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40� <br /> � <br /> ����� ������� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP:D WORDS <br />!__..... _. _._ _. _ _._ � __ _ _ .._.. __ __ �_ _ _.. __� <br /> '�4�R`�A- TJTF.JFiItAALL1 uaaux uaic a�wc__ - ---- - - - - —- - - -- — --— <br /> 'i STATE OF NEBRAS�A,' il <br /> ss. ; <br /> Frank Strass er and wif e H�.11 County, Ente�•ed in A%u�1aerical In- <br />. i; <br /> dex and filed for recor�d in the Registe�� of Deed's of fice of said �! <br /> I' <br /> I; <br /> TO Warranty Count the 3 day of November 19j1 , at 1 1' � <br /> Deed y� �� <br /> ; <br /> , <br /> �� The State of Nebraska o'clock and -- minutes, P�,/�� � ;I <br /> �; L�.c � <br /> , Register o f D e se d i; <br /> B� DeputJ. '' <br /> ii <br /> , <br /> i <br /> � �.�.�� ��� ���. �� ��jP�� �r����tt�: ���������� <br /> ��� <br /> � <br /> ' That '��, Frank Strasser and Matilda Strasser , husbancl and wife ';� <br /> ;i <br /> � <br /> �! of the Cou�aty of Hall � , and Sta,te o��,� , for and in conside�•atio�i of the sum of �� <br /> i <br /> j <br /> Three hundred seventy-five and No/100 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . i�z h�a�i�cl pa�id, do hereby gr-a���t, bargai7i, sell, convey and confirm un'to The S�ate o� NebTB.Ska � 'j <br /> i <br /> !( i <br /> ; , <br /> i o f the aount� o f , a�ad State o f , the f ollowing descrived real estate situated � <br /> � ') <br /> an in Hall Cozcnt� and Stcrte of Nebra,8ke. , to-wit: 'I <br /> � <br /> � <br /> ' A tract of land described as follovas; 9ta.rtin� at a point on the north boundary Qf the north- <br /> `' west quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 5 , To�¢nship 10 North, Range 10 West of the 6�.�i <br /> P.M. Hall County, Nebraska 100 feet distant, northwesterly, from tne centerline of the main i <br /> ` track of the railroad of ine Union Pacific Railroad Company, as the same is now located;' thenc� <br /> � westerly parallel to said main tr�.ck for a dis�ance of 1170 feet to a voint , thence on a line '; <br /> '; drawn perpenc�icular to said main tr�.ck of the railroad in a northwesterly direction, for a dis�- <br /> ` t�.nce of �0 feet to a �oint , thence on a line drawn parallel to s�.id main track o* the railroa� <br /> �' in a northeasterly direction for a distance of 1030� to a point on the s�,id north boundary Qf � <br /> � s�id section 5 , thence east along s�.id north bounda.ry for a distance of 160 feet to the point <br /> i;� of be�inning. Said tract of land lies �vholly in and is a part of the said northwest quarter o�f <br /> !; the northeast quarter of saic� section 5, Township 10 North, �a.n�e 10 West of the 6th P.M. , Hal� <br /> I' Coun�y , Nebr�.s?�a, a.nd contai'ns 1.790b acres ,more or less. i <br /> � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> ' <br /> TO �HAVE �1��D TO IIOLD the pr•ernises�above dese��ibed, togetl�er 2�ith atl the Tenentie�ts, He�•edi.ta�nents and Appurtena�zces t�here- i <br /> '� f <br /> 1cn-to belongvr�y, unto the said � The �'�ate Of N8bT8,3k3 �� <br /> - i <br /> I <br /> and to 3.'�s SuCC2SSOTS 7�e�i�and assigns, foreve�•. j <br /> I <br /> � And yqe do hereb� eove�aant �vith the said C�rantee , a7ad ulith�tS 8uCC2SSOTS It��s and assigns, that � <br /> ,; � <br /> , ;� yqg a,re � la�afully �ized of sa-id pre��zises; that they a��e fr�e fro7n enc�umabrance � <br /> � <br /> �I that ppg have good right and law ful authority t o sell the same; artid 'NC' do hereby eovenar��t �� <br /> , � <br /> � <br /> to warrc�nt a7ad defend tlae title to said premises against th-e lawful claims of all persons whomosever � <br /> ! <br /> ;; And the said Ma�ilda Strasser hereby relinquishes all � <br /> , <br /> ! <br /> ' ri�hts Of every name and kind — — — — — — — — — — — — in and to the above described premises. � <br /> I <br /> Ii Signed this 2 I 5 t day o f F ebruary , A. D., 19 �1 ' i <br /> �� In 1C7� p�'esenee of � � �i <br /> ' F.J. Cleary Frank Strasser � <br /> ;; Matilda M.9trasser <br /> � <br /> State of NEBRASKA <br /> i� <br /> �ss. <br /> ;; Ha11 County,� on this 21 s t day o f F eb ruary �- A. D., 19 31 I <br /> � i <br /> 'i before�the 2tndersigned. F.�7. Gleary f <br /> !i <br /> � a Nota�•y P2abtic, dz�l� com�missioned and q2calified fo�• a��d residing in said Cou�tt�y, personally came I <br /> i <br /> Frank Strasser and Matilda Strasser , husband and v�ife � <br />{' � � <br /> � to me knoav�z to be tlze tidentical person g whose na�ne S a,re affi�ed to the foregoi�zg instr2� � <br /> �SEAL� nzent �a.s grantorS , and acknowledged tlze same'to be theiT vol�cntary act and deed. �� <br /> , <br /> ti��itness ��zy Izand ancl T'ota�•ial Seal tlze da�y and year Zast avove 2oritte��. '� <br /> 1 <br /> ! � <br /> �lf� comrriission e�pi�•es the 218� da� of Oetober �s 33 <br /> : <br /> I <br /> F.J. Cleary � <br /> ; Notary Public. i <br /> _�___._ ___ �___�__^_� , — --- ,I <br /> I <br /> � �� <br />