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�Q� <br /> ti <br /> ������ ��'�'���� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTP.D WORDS <br /> .F:m �..����� STATE1II11AWALGnMP6NY LINGOLN NE� ���. .� .. ..� ..� � _.. � ~� '� �— �� �'.`" <br />_'.`=-_�_-.......__. _, __� -�_��� _.— – `' _�_—_ <br /> .�. . . .: . .__... . _____:, ,___.,.,......_.___...._.r..,._a._..._�___�.._..._=.._..—_=.-� _ <br />� � � � STATE Ob' NEBR�ISKA,'�. , <br /> ss. <br /> �� Gharle� B�,ade & ����ii e � Hall Coicnty, �ryzt�e��ed in Nume�•ical In- ; <br /> i <br /> ,� <br /> de� a�zd filecl f or �•eco�°d i�a the Register o f Deed's o f fice o f scc2d <br /> TD wDeedt� County, the 3 day of November 19 �l , at 9�; <br /> P�trick 0� Connor o'clock and �0 minutes, A, M. <br /> ��-�,� ��-�-� ;'; <br /> Register of Deed�s, ;; <br /> � By Deputy. j` <br /> ; <br /> ��.0�1 ��� �PI� �1� ��jP�P ��P�P�t�: <br /> That VPe , Char 1e s anc?. Ar�na Ba�.de, husba.nd and wi f e .of C�.i ro . <br /> � <br /> � of the Co2snty of Hall , a�id State of �,�ebra,sKd, � , fo�� and in eonsideration of tlze s�um of <br /> One dollar anc o�her valuable consideration DOLLARS, <br /> � in h�anc� pa,�id, do h�ereb� gr•ar��t, bargai�a, setl, convey and co�afi7•��z unto P�,��1 Ck 0� COrinO�' Of �t. Ml Ch8,e1 <br /> of the County of Buff�,lo , and State of Nebras'_�a , tyee following tlescribed real estate situated <br /> ��" 2n H�,11 Cozcnt�, anct State of Nebraska , to-w�t: <br /> Tne Southtivest quarter (SW�) of Section eight (�) Tov�nship Eleven (I1) Range tu�elve (12) <br /> in Hall County, RTebras�a, ^ubject to the unpaid taxes on said �remis�s and subject to <br /> a, mort�age thereon in the sum of Seven Thousand (�7000.00) Dollars. <br /> ��� �� <br /> ,, <br /> �� <br /> � TO HAVE Ah�D TO HOLD the p�•emises abo�;e described, together zvity� all tlie Tenements, He�°editanzents and AppurtEnances there- <br /> � icnto belanyir�g, 2tin�to the said p�,�riCk 0� Corinor ;� <br /> i <br /> and to hl� heira a�nd assigns, foreroer. , <br /> A7ad �qe do hereby covenant 2vitfa the said G�'c�ntee , anc� 2v�itle hi� heirs and assigns,that <br /> we lawfully y�ized of s�aid premises; that they are free fr�om eneicmbrance �gCep� �,S abOV'e Sta,ted ; � <br /> � tltat 44e have_good right and lazvful autho7•ity to sell �the sa��ze; and � �rg do he�•eby covenar�t <br /> to 2carrant and defend tlze title to suid prerraises against the Zazvfti�l clai�rns of all persons whomose�ver � <br /> And the said �r�.ri�;o r S hereb� relinquishe.�all <br /> �cneir rl;�ht , tltle �,n� C1�,1m — — — — — — — — — — — — — in and to the above des�cribed p�rentiises. <br /> Signed t�is • 2�th ���✓ �f October , A. D., Y9 31 <br /> I - <br /> In :fy�s presence o f <br />� B.J.Cunntngham Charles Baade <br /> Anna Baade -� <br /> ;: <br /> state of Nebraska i+ <br /> ss. <br /> Ha,ll Cou7at�, On ty�is 2�th cla� of OCtOb2�' A. D., I9 31 , <br /> � <br />� � before,�theunde�rsigned. B.J. Cunnlrigha,m � � <br /> a Notccry Picblic, d2t-la,� corramissioned and qualvfied for arcd residi��g in said County, personally eame �� � <br /> Charles Ba�.�.e a.nd Anna Haade, husband and vaife <br /> � <br /> to me knoavn to be tlze identical persons whose �Zameg �,re affixed to the foregoing instru- � <br /> I <br /> �SEAL� �nent as gra�xtor S , a�zd acicnowledged the same to be thei r voluntary aet and deed. <br /> � W2tness m� ha�zd and Nota�°ial Seal the day and Sear last above writtere. � <br /> �l[y commissioai expti�•es the �jth day of Au�uSt 19j�j <br /> B.�. Cunningham <br /> Notary Public. <br />_— ___�_—:_.. . - :, _ __- _ _, __.__ _.—_--=.——--_—_—____—_ — _-_------ _- ----- -- <br /> ,.- __ .�,._:_ - _ _--. --- ---_—�-=—_ �__-__ <br /> -- — _�_ <br /> ;, <br /> ,. i; <br />