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. �� �� <br /> ����'� �������� . <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP:D WOItDS <br />---_��___ --.. __.__.� _. ._ _.___�. --._._____,_.-----�_�-___-----�___`.�.�__�___-��._---__ -_.-_. ---___ _..__..._ ___. _-_ <br />_- TT��H-STATEJOURNALCO�°�"NY LINCOLN NEB -� ��-- <br /> � STATE Ob' 14TEBRASliA, �; <br /> �� <br /> � ss. :� <br /> M�,,,�'lE M1rier et d,l � Ha.11 County, E�ater•ed in 11�"unie�'ical I�t- �I; <br /> ,, <br /> � de� and fi-led fo�� record in the Reqister of Deed's office of said i; <br />� TQ Warranty Count the da o Novernber 19 l, at 1 ;! <br /> � ne�a y, 3 y f 3 <br /> ;j <br /> The State of Nebraska o'clock and ---- �nanutes, P. dl, ;; <br /> ��s�,���-���-��-��- �; <br /> ' � Register of Deec�s, 'i <br /> gy Deput�. , 'I <br /> „ <br /> a <br /> i� <br /> II <br /> ii <br /> ��.o� ��� ���. �� ��jP�� �rP���tt�: �� <br /> ;� <br /> That MaStrie 2�2iner, �:idow, Hall County, Nebra,sk�,, Glen H.T�iner and Gertrude �diner ,husband 'i <br /> and �vife, H�11 County, Nebr�,ska, Roy �.Miner �.nd Lottie I�?iner , husband and wife , <br /> ;i <br /> � of the Co��nt� of Klrig , and State o� VGa,Sh'ingtOri , for and in consideration of tf�e s�im of j� � <br /> ;; <br /> Two Thousand Five Hundred - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " ' - - - - DOLLARS, ;i <br /> in l�,and �aid, do hereby g�•a��t, bargain, sell, co�nvey and confin•nti un�to The Sta,t�� of N�br�,sk8. �� <br /> " ; ,i <br /> ,� <br /> �� <br /> ;; <br /> �! <br /> of the County of , and State of Nebraska , the following deseribed real estate situated <br /> �Iin in Hall Co2c�2ty, and State of Nebrask�, , to-wit: I <br /> . . I <br /> A strip of l�nd �0 feet wide in the southti�est qua,rt�r oi the southvnest quarter (SVG4 5�P4) of ;j <br /> i Section 11 , Township 11 North, Range 9 ti�est , Hall County, Nebraska containing 2.f�6 acres , mor� <br /> or less described as follo�as: Beginning at a point 39.� feet north of a.nd 54.,F fest east of t ' e <br /> � south west corner of said Section 11 t�:ence in a northeasterly direction a distance of 1,3£�4.� <br /> � feet to th�e east line of tre� Southwe�t Quarter of the southwest quarter of said section 11, vn}�ich <br /> � point �is 652.5 feet north of a straignt line bettifeen the southwest corner an�l t�h�sout east I� <br /> ° corner oi said Section 11 , thence north along saia east line o� the s�uthw�� quar�� r�o said±, <br /> � i Section 11 a distance of 100.7 feet , tnence in a soutnv�esterly direction parallel to a.nd 90 f�et. <br /> ' dis�ant zrorn tize first mertioned line a distance of 1,3F�4,0 feet to a point on a line v�hich i <br /> ,; 54. � feet east of the v�est line of said Section 11 , thence South 100.7 feet to point of be�;in� <br /> �� <br /> ' nino. - ;' <br /> ; <br /> ;t <br /> . , <br /> � � TO HAVE A.ND TO HOLD the prernises abo2�e, described, together zcitlz all the Tenements, He�•editame�tts and Ap�urte�2a�zces t�iere- '� <br /> �i <br /> , <br /> ;� <br /> .. !� unto belongtirug, u�tto the said The St�,te of NebTaska �i <br /> I�' <br /> i. <br />� � a�zd to 1 t g hei�•s an�d assigns, foreroer. i <br /> ;� i <br /> . And � do hereby eoveryaant 2vith the said C�r•c�r�tee , and u%�ith �t s heirs� a,nd assigns, that �N <br /> ;� <br />�� '. ��� thGy �,r� lai�fu•lly stiized of s�aid prena�ases; that the� a7•e free from encumb�•ance �� � <br /> , ;i <br /> � t���tt �they have c�ood right and lawful auth,ority to sell thc same; and they � do hereby eovenar��t �' <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �� to acarrant and defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all perso�ts who�nosever � <br /> I <br /> ' And the said ��Jle Miner , VPldOw a,nd the said grantors - - - - - - - - - 1�ereby 7•elinquishes all i <br /> i. <br /> ;� <br /> elaim, rirht and title — — — — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — —2n and to tlie above described p�remises. !f <br /> � <br /> Signed this g rr day o f �ar ch , A. D., 19 �1 i <br /> i� <br /> �Irs. Ma��ie Miner 'I <br /> In t�3c r se e o <br /> " p � f ���°�`�� Glen H.Miner <br /> � J.L. Cleary � �ltness to„Ma��ie Miner , �! <br /> Glen H.I�iner � Gertrude �Iiner Gertrude �"iner ;f <br /> C.VP. Casler �Roy W.Miner ! <br /> Etiiel Isakson Lo�tie Miner ' <br /> S?'A�.F OF NEBRASKA, ) ,., 4n thia 9!� day of March A. D. 19�1, before me , the undersigned, J.L. Cl��ary <br /> HALL COUNTY' )�S� a Notary Public , duly cornmissioned and qualified �or and residin� in �' <br /> ,; said county , pEr�on:�,�.ly c�.me M�.���'ie Miner , ��idow �,nd__Glen H.and Gertrude Miner ,husb�.nd a.nd v�ii�e , <br /> to me knoti�n to be tr�e identic�.I persons v�hose names a�flxed to the foregoin� instruinent asl� <br />' '� �rantors �nd �.ckno�led�ed the same to be their voluntary act a,nd deed. �� <br /> �+ <br /> ' Witn�ss rny h�=z.nd and Notarial Seal the day and year last above wri�ten. ;' <br /> ( ��'AI,) . _ J.L. Clea.ry ; <br /> P�Ry Cornn;ission expires the � 1n�h day o� A�ri.l,1�35. � � Notary Fublic � I <br /> i, <br /> STA?'E OF �IASHINGTON ) On this 14th day of March A. D. 19�1, bAfore me , the under^i�ned iI <br /> )ss. C.�'.Ca�ler , a Not�xy Public, c�uly comrr!issione� and au�:lified_ fqr .and;l <br /> � KTNG COUNTY ) residing in said county, persona.11y came Hoy �.a'nd T�ottie A�i.ner,hus-; <br /> � band and Tr:�ife, to me kno�m t.o Ue the ider.�ic�l �ercans v�ho:se na:r�es are, a.fTi�ec? to th� foregoii�� <br /> " instrument as g�antors anci acknov�leci;�e� the s�.rne to be their voluntary act �.nd deed: i� <br /> ;' V�itness my hand and Notaria� �e�l th-e �?ay ar� y�ar last �bove ��.t�Pn. <br /> II <br />;:� ; , -� C.T�. Casler � <br /> a Not�,ry Public� �, <br /> �S��L) , � <br /> My Commission expirES Yhe '3.� day of A�lzl 1Q?�. � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> _�._____.—_--___._,---- .—_._.__ <br /> ----- ---___------ ---- - � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> �, <br /> . <br /> _ _ _ --- <br />