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4�� <br /> � <br /> ������ ������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTb7D WORDS <br /> `� _ „ u _— __—_ <br /> �_. -�___7�828 srniE�nueHAL�dMFANY LIN�bLN NE6_ _ m Y _ -' � -- —- --° - — `—` --- --- _ <br /> .__.���.__:�:::<. =--�_:_�...-_...___.:_, ._�w_. . , __ , _ _, �_—_��--�r---=w __�._ <br /> _... _�_ .. __.____.,__ _, __:� _._�__._n--.��-�..-=��.�—.,_. _____ __�. � ._�� �__� <br /> � STATE OI+' NF.BRAS�A, � ,; <br /> ss. �� <br /> £+ red Met�2nb�3.nk �,nd �i.f e Ha11 Co�unt�, Enter�ed iyz Nunierzcal In- <br /> dex and flecl fo�° record in tl�e Pegi.ster of Deed's off�ice of said �� <br /> TO Warranty Cozcnt�, the �ird cla o November 19�1 at 1 <br /> Deed J, J f � � <br /> The Sta�e of Nebr�,ska o'clocic and --- min2ztes, p D2. <br /> ��;���>���u-°''y� <br /> Register of Deeds, <br /> By Deputy. <br /> ; <br /> �1���1 ���. �PI� �� ��P�P ��P�Pl�t�: <br /> That t�e , Fr e;d Me�t enbr ink and Anna Mett enbrink , husbaild and v�:f e <br /> ' <br /> i. <br /> ; <br />� of the Coi�nty of j.��11 , and State of NebT�.Ska � , for and in eonsiderat�ion of the sum of <br /> �wo thousand two hundred no/100 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — DOLLARS, <br /> �� in h�ancl aid do fa�ereb� g�°ar�t, ba7• c�i�a, sell, conve� ari�l con�f�rm un�to The St�,t e Of Nebraska , f t�;� CouT1�,�r f---! <br /> S�ate o�f I�ebras�a, ��r� fo�lo�f��ing descrlbed re�al est�.te si��a�3ted in --- in H:-�,1� County, ar...� ��a,te". <br /> of Nebr�,ska �o-vrit : A strip of land QO ft. in width th�tit l�ys d�agonall� north-east to southwes;`t <br /> ac:�oss the N. E.w of �he N.W.4 of Section 12 , �.lso tre N`.W.�. ai the N.E. of said Section 12. <br /> B,�,�,innin� at a poin� on �ne North lir�e of Section 12 , Tov�nship 11 North : R.�.nge 9 9Pest of the Six'th <br /> Principal Merzdian, Hall Coun�y,Neb��s'��,, y�7hich point is 196 �'t. East of the North-east Corner af <br /> th;� 1`lorth-west 4 of ss=,,i� �Gction 12 , thence in �. Sout?�-westerly directian on a curvec? line to t'he <br /> left which has a radius of 5�6�5 ft. , a clist�.nce of a{�proxima�ely 1,�14.� ft. , thence continuln�g <br /> in a. South-dve�terl �.irection on �, strai�ht line �� �.ist�,nce of 731 ft. to intersect the South 1;'ine <br /> of the North-e?�,st � of tn� North-tiRrest 4 of said Section lr , thence VPest a7_ong said_ South line a <br /> 'distar�ce of 40 ft. to intersect the VPest. line of said. North-east 4 of the North-west � o�' Sectir�n <br /> 12 , +hence North alon�; said �fest line a distance of �� ft. , thence in a Northea.sterly directiori <br /> �0 ft. �ist�.nt �rom ar�d parallel to the a,forementioned line, a. dista.nce of 699.5 ft. to the poit�t i <br /> !'of curve, traence in a, more easterly direction �.lonv a curve ha,vin� �, radius of �j,775 ft. to a �b�nt <br /> on the South Ri�nt of Way line o� The Union P�.cific �..R. ,�vhich �oint is �00 ft. ��utherly mea.s�xed <br /> 'at right-angles irorn the center-line o�' the South M��in Track of t.he U.P.R. R. ,�hence in a more ; <br /> eas�erly direction �,lon;; si:�,d U.P.R..R.Ri��'rlt of Way Iine to �, point on the North line of said <br /> Section l� , thence East along said. North line to the �aint o� beginning. Comprising 3.6z41 � <br /> acres more or less. ', <br /> TO HAVE �l'D TO HOLD the premises above clescribed, together with all tlLe Tene�nents, IIereditanie7its and 9ppurtenances t7�ere- <br /> � 2anto belongi-r��g, unto tlae said ---- � ;�: <br /> ; <br /> �; <br /> c�nd to 1.t� SuCC2SSOrs ffi�tz�xrcnd assigns, forever. <br /> And tive do he�reby eovenarat with the said C�y'antee , and 2�ith ��ts BuCCe�;=ors �� and assigns, that ;� <br /> � �ve la2vfully �zzed of s�aid premises; tycat they a7'e f7'ee f7�om encunxbrance � ��� <br /> ;s <br /> �� that qpe haze good right and l�wful aicthority to sell the same; and �e do hereby covenar�t ' <br /> � <br /> �� to icaymant and defenc� the t��tle to said premises agc�inst the lawful elc�vins of all persons whomosever � <br /> i' <br /> And the said Anna Met t enbr ink hereby relinc�wishes all <br /> heT Clalm, rl�ht ��.?2d �;ltle in a,ncl to the above described p�remises. <br /> �: <br /> �r <br /> S2gned this 2�rd day of July , A. D., 19 �il 'I <br /> � <br /> ;` <br />, In��e p�•esence of <br /> A.J.Guendel Fred Met�enbrink <br /> Met t enbr ink ; <br /> ,. <br /> � <br /> Stc�te of Nebraska <br /> SS. <br /> �� H�,11 G'o�acnty, On tTzis 23rd day of July A. D., 19 �1 <br /> m,=- �' <br /> before�tlae 2enc�ersigned. Geor�e J.Armstrong <br /> � a Notary P2rblic, dzcl9 commissioned c��id qicali fied f o7• a�id residing in said Cou7zty, pez•sonally came � <br /> Fred D�Zet�enbrink and Anna Mettenbrink , husband and wife ` <br /> i'. <br /> to me kryioivn to be the identical person S whose name S a.r2 af fi�ed to the foregoing instru- <br /> �SEAL� ment as �r�antor•g , and ackno2vtedged the same to be their voluntar� act and deed. <br />� � ' Witness my ha�ad� and Notar�ial Seal tlie da� and year last ccbove writter�. <br /> � � h1� eommissio7z e�pires th� �� day of N��rCh 19��' <br /> George J.Arms�rong <br /> � . � Natar� Public: !; <br /> �; <br /> ;�� <br /> ;!. <br /> �i i+ <br />