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� 41�? <br /> ,�. <br /> ��,��� ��'����� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTb.D WORDS <br /> ._ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ __ __ __. _ _. ___ ._ . ___-- -- <br /> ._�'_ '_.'_.. _._.._.. . ..._. � Ar . ' -.COMPJaALY L�nirn��ni-.NEH.. .... __ _ - .' _ __ _ '_ _ _ —_. _ -'_'_ _ <br /> ;� STdTE OF NEBRASTA, <br /> '�� ss. <br /> Hall County, Entered in �tiumerical In- II <br /> � B.F. scudder and wife i� <br /> dex and filed f or record tin the Re�ister o f Deed's o f fice o f said (� <br /> �+0 Warranty �� <br /> Deed County, the 19 day of November Ig 31� at I1 i; <br /> ;i <br />� � Frat�k Goetsch o'cloc)c and ---- minutes, A _ ��I <br /> (-,���c �'���" i� <br /> Register of Deed� i! <br /> � By Deputy. ;' <br /> li <br /> ii <br /> �i <br /> (� <br /> �1��� ��� P�t �1 � P�P �P�PI�t�: �� <br /> � � � � ;� <br /> That We , B.F. Scudder and Flora A. 9cudder , Husband anC 1�ife, i� <br /> � �� <br /> � <br /> ;, <br /> ,� <br />' � o f the Count� o f and Sta.te o f , f f f �I <br /> H�,�,1 � NebraSk�, or and in considercction o the sum o <br /> ,� <br /> �I <br /> �I <br /> Tt�►OHUNDRED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DoLLARS, ;� <br /> ��� in hancl pa�id, do he�•eb� gr-ar�t, barc�ain, sell, con�;e� and co�ifirm urzto Fr�,rik Gr08tBCh 'j <br /> �� <br /> �', <br /> ;i <br /> of the Count� of jja].]� , and State of Nebraska , tlie following described real estate situated i� <br /> ;i <br /> II <br /> ��� in Donlph�.n � Ha11 Coi��zty, and Stc�te of Nebra,ska, , to-�rit: q <br /> �i <br /> Lots One, Tvno , Three , Four, Five and Six, B�ock One, Fry�s Addition to the Village ;i <br /> of Daniphan ; <br /> � <br /> � 'I <br /> �i <br /> , ,, <br /> ., <br /> '' II <br /> � <br /> ! ; <br /> �, <br /> �, <br /> �� <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> �� <br /> , <br /> � � TO IIAVE A�l'D TO HOLD the p�°emises above deseribed, together 2�;ith all the Tene��ients, Hereddtaments a�nd �lppurtenanees ticere- ii <br /> ;� <br /> � i zcnto belongir�g, unto the said Fr�,rik G08tSCh <br /> I ;� <br /> � �I <br /> � ancl to h 1 B Iaeirs and assigns, f o�•ever. <br /> , <br /> � dnd �e do lie�reby eovenunt ui�lz tlze said Gra�titee , and with � his heirs a�id ass�igns, t)eat ��l � <br /> ,� <br /> we are <br /> lavvfully sAized of s�aid prenzises; that they a�•e f��ee from encunzbra�zce �i <br />�� � that �e have goocl ��ight and lawfiel ccuthority to sell the sa�me; and we do hereby covenar��t �+ <br /> i; <br /> ��: ';i <br /> �J to �ca�•rant and defend the t�itle to said premises against the lawful elai�rras of alb persons whomosever � i; <br />� i �i <br /> ;� And the said B.F. SCUddeT and �'lora A. SCUd.der he7°eby reli�zquishes all ,� <br /> i'; <br /> thelr right , ti�le and interest — — — — — — — — — - — — 2n and to the above dese�•ibed p�remises. `'� <br />�il II <br /> ' Signed this 13th day of November , A. D., 19 31 'I <br /> � <br /> ;� �; <br /> �i <br /> ;� In � presenee o f i'i <br /> '� C.I�. Carlson B.F. Scudder ;i <br /> Flora A.Scudder �� <br /> ;� <br /> ;� <br /> ;E <br /> State of Nebraska ;. <br /> ss. i <br /> '! H�,11 County, On t)zis 13th �ay of November A, D., 1931 fi <br /> �, <br /> befo�• te he undersigned. �".1�?. C3Z'1SOri '� <br /> � � <br /> if <br /> � � '� �� a Nota�i•y P2cblic, duly co�m�nissioned a�nd qualified f or�a�id residing i�t said Cou,nty, perso�2ally came � <br /> ', <br /> � �� <br /> B.F. Scudder a.nd F1or�, A Scudder husba.nd and wife ij <br /> i <br /> �� to me knouwn to be �he ide�zticul perso�a S ivhose na�neS 8.T2 affi�ed to the fo�•eqoinq instru- (� <br /> ,I <br /> �'� �S�AL� mient �as gyantors , a�ad aelcnowledged the same to be the1T voluntary aet and deed. '' <br /> � I� <br /> i� <br /> � Witness rny hand a��nd �l`otar�ial Seal tlae da� a.�id yec�r lccst a�bove writte��. '� <br /> i <br /> ��D.�� cornmission ea�pi�°es the l�th day of J�• � � 19 35 !� <br /> 'i <br /> �� <br /> i; <br /> �� C.P��. C�z.rlson �� � <br /> Notary Public. � <br /> �i <br /> �I <br /> �i <br /> , <br /> �, <br /> I; <br /> _ - —iL- <br />