f of the South�est Qu�,rtPr !` <br /> (N�SW�) of Section Tr�enty-seven (27), and the '�est Qne Half of the Northeast �uarter , '� <br /> (W�3��E�) of Sect ion .Twenty-�even (27) all in To�rnariip Tacelve (12) North Ran�e Ten (10) <br /> . <br /> West of tne 6th P.�,�. all in Ha11 County, Nebxas�.a. , <br /> �;i <br /> ; <br /> �� TO HAVE �1ND TO �IOLD t�he p�-e�nises avove desc�°ibed, together u?ith all the Tenements, Hereditaments a�zd A.ppurtena,nees there- !` <br /> i. <br /> ;; <br /> �� unto belongir�c�, unto the said V.E.Ev�.ns � � �' <br /> i` <br /> and to h 1 s heirs and assigns, f orever. <br /> And j do her•eb� eovenant Zvith tlze said C�rantee , and uri,th hi S heirs and assigns, that <br /> law ullz sized o said rer�tiises• that the a�f•e f��ce from encumbrance Of ev�ry name �.t�d n8,tur�� ���� <br /> I am f .� f p � y <br /> � <br /> � that j have good 7•ight and la2vf�ul azethority to sell the sa�ne; and Z do hereby eavencvrat � <br /> i: <br /> to war�°ant and defend the title to sa�d premi�ses agae�ast the taivful clav�ns of all persons whomosever �� <br /> And the said G���T�e D.Reed hereby relinquishes all <br />� <br /> ri�;ht , tltle claim �.nd interest - - - - - - - - - - - - Zn and to the avove described p�re�nises. <br /> Signed this 23rd dczy of November , A. D., 19 jl <br /> ;; <br /> In ]!d� resenee o . `' i� <br /> p f <br /> Elizabeth H. Donnell Geor��e D°:Reed <br /> State of Nebr�.ska <br /> ss. f` <br /> H�.11 Co2cnt�, On tlzis 23rd day of November A. D., 19 '�1 <br /> „�- j'; <br /> �� before�the 2�nclersigTied. H�,rry s.Gr11311T1�,ri�;eT � ; <br /> ;; <br /> a Notary P2�iblic, dzcly eommissioned a�ad qical%fied f or a��d residing in said Clount�, persoaially eame I,� <br /> ;: <br /> ' Geor�e D.Reed '�� <br /> ,, <br /> to me kno�;n to be tlze identical person whose name iS affi�ed to the foregoing instru- <br /> (SEAL) ment as grantor• , a�zd acknowledged the same to be h3.s voluntary act aazd deed. <br /> i: <br /> ' Witness n�� hand and Nota7�ial Sec�l the day and year last above 2vritteru. ;; <br />� � &7� commissio�a e�pires the 22 day of July lg 33 � <br /> Harry S.Grimminger ; � <br /> � � � Notary Public. ;j <br /> _._: _ ..... _. _- -::: _ --�- _-_----_��--.:_ _:__�_..:- - __-___---____-_------ ._—_ ,���� <br /> � <br /> i <br /> �, <br /> . j: <br />