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� 40�`� <br /> � <br /> � L1,�J' � �LlJ J � ��c� <br /> �_J�� � �1��_,.� <br /> CONTAINS 281 PRINTI�;D RTORDS <br /> - - _ __ _.. ___ ,,._—. <br /> . .� .. . .. . 24�2�.-=+nr� ��A�l�L CQbtF°tiY L1DLL:L. �a.. . .. . . . . , -- -__.___._ . .. .._._-___ ___ ... . ---..__ ....._,__ <br /> �� STATE Ob' NEBRAS�A, �� <br /> �� ss. <br /> ��� J.R. Derby �,nd tiv if e Hall Coicnty, E�ntered in N2cmerical In- j <br /> �� de� arid filed for reco��d in the R�egister of Deed's office of said � <br /> TO Warranty Count�, the 2d day of NoVember 19 �1, at 11 � <br /> Deed <br />_ j <br /> , <br /> '� Fred O.Harrell o'clocTc and -�- mi�iutes, A. aI. ! <br /> ��-�,���u,��- 'i <br /> � Register of Dee�s, jj <br /> ` gy Deput�. �i <br /> , ;� <br /> � �, <br /> i: <br /> , <br /> , �1�D� ��� �PI� �1 ��jP�P ��P�Pl�t�: '! <br /> � �� <br /> �hat We, J.R.Derby and Verni ce 0.Derby, Husband and Wif e ;; <br /> � <br /> ;� <br /> ; ;; <br /> , <br /> of the CJozc�nty of platt@ , and State o� ly�bTaskd, , f�r a7id in conside��ation of tlze szcm of i� <br /> 'i <br /> ' FIFTEEN HUNDRED FIFTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - � - " - " - � - - - - - - - - - DOLLARS, ;� <br /> i <br /> ��n hr�.�zd aic� do he�reb�. rar�t ba7• ain sell conve� and con zrm un�to Fred O.I3arre1l �" <br />� 2� , J 9 ' o �J , , J f'� <br /> ii <br /> , <br /> i of the Coicnty of Hall , and State of Nebraska , the following descrabed real estate situated '; <br /> , <br /> , <br /> ; !' <br /> 2n DOI13.ph8.T1 2n Hall Coiant�, and State of Nebraska , to-7,vit: ` <br /> jf <br /> , <br /> The South Seventy Five Feet of Lot Tfiirteen of the County Sub-Division of part of the ;� <br /> South Half of Section Five in Tovanship Nine North, Range Nine, �6est of the 6th P.144. ;; <br /> Hall County, Neblaska, � being a tra�t seventy five feet North and South and One Hundred ;� <br /> ! f�fty ei�ht feet in length off the �outh side of said lot Thirteen. ,� <br /> j ' <br /> ;; <br /> �; <br /> i 1i <br /> I <br /> � �; <br /> I{ �i <br /> II �i <br /> ', il <br /> i I i' <br /> ���j TO �HAVE AND TO �IOZ.D the prentiises above desc��ibed, together �:ith all the Tenenzen#s, He��edita�nents and Appuytenances tliere- �� <br /> I' <br /> � ;; <br /> �; unto belo�agirti�g, tiin�o the said Fred O.H�,rre11 � � i� <br /> i` i <br /> �'' and to hl S Taeirs and nssigns, forever. i� <br /> �I II <br /> �� II <br />� �� And yQg � do hereby covenant 2vith tyie said CX�'a�titee , and u'rith hlS heirs and assigns, that i! <br /> �; �� <br /> �'� a mort�a�e in favorUfol� �'he Hame aavin�sth�t �o�rir��'s��'onoe��c�'inco�n,�e rpttiroh�ich�t�ieiGr�n�ee��ie�Fi�n <br /> ;j sumes � and agrees to �ay. !j <br />��� ;� �t�i t y,�E Ta ve good ��ight a�ad lawfacl autlior�ity to sell th�e same; and vC� do hereby covenar��t <br /> �i <br /> !i <br /> i; ; <br />, ii to u�arrce�at and defend the t�atle to said premises aga�inst t�he laivful ebc�i�rns of all persons 2�;liorynosever ;j <br /> f ;. <br /> , _ �! <br /> .� <br /> i Ancl the said �?.R.Derby �.nd �'erni ce 0.Derby lzereb� relinquishes all ji <br /> la <br /> C the1T Tlght , title and interest - - - - - - - - - - �n and to tlae avove deseribed p�remises. ;� <br /> Szgned this 2!}.th da� of � OCtobeT , A. D., Y9 �1 I� <br /> I; i <br /> !; ' <br /> In i��p7'ese7zce of �� <br /> '� Geor�e F.Rambour Jr. J.R.Derby i; <br /> i� �� <br /> 1� Verni ce 0. Derby 'i <br /> I �I <br /> �S'tat � <br /> ;� e of Nebraska ,( <br /> I i; ss. ; <br /> ji P1d.ttE Count�, O�t tlzis 2ZI-th day of OCtObel' A. D., 19 31 i� <br /> I • :� <br /> „�/- 'i <br />' before,�the undersiyned. !� <br /> `' �i <br /> � a Notar� Publec, dzcb� coz�2missio�ted and qualified fo�• a��d residing in said Cou�tty, personally eame �' <br /> '' J .R.Derby and Vernice 0.Derby,Husband and qPif e ! <br /> i <br /> ' i� <br />� � to me k�n�ow7z to be the ident�ical personS �vhose �iames a.r@ affi�ed to the foregoing instr2o- �i <br /> i" <br /> � <br /> � � SEAL� ment �as g�rantor S , and acicnowledgecl the same to be th�i r voluntary act and deed. 1� <br /> i� <br /> Witness m� Iiand and Notarial Seal the da.� arytd �ea.r last a�bove w�°itterv. �� <br /> ;, <br /> r <br /> i �'y eomnzission expires the 13 da� of Sept. 19 3�J �� <br /> ,V <br /> George F.Rambour Jr. ;� <br /> ; � Notary Public. ;I <br />------ - --:� -- ----- -- ------- ---- ----- '� <br /> i; <br /> I� <br /> �j <br /> i; � 9_ _,_ li <br />