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��� <br /> � . <br /> ������ ��'����� <br /> CONT�INS 281 PRINTB:D WORDS <br />�_� .-__ - � __ _. _ .V_ - - - - - — <br />—___� .- -- — � .;__. <br />_ s'[�Y�T4t7&�IAL CbF[PANY.CTNQ�LN N�8 - _ � - _ _ - - - - - -- --- - --- - --- -- <br /> y _ �� � � � � � , �� <br />._,-.��>,�_'���8 __ � -..._�_._ - — <br /> _.�._.____...._ _,.____._.__.._. _. . _.. __-,._ ' <br /> , ___.�__. ___:� _._..�_,_—r___w._ __: ���_ ---.. <br /> � STATE OI+' NF.BRAS�A, <br /> ss. <br /> � H311 Entered in Numerical In- �� <br /> Count�, <br /> Edison Heitz ,sintrle <br /> dex and fil,ed for reco�rd i�n the Register of Deed's office of saicl � <br /> T� w Deed t� CountJ, the 3 day o f Nov emb er 19�1 , at 1 <br /> The Sta`�e of �Tebraska o'clock and ---- minutes, P. �l. <br /> ����^�C�,<-��, � <br /> RegiBter o f Deeds, i <br /> : B� Deput�. <br />� <br /> ��to� ��� ���t � ��j��� ������t�: <br /> � <br /> That I , Edison Heitz , a sin�le man, , <br /> �� of the County of H�.1.1 , a7id Sta-te o� Nebra,Ska. �, , for and in consideratio�t of the s�um of <br /> � Fifty-sixand50�100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s <br /> DOLLARS, <br /> � �n h,and paid, do li�ereb� grar�t, bargain, sell, conve� and co�ifirnti unto �'HE STATF OF NEBRASKA � <br /> of the County of , and state of VEBRASKA , the following described real estate situated <br /> i <br /> in Hall in County, and State of Nebr�,ska. , to-wit: <br /> A strip of land off of the VGest side of the south-ti�est � of the $o�ath-west � of Section <br /> 22 , Toi�msnip 10 North, Range 9 u�es� of the Szxth Principal Meridian; sufsicient to give <br /> a Ri�ht of �ay of �0 ft. me�.sured at rir=;ht �,n�les from t:ne center line of Federal Aid <br />� Project 21�j-A,Hall County,Nebraska. � <br /> ; <br /> ;� <br /> TQ HAVE dND TO HOLD tlze p��•emises a�iove described, together witf� all the Tenen2ents, I�ered�ita7ne�zts aryad Appurtenary�ces there- <br /> unto belongir�y, unto the said THE STAT� OF NEBRASKA <br /> and to heiag��assigns, forever. <br /> And I do h�reb� eovenarzt witic the said C�rantee , ancl u>ith 1 t S heirs and assigns, that <br /> � i, ' <br /> lawfully �ized of sai� p�°eniises; tf�at t1tie� are fi�ee from encumbrance � <br /> that I have good �^ight and lawful authority to sell the same; and I do hereby eovenan�t <br /> �� to 2t�c�r�•ant a�nd defend the title to sazd premises agai.nst the lau�ful claim.s of all persons zvhomosever � � <br /> ��, And the said Ed].SOn HA1�Z h-ereby relinqzcishes all <br /> ,� <br /> r 1;�Y�t , C 1�.lm & t��1 e — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — �n �nd to tfae avoze des�er2bed p�remises. <br /> Signed this �0 day o f July , A. D., 19 ?1 <br /> In�l�xpresence of Ed.1SOri HeltZ <br /> C.Pf�. Carlson f' <br /> '" State of Nebr�,ska <br /> ss. <br /> Hall Count�, On tTais �Oth da.�y of July A. D., 19 �l � � <br /> ""� C.1�2. Cdrlson <br /> ��� before the��cndersigned. `� <br /> � a Notccry P�cblic, duly com�missioned and q2�alified fo7• arzd residi�zg in said County, pe��sonally eame !� <br /> Edison Heitz , a sinF�;le man, i <br /> i: <br /> to me kno�,cn to be the identical pes•son whose �zame 1S affi�ed to the foreqoinq instru- = <br /> (SFAL) ment as grantor• , and acl�;raowledged tlie same to be hi s voluntary act and deed. <br /> � �itness m� hand and Notarial Seal the day and yec�r last above zvrittero. � � <br /> �iy comntiission e�pires the 19th day of Jari. �� � 1935 �' � <br /> C.M. Carlson <br /> Notary Public. <br /> �; <br /> t; <br />. _ _ ii !` <br />